That time when this sub stole Spaghetti stories from 4chan and claimed it was a shock jock teeny bop original

0  2017-02-24 by MarcMaronsDumbFace


YOU SELF UNAWARE FAGGOTS ARE JOKES THIEVES. You have made threads bragging about the voss gag and how "hilarious" it is to do the gag on other subreddits because only you 'genius' get the genius comedy.

I bet when you guys watch south park with your friends, they laugh at the fart jokes while you laugh at the subtlety behind the fart joke because you are so comedically genius.

No one gets you, teeny bops. The teeny bopper is the only 'understander' of true comedy gold.

hey fellow shock jock teeny bopper...guess what? Rich voss will be at a comedy club on a few weeks from now..


I invented that. this sub is so original. we should be on the radio fellas, we so funny. we are not self unaware thiefs.

Why do you care about this?

He created the voss-roll.

Memes are just things created by random idiots, sometimes the memes make it big, and sometimes the creators can't handle the non-recognition for creating such a thing. Such is life on the interenet

Dassabesso, jussa shitpostin' 'n' fucken...

go jump in a fire

Oh, real original, teeny bop!

Did you steal that one from Jim?

Why do you care about this?