[Video] Jim and Sam comment on a reporter's voice (store clerk records cop)

19  2017-02-26 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


That was both funny and tedious.

Also, if some old dude showed a woman a video of himself wacking off in most other countries, he would either get laughed at or beaten bloody with a shoe. Stop making yourself so helpless, ya fat titted rainbowhead.

That's a minor detail compared to the awful voice of the dude. It's hard to pay attention to anything else.

He could be warning me about a fire in my own house, but I would only pay attention to how shitty he sounds.

"Igzyuse me zir, I zee yure mass-sturbating in yure on hows but it abbears to be own fvier"

Hey Sam - only girls think saying "tig old bitties" is funny anymore. Faggot.

I really fucking hate Sam Roberts.

He sounds like a young and spritely Edgar.