Another MMA fighter....ugh.

19  2017-02-27 by bry03cobra


If only they had a UFC podcast for the fighters and a wrestling podcast for the wrestlers.

thats the most infuriating part. As if Jim didn't already have an outlet for this interest.

But thats "Autism Jimmy". Likes metal, but only Sabbath. Likes sports, but only MMA. Likes movies, but only ever watches three of them.

cross promotion

He doesn't really like MMA. He just likes it because he has access to the famous people and a good relationship with Dana White. He doesn't know anything about the sport itself, I guarantee that.

| I guarantee that.

Do ya?

It's astonishing that he's been a fan as long as he has, and that he still has no idea what happens during a fight.

He gets a very over the idea of the fans?

~ therealjimnorton

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Or tax ever illegal immigrants need to be sorted.

~ CokeFloatsInMaCup

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Are you people dumb enough to not think that maybe a reason why jimmy got the ufc podcast was for the fighters to go on his radio to promote the ufc.


he sold his soul for nothing, dana white better be paying him good after all the pretended interest he gave to the ufc

I believe Jim and Sam already do have separate shows for their respective interests.

at least sam isn't lying to himself and bringing in wrestlers all the time, he knows most people hate it.

That's true, but I'd much rather hear a wrestler with a personality being interviewed than some dull MMA numb skull

They were entertaining every once in a while

You were saying?

WWE garbage is for 13yrs old.

They do Stupid.

This is dreadfully boring.

I'm sure all the men obsessed with UFC to overcompensate for their lack of masculinity are probably ok with this.

I haven't made it through a whole show in a while :(

When does the show contracts renegotations begin again? I need hope for an Ant + Jim Reunion to not want to kill myself.

Terrible start to the week....

You guys seem upset with today's show thus far.

No its great... the Oscar talk is sooooooo entertaining.

You're yawning so hard at the Lithgow interview.

Yeah so.. soandso had a fight with soandso and they were a friend of mine and were disrespected, so im going to show soandso what it's all about. Dana this... Dana that... blah blah blah.

They're interchangeable really.

"A good striker but can't ground and pound" or vice versa depending on who they're talking about.

Jesus fuck will they just go ahead and fuck one of these wrestlers and get it over with

Apparently, the Oscars was riveting television...

Over under next hour of show is all Oscars

Dissecting the fuck up is good, I don't watch the Oscars...

I bet this guy's a real problem.

oh god i hate when he says this about every single fucking UFC moron.

hes a beast

He's a bad motherfucker, man

sure, but does he fuck before he fights?

haha i remember that retarded question completely shut down the chanl shonnon interview, chael was always good on the mic but that tranny hooker hack managed to fuck it up

which interview are you referring to? id like to check it out thanks

it was one of the ona chanel interview, dont know how many he did with them but hes a good guest from the one i heard, u should check them out

It was only fun when stunt boy Jimmy would get kicked, punched, or choked by them. He's too fragile for that now.

it was never good, it was like hearing that esd fella put stuff in his shitter without video element

UFC fighters and porn stars are there for no other reason than Jimmy's own self indulgence. It's a 'fuck you' to the listeners, because they're almost universally reviled by the audience and make for useless radio about 95% of the time.

nah jim is doing us all a favor, we all had to pull over and jerk our raging boner b4 going back to the road

what pisses me off the most is how he'll say "some people dont like the UFC guys" like its only a handful of people that hate it when its the other way around, only a handful of jimmy dick suckers/idiot UFC fans enjoy it.

And then Whoo Kid comes in, who is seriously like the black Brother Joe. Adds absolutely nothing to a joke or conversation, he's like talking to a "Typical Black Dude Response" soundboard, the guy's a fucking retard. And he sends Sam down his faggy 17yr old chick pop culture rabbit hole. I hate Whoo Kid.

I like UFC fighters. They're better than the fucking "15yrs talk" of the fucking wrestlers.

'I do my talking in the octagon'. Tremendous.

MMA interviews, social media numbers, and FBI crime stats: three things that helped bring down a great radio show.

Did Jim finally realize that his "put me in a hold" bit he did with the fighters was outing him as a submissive homosexual?

"A good striker but can't ground and pound" or vice versa depending on who they're talking about.