An album of some old O&A joking around stuff I made back then

1  2017-02-25 by [deleted]



I don't hang on to stuff later so it was all deleted. Was able to track down some of it down. Went back to wackbag. They changed things though and couldn't find some photoshop threads. Lots were in thread 90 and most recent seems to be 88. Archived stuff is even older. So whatever over there. To log in, thought I'd need the email and I'm like, I don't know. But was able to use the username and get in then save those pics. Probably never have to go back to that site. haha.

Difficult to track things from over here once accounts get deleted. Google isn't good for trying to look stuff up from deleted accounts.

This page used to be ok.

You used to be able to change newest first, to most viewed. Then choose, from the week, month, year or all time. Now when you do that it's sorted oddly. So couldn't use that.

This site was good.

Archives things by the week. You can go back years ago and it has screenshots of posts even from deleted accounts. Threads with 0 show up. But sometimes though joke pic posts didn't have a thumbnail image and only text. Probably got deleted too fast or something and the bot didn't catch a screenshot. I didn't have time to check text and only looked at thumbnails. Sometimes I'd go months without joking around. When I was saving these I was keeping track in a text file of when I posted them because some days would have more than one. So kind of looked at that redditweekly site around when I posted some. Don't have time to go thru all that. Did salvage a few though.

There's also things I couldn't put in the album. Here's some old joking around videos.

Oct 13, 2016

June 4, 2016

Jan 22, 2015

Then these which were NSFW and couldn't put in that imgur album it it could be deleted.

Sep 2, 2014


Jul 23, 2014

NSFW warning, graphic

proof it's a photoshop, and not real.

Jun 8 2014

NSFW blasphemous

This was the guy's original

These potty bandit opester ones. Was only able to track down episode pics 4, 5 and 6. So there's 1, 2, 3, missing. I think somebody commented on all of them. So somebody might be able to track them down.

Did a good one of bald opie where he's with Ron Howard. He has a hat but I used another pic of Ron's bad head on Opie. Couldn't find that. He looked like it was really him.

I remember doing a pic of Ant I think he was outside at a BBQ after he was fired, with his black buddy, trying to make it look like he's not racist. And I put a watermelon motorcycle helmet on Ant's head. I think there was an album of a few things. Oh yeah one was coonjigger Cumia where it was this old toy where you'd push a button and it would make this black guy dance. It was actually called Coon jigger. I made Ant's face black like an African American, that was not easy, and photoshopped his face on the toy.

I think I did some stuff over at r/opieradio back when he was obviously the mod with it's layout. Fuck, did that stick out like a sore thumb. Trust me, nobody gives a fuck that much. haha. Probably paid somebody for that layout too. I seen somebody did a steamrolling opie but I had done one before that but it might have been over there.

You can tell when it's my shit eh. Try to make things look a little more like it's in there with a bit of shadow instead of just jagged edges. See, this joking around shit helped with learning tricks for my own stuff. So wasn't wasted time. But yeah.. looked over at r/opieradio and I remember when he bailed out of there after nobody was showing up like he thought they would. hahaha. Now it has no layout. Nobody's even posted since!

I think that's about all I can recall for now. Did get a lot of them. Plus wasn't easy with the's because no account.

Here was that text file of the image posting dates. I already mentioned everything above so you're wasting your time clicking them. Maybe get an idea of dates when I was around. If you'd go thru the redditweekly during these times, might be able to spot some. There's that potty bandit Opester missing episodes 1,2,3. Those didn't have thumbnails. Things with joke pics didn't always have thumbnails. Some of this stuff too, I put time into it and it was a 0. haha. So you can't go by how many upvotes. But you can probably recognize the photoshop style. Like potty bandit Opester episode 1 he was pooping all over a urinal in the XM management washroom.

The imgur posts you can remove the i. and the .png, .gif or jpg to check out the imgur pic page where you see the posting date and maybe more info to like an old thread here.

Some old O&A joking around stuff I made back then

Oct 13, 2016

June 4, 2016

Jan 22, 2015

Dec 9, 2014

Nov 22, 2014

Sep 15 2014

Sep 2, 2014


Jul 24, 2014

Jul 23, 2014

NSFW warning, graphic

proof it's a photoshop, and not real.

Jun 8 2014

NSFW blasphemous

This was the guy's original

Jun 7 2014

May 31 2014

Dec 9, 2013

Nov 14, 2012

Oct 31, 2012

To aid mobile users, I'll fix gfycat links to spare bandwidth from choppy gifs.

~17.3x smaller:

Original submission (100.0 Karma): crazy shock jock opieradio guzzles a whole jar of goats blood! (animated gif 17mb)

I am a bot | Mail BotOwner | v1.1 | Code | Ban - Help

Shut the fuck up.

So you're gay right?

So you're gay right?

Trust me, you don't want to ask me questions where I ramble on and get side-tracked. Then you have a bunch of reading to do, taking up the bit of spare time you have left in a day.

To answer your question, me, naw I'm not gay. But, I can't pick up hot chicks. All I can pick up are the bottom of the barrel. Tried that in the 90's on the telepersonals. Best to just stay single than to get involved with them. Lucky I got out of it without getting some fat chicks pregnant. Tried the online dating but when they see what you look like you can't even pick up the bottom of the barrel. hahaha. So fuck it, I give up already and just work on my shit.

But uh, yeah.. to answer your question, sounds like some tricky waters to navigate that question in today's politically correct society. If you say you're gay, you get gay bashed, probably by the cops. But if you say, "if somebody wants to stick it up a stinky ass, that's their problem". Then the LGBT, and whatever other extra letters they have these days, those folks get you fired from your job. Also if you'd say that, it wouldn't be politically correct enough, so you'd have to say something like.. "If somebody wants to stick it up a stinky ass, that's their business".

My attitude is, people will always do whatever they want no matter what you think or say. Ant really should realize that with complaining about foreign people. Probably still does it all day long yet fixes nothing in the world. Best to just chill out about it and leave people be. It's pretty bad though when you do it about their race. They can't change that too much. Similar thing though about which way they swing. Like the other day while checking r/all, seen that Ross guy who used to intern for Leno. Like, come on.. guys like that couldn't pretend they're straight no matter how much they tried.

I'm not one of those though. You wanna know what I'm like.. when I was looking around for old's found this one. This is what it would be like later in the night after joking around with O&A stuff.

Holy shit I'd forgotten about the famous "you need to learn to appreciate good music" vid.

what the fucks the matter with you?

Here was that text file of the image posting dates. I already mentioned everything above so you're wasting your time clicking them. Maybe get an idea of dates when I was around. If you'd go thru the redditweekly during these times, might be able to spot some. There's that potty bandit Opester missing episodes 1,2,3. Those didn't have thumbnails. Things with joke pics didn't always have thumbnails. Some of this stuff too, I put time into it and it was a 0. haha. So you can't go by how many upvotes. But you can probably recognize the photoshop style. Like potty bandit Opester episode 1 he was pooping all over a urinal in the XM management washroom.

The imgur posts you can remove the i. and the .png, .gif or jpg to check out the imgur pic page where you see the posting date and maybe more info to like an old thread here.

Some old O&A joking around stuff I made back then

Oct 13, 2016

June 4, 2016

Jan 22, 2015

Dec 9, 2014

Nov 22, 2014

Sep 15 2014

Sep 2, 2014


Jul 24, 2014

Jul 23, 2014

NSFW warning, graphic

proof it's a photoshop, and not real.

Jun 8 2014

NSFW blasphemous

This was the guy's original

Jun 7 2014

May 31 2014

Dec 9, 2013

Nov 14, 2012

Oct 31, 2012