Do you listen to "No Agenda" show?

0  2017-02-24 by aftershave

Here's something to keep your attention

Since some of you are really left out there without any good entertainment to pipe into your ears between disability checks or during oil rig maintenance, I thought I'd share this show with those who have never heard of it.

No Agenda is sort of like O&A with too much show prep and informed opinion. It's hosted by Adam Curry (the guy who co-invented podcasting) and John C. Dvorak (a technology guy who hates the world).

They put out a 3 hour show twice a week shitting on mainstream media, snowflakes, and pop culture. These guys have no ads, and it's fully listener supported.

I used to listen to it back in the day, then took a break for few years and I'm back in it because there's nothing else worth hearing out there. To get a sense of the kinds of shit they cover, check out their episode artworks

Anyway here's the latest episode.

Their subreddit is here


hey I know that bitch ... Kasey something ... I used to love her porn ... she still shoots?

Whats her (pornstar) name?

Kelsi Monroe, fellow masturbator

thanx I did not know she still shoots


Dvorak is great but Curry is worse to hear rample on than Opie

Why do you ask?

Anthony thinks this girl is disgusting.

Something of value? What is this doing here? Thanks. Sounds interesting.