Do you think Moonlight deserved Best Picture?

4  2017-02-27 by Subeck



Haven't even heard of it before

It's the sequel to Spotlight.

It was actually a good film. I preferred Hell or High Water and Manchester By the Sea but I can't complain about Moonlight. I was happy with anything that wasn't Lala Land or Hidden Figures tbh. In the end the only category that I thought there was a clear cut winner and it woulda been a robbery was if Affleck didn't win best actor (which he did). I was also pulling for The Lobster or Hell or High Water for original screenplay but of course they lost

Shut up, fag

I didn't fucking love the movie and I was bummed it had a sad ending and he didn't end up settling down with a nice woman, but in all seriousness the movie was very well made. It was written well, the acting was excellent (especially the kids), and the cinematography was really good

The story fucking sucked though if it was better i would have actually liked it somewhat

Hell or Highwater was fucking great and unlike the rest of that horseshit racially honest.

Silence was the best picture.

Yeah it got robbed. Honestly i think its my favorite Scorsese movie

It's up there for me too.

I don't like to watch "these kinds" of movies.

ding ding ding ding

I haven't seen any of them but I'm for whatever win assuages my white guilt and venerates the blacks/muslims for their bravery.

I would rather buy 10 more Compound subs for a year and delete the passwords than be involved with any of this shit.

It's the only movie in the best picture category that I watched so I couldn't really compare it. It's pretty good but it could lose at least 20 minutes towards the ending. It's also halarious how much of a oscar bait movie it is. It's clearly a movie with black people which caters to geriatric oscar voters and which the avarage black movie viewer would want nothing to do with. It's based on a play so it has a three act structure, the only music that is played isn't hip-hop but old soul music even though it is set in present time and of course the main character is a soft ass niggah on the downlow. After last years complained that there weren't enough movies with POC this was the movie that was made to win.

Yeah i was the only whitey in the theater and the entire audience was audibly uncomfortable when anything remotey close to gay came up. I think a couple of people even walked out lol

All those movies sound like they were made just to get awards. fuck dramas who cares.

I watched it last weekend. It was okay, but I thought Manchester By The Sea was better.

Yeah i was the only whitey in the theater and the entire audience was audibly uncomfortable when anything remotey close to gay came up. I think a couple of people even walked out lol