Flutesy is on vacation

24  2017-02-26 by barlowqt


It really fucking bothers me how attracted I am to this hook-nosed bitch.

I'm with you. Patrice would call her an ugly hot bitch. I honestly don't mind the bird-face, I think she's sexy.

she is a 23

I would have to go with a 18. Her face is detrimental to the rankings. The only reason she is not a 16 is that dumper.

looking through her pics I figured she's an ugly beautiful bitch, but a beautiful aite lookin bitch seems about right.

I was thinking the same, 17 actually.

I like when girls have a flawed feature like that. If she was perfect with a perfect nose, I couldn't even fantasize about her without feeling phony.

she is a 23

The people on the bottom of that cliff just had their sun blocked out from that honker.

She could smoke a cigarette in the shower with that fucking schnoz but I still want to lick her rim.

Her legs are the texture of ants face.. yuck

Looks like a satellite photo of Fallujah.

Of course I'd smash it, I'm hetero, but really just not my type. Give me a 90 pound cardio freak any day.

Like a garbage bag full of corn flakes.

She looks like ET on a segway

That's an ass that can only be built by two years of mandatory service in the IDF.

Or by being Puerto Rican

Who dis bitch?

East Side Dave's marginalyl attractive regular guest. The running joke about her is that Dave wants to fuck her desperately but never will. That doesn't stop him from inapproriately yelling at her and licking face without her consent though.

I grew up in a fuckin barrio. She's a 5 at best.

I'm pretty much in one now and the main thing you notice is that the metabolism wall that's around 35 in other parts of the country is right around 18 here.

Rule of thumb: If you get a glimpse of something skinny in your periphery, don't even bother because there's a 99% chance she's in high school (obligatory Uncle Anth joke).

Don't feel obligated to make any further jokes, of any nature.

Can I touch you inappropriately?

Please do

Madre Dios...

she looks like she's about to rappel down that seaside cliff with her grotesquely enormous beak

Or swoop down and steal some hatchling from a cliffside nest.

They can glide for miles.

she should ask Troyquan for tips

Her nose functions like a dorsal fin by helping her to steer in the water.

Are these lipo rod entry points? Yeesh ....

Fucking slob has a gut hanging out on the beach. Hey tramp, ever heard of leaving it to the imagination missy?

Fucking weirdos in here. Either calling her a 10 or a 1. She's a pretty attractive girl with a very nice body. That's it.

-6 out of 10 would not bang

Except nobody did either of those things. One person called her a five and you did the opposite of finding the average.

Are you saying he's telling porky pies?

I told you not to speak to me.


Never, never speak to me again.

But you're speaking to me.

Never again.

Now we're stuck in a loop. Like that movie with Tom Cruise.

Days of Thunder?

No, the one about the cowboys.

I'm talking about context. I'm not being literal you stupid motherfucker. I'm looking at the general vibe and it's very black and white. Sorry I confused you.

You're quite the faggot. Relax, faggot.

Nobody insinuated she was a 10 though, you silly homo.

Read my last post, you sexy sausage.

Don't try to cuddle up with me now. Ahh, I can't be mad at you, come here ya big lug!

:: walks forward while unzipping pants ::

I'll suck it! What, you think I'm some kinda fag?!l I'll suck it, you'll see!

Show me. Where you been, Kit Kat Club?

A nose you could mine gold with. Still, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't smash.

She could swing from tree to tree with a shnozz like that.

In. The. Poo.

That bruise next to the cellulite dimple is enraging.


What a bunch of fags.

I bet her butthole smells lovely.

I heard that girls are easier when they're on vacation...

Flutesy does have one mighty fine, thick dumper.

I would like to ejaculate into her vaginer

You all hate Flutesy because she would never fuck any of you!!! She fucks me!!! - Flutesy's dad.

Come to Uncle Ant... Shureeee..

Channeling Morning Mash Up Nicole I see.

This chick is sexy as fuck. Dat body is smoking, son! Also, I like a prominent nose on a gal. Don't know why she associates herself with Dave.

Where was this photo taken? Whore island?

She has a home there.

Fuckn kangaroo lookn twat.

Average at best

looks like maya rudolph

I would fuck her in the cunt mouth and ass

Is that an "entrance & exit" wound on her leg?

Half of you virgins have never seen a vagina up close. Every single naysayer would jizz in their pantaloons after the first dry hump with "Ole Buzzard Beak".

Myself included

I was hoping she'd spend her vacation on my face not some beach.

Flutesy looks like the type whose cunt needs a good long scrubbing out.

The ocean's a start.

The pic looks like someone contemplating the beginning of a long, hard journey. Good for her.

No ass shot no care

Instead of being on vacation, I wish she was on my fucking cock! OHHHHH!

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I would love to get a dildo stuck up her butt. Then accompany her to the emergency room and offer support while they are extracting it. I would hold her hand and kiss her on the forehead and say breathe... breathe. Then I would take a look down there and say you're doing great we can see it.

thigh bruises make my dick hard

Are you saying he's telling porky pies?

I'm talking about context. I'm not being literal you stupid motherfucker. I'm looking at the general vibe and it's very black and white. Sorry I confused you.