Jim Norton vs Judy the Caller (02-24-2017)

57  2017-02-24 by [deleted]



"This is a comedy show" - said in the middle of a 13 minute segment with no humor.

"this is a comedy show" hasn't worked for Opie, Anthony, or Jimmy since around 2012.

Jim is not a smart man. He's completely unaware of this fact too.

Judy fucked him up.

She could have interrupted him less, though. It gave him an easy way out.

I liked Judy. Real firebrand.

Judy was an annoying bitch who couldn't shutup to let him talk. I wanted to strangle her.

I'm gonna be Freddy fence rider on this but I kinda agree with both of them. Jim shouldn't just spout shit out about news things he doesn't know about, but not because he has a "responsibility" but because it's just boring and sometimes annoying. They both were cutting each other off and Jim could have toned the passive aggressiveness down a few notches.

Jim had a touch of Opie come out of him during this convo

Oh, I'm glad someone else is noticing too.


you heard the sound obstruction in his voice as the audio waves pass his plump billowy breasts as well?

So we agree that Jim is autistic.

I still don't understand why jim is at the board he has no idea how to run. Switch back.

No. I like how awkward Sambo looks when he's not helming the ship.

"Pseudo-enlightened Jimmy" is as painful to listen to as Antwan Kumiya's racial rants or Mushmouth McFlapjacks attempting to do anything on radio.

Some part of Jim must understand he had no point and was clutching at straws.

"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid."

If you ask Jim about a woman shitting on your chest, he'd be a genius.

Jim barely has an 8th grade education cause he was getting so zooted. Anyone who really think Jim is smart or well educated is on a Bobo level. Guy has spent his last 50yrs edging himself with his spare time

I heard he went to rehab and has been sober for some time now.

What is with it with women, public speaking/media, and "responsibility"?

Its related to the "radio hole" phenomenon. They love it when guys make them laugh but you say the same thing on air or in print, the "responsibility" thing.

Case and point... during the week long power outage on Long Island the boys talked about siphoning gas Mad Max style and some cunt with a stick in her ass called up saying, "Dont encourage people its irresponsible."

"Case and point"

Oops. Ah well, stubby fingers, autocorrect...Who cares

He had his case, and his point.

Apparently this bitch wants every media outlet to have the same opinion

And you want Forbin. At least she's not on the Reddit shouting about it.

No i had to hear her dumb condecending voice

Kinda cringed a bit too when Jim was praising O'Keefe like he won a Peabody award for his investigative journalism.

He's like Julian Assange without the relevance.

And the sexy silver mane.

Jim thought it's a good point that Milo said "why don't all of these people saying they're going to leave to go to Canada go to Mexico instead?" People that are for letting the immigrants stay here are pro-immigration because they are aware that Mexico is a shithole and America is much better so they don't want to send people back to Mexico. Why would somebody who acknowledges that Mexico sucks want to go live in Mexico? They aren't pro amnesty or pro immigration because they think "boy I sure want to be around as many Mexicans as possible." They are pro immigration because they think "If people come here and contribute we shouldn't send them back to the shithole they escaped." Milo's point wasn't clever or funny.

I didn't read this.

Same here dude. Same here

" I'm gonna get the papers get the papers "

Why does immigration work like this? Pouring 3rd world immigrants into first world countries, creating ghettos of people who will be a permanent underclass. Wouldn't immigration work better if we poured first world people into 3rd world countries? Like if a bunch of Asians and Europeans moved to Africa. And brought their money and knowledge, and created jobs etc. That would raise the quality of life in those countries. Our current immigration system just makes the poor in our 1st world countries poorer.

Third world immigrants aren't being forcibly thrown into first world countries. People who want to leave the country they are in tend to be from third world countries. Why would somebody with an education and career in America want to move to some third world country in Africa with no useful resources or infrastructure or modern technology? It's not like our current immigration system is one where we are making poor people move to America... it just so happens that people who live in shitty countries with no opportunities want to move to countries with more opportunities.

I'm against illegal immigration because instead of the shoe store being in a building, it's on the sidewalk now.

If this was a comedy show, Chip would have asked to eat her cooter.

Why do I hear that these two are constantly talking politics? Do they think that there aren't enough shows right now that do this?

Whenever Jim is presented with the idea that he may be wrong about something, he moves the goalposts. It works when he's being funny about it but this was devoid of humah.

Any event can be made fun of, but are you really posting threads about how hate-able Jim Norton is saying shit like this? For what? Yeah, we all know he's a fucking wormy cocksucka. Okay. Hate that if you want, but taunting him indirectly on the O&A subreddit? I don't get it. I'm genuinely asking you this.

I never understood why Jim keeps angling his headphones that way after shaving his head. There's literally no hairline to obfuscate. Is it psychological? Is Jim autistic? Does he lack the self-awareness to realize that he's just drawing attention to his head (and related insecurities)?

What would happen if he had to wear them like a normal person? Would he be off his game all show? Damn, now I want to see it. Someone tweet the show to make the dare, just to see if Jim handles it better than he did Judy.

someone tell him to use a fucking ear bud

Wild guess: Judy has pink hair, thick-rimmed black glasses and is over 280 pounds

I was thinking skinny mildly attractive spoiled rich cunt that's never met a black person outside of college and lives in a 99 percent white neighborhood.

Nah, planned parenthood supporters aren't rich cunts. They want their seeds to flourish.

Lucky bitch.

  • obsessed with abortion issues

  • using the phrase "is this an aylturnativ Fayct?"

Confirmed cunt

It's the comedy channel. He has no obligation to do shit. He said "so I was wrong so what." Sums it up.

Reddit see's this site as dangerous now. Lots of people coming out of the woodwork to attack any point close to disagreeing with democratic issues.

Boo fuckin hoo

boo fuckin hoo hoo I invented concern trolling Robin. Tell em Fart_Parfait.

that feel when you are a faggot

You're right...carry on with your newfound persecution complex

Boo fuckin hoo

You're rights. We're all such victims and the powers at reddit are secretly out to get us!!!


Ohhh you got me man. Just shut up and keep making fun of Bonnie's sister for my amusement cumrag

BTW Joe Matarese is the greatest living comedian. Just my opinion.

This is what it's like for women in a relationship with him. He argues like this.

At some point he threw a tantrum/argument with Chelsea peretti over her not wanting to eat his ass. Baby boy wouldn't stop his tantrum/argument till she did it.

From then on baby boy got his salad tossed regularly. Happily ever after.

I wish Jimmy had ramoned this cunt

Sam Morrill: I think this significantly more famous and rich guy is pretty witless...the cambridge guy who's so dangerous to the left they created a riot at Berkeley and then stopped a book deal. Morrill is unfunny and retarded. Kind of a hard combination to pull off.

This site the last funny subreddit is a danger and is conforming or getting shut down. Just watch.

Judy is a vacuous, annoying self righteous cunt. That's the side the people here took. Judy is the definition of everything the people here used to hate.

At least the police are closing in on Patton.

Milo is a fag.


One of the worst callers ever. She really needs her cunt face bashed in half.

At least this twat sounded hot.

Holy shit, he gets so defensive right away. We don't expect him to be well versed in geopolitics, but looking shit up and be factually correct isn't much to ask for, regardless of whatever profession you're in.

Listening to Jim Norton talk about arrogance? Oh the irony.

And to paraphrase him, "people like Judy who think everyone else is not capable of making their own opinions?" If I'm not mistaken, Amy Schumer, who Jim defends, wrote a lengthy blog post lecturing the supposedly brainless Americans who were swayed by Trump.

How about her arrogance Jim? How about Patton's arrogance Jim? How about your arrogance Jim?
