Opie...is that you?

3  2017-02-26 by Dannyprecise


I forgot just how faggy the rest of reddit is

It's pretty gay here, too.

Yeah but we're gay because we like traps and sweet sweet boipussy, not because we're faggots

There's nothing less gay than carlteenmachine spamming hardcore gay porn.

It's the only way I can cum

its called "boipucci" you fucking normie

I'm drunk but that's no excuse

i4chan Le very edgy lol!!

You're gay af

I is normie loll not edgy autistic people loll

Just a fag, I'm afraid.

We are manly man who enjoy the feminine bosoms of Opie. Nothing gay about that.

Not their fault you grappled with the Cooter of Doom. DVV DVV Fawk yea, her pussy is like the devil!.. A fucking chip line is almost at 3000 upvotes, It's only missing the "Tss".

Came to post this...I can't how gay the outside world is. This is why I'm trapped here.

I've had the opposite happen to me on several occasions, when you have no expectations of getting laid, so your cock smells like mustard, your pubes are fully in tact, and the girl has already decided to blow you so has to hold back gagging.

Always makes me laugh.

I only ever seem to get laid when my balls smell like cheese

It's like God is trolling me

I sharted at a party once and still wound up getting a bj. It was comical