If these fat models are so proud of their bodies, why do they always wear rib-high underwear that covers their gunt?

55  2017-02-27 by FunkyTreasure


covers their gunt

That's why.

they hide treats in them

to be a model you have to basically workout hard every day, rarely or never indulge in tasty food, take care of your skin/hair, w/e and these fucking fat cunts want to bypass all that shit and just be models and be fat fucks and somehow that's ok

if I wanted to be anything like an olympic athlete or a astronaut I couldn't bypass the hard work and become that thing because it would be asinine. This shouldn't be any different. Fuck society.

<if I wanted to be anything like an olympic athlete or a astronaut

This is the wrong analogy. They make clothes for fat people and need to market them somehow. It's like the Special Olympics of fashion. Or Retard NASA.

ok NASA might be a stretch but special olympics actually works, except none of those loveable wetheads ever think about being actual olympians. These cows want to get rid of the "plus-size" label and just be regular runway, victoria secret gals.

That's what sickens me the most. It's not unique to them. It's endemic to the country.

Everybody wants to be celebrated for just for being themselves, or, in actual terms: not fucking doing ANYTHING. Literally participation trophies. Participation fucking world championships, or somethin tsss.

Sports illustrated got another plus size this year even bigger than Ashley graham and decided she needed to be seen by the world in body paint

Ive been saying this for years, man.

Literally, to someone named Megan Tonjes on twitter.

Also a lot of the fat chick instagram accounts, every other post is "my weight doesnt define me, dont let your soul be put down by its shell" or whatever...while the account name is "fatgirl26"...it is literally defining them.

you obviously hate beautiful and brave women!

I mean, come on people

lighten up folksh

Granny panties are so hot right now.

So their balls don't hit the floor

Because, silly, they AREN'T proud of their bodies. That's the Kike media, along with all the other lowest common denominator, anybody-but-a-straight-guy-who's-white, horseshit ttelling you that they're "proud of their bodies".

So the smell marinates better. Then when I peel those suckers off her the smell really hits ya.


lol that's like asking If Lesbians aren't attracted to men, why do they then date butch girls?

Don't know if I really know what you're talking about here but, am I the only one here who wants to do dirty things with Lucy Collett's butthole?