Goddammit, a potential girlfriend of mine was scared off this sub! R.I.P. u/streetsdont

0  2017-02-25 by A_Friendly_Creeper



You'll always have /u/I_Hate_Knickers

I'm nobody's sloppy seconds.

Don't tarnish my good name.

I think I pissed her off because she was commenting on like every thread multiple times and I told her to shut up so sorry if she won't give you any pussy cause of me dude

And by potential girlfriend do you mean a woman you have been stalking?

I think I'm to blame. When I say blame, I of course mean, thank.

Wait, are you the white knight beta fag who stalked me on other subs telling me to treat "pretty" girls nicer?

You're mad gay, fam.

Btw, she was 37, part native Indian and volunteered at homeless shelters. Nobody in the right mind would touch that. I did you a favour. She also sent me a lame picture of her middle aged body captioned "I'm a fat girl right apple bottomed boy?" Or something equally cringey and lame.

No, I never stalked you, I'm not that lame

I don't know who you are

Be glad she's gone. She wasn't funny, interesting and we don't know if she's hot (spoiler; she's not)