The truth is about to come out!

26  2017-02-24 by IHatePeopleDotCom


Off the record, on the QT, and very hush hush...

What a bitch to be killed by a man covering his nose and mouth with his hand

Patton if you still have a bit of decency left in you don't let the cops take you alive.

Kill your kid first. It can't be allowed to live while you're dead.

I hope when I die they find piles of cocain and pills.

And kiddie porn mixed with presidential assassination plans

nice addendum

switch out the coke with more pills and I agree.

Fake news. The proof?: "comedian" Patton Oswalt

We all know he killed her with a thousand pathetic hammer blows lbut he's too weak to leave bruising.

death by a thousand cuts. poor girl probably suffered for hours before slipping into sweet unconciousness

you have to know your wife is taking a Keith Richards amount of drugs and that makes Patton complicit in her homicide. He saw the signs and did nothing. now he plays the sad widower card as if her death was a complete surprise to him.

Your wife is killing herself in front of you and all you care about is virtue signaling to your ultra-liberal hollywood friends. No wonder the bitch killed herself, she probably supported trump and thats what made patton kill her.

We legit don't even need to keep up the 'he killed his wife gimmick' The truth is way more sinister and alarming.

But he did do it.

How surreal would it be if all the talk about Patton murdering his wife, started just to troll him for being such a douche, turned out to be true? I might never stop orgasming.

Rumour has it that Patton can only cum when he's choking his lover.

On that fateful night, he never stopped orgasming either.

But Trump is the problem

Oh man, if i wake up one day and it turns real

Xanax isn't an antidepressant. What idiot wrote this?

Well she's not depressed anymore, is she?

to be honest I get pretty depressed when I dont have xanax.

You know at first this joke was fucked up even for me. But I don't pass judgement. Then it went on so long it became funny. For a second just now reading that article I thought it's not funny again.

Then I almost smiled because it's actually hilarious.

He's got someone fired for saying on social media that it was a homicide that's overcompensation

I wish we could go back to a time when he did Ratatouille and laughed alongside Jim, Ant and Pat Cooper.

Rumour has it that Patton can only cum when he's choking his lover.

On that fateful night, he never stopped orgasming either.

nice addendum