Would Joe Cumia Sr be proud of Brother Joe?

8  2017-02-24 by Wolosocu

Give than Brother Joe has turned into a 60 year old cosplayer who lives off welfare, do you think it's possible that Joe Sr would be proud of his eldest son if he was alive today? Something tells me "no" but I could be wrong.

What do you think fam?


They are all pissy-eyed faggots.

& in a Fight-Club-like twist, we find out that Anthony IS TREE-FORT RICHARD

My guess would be that Sr would be pissed that he didnt come up with this scam. Here he was out skimming quarters off the ole vending machines when he could have been collecting a check from a lucky relative.

He came up with the greatest scam of all time when he made that childhood pact with Anthony.

believe it or not joe's cover bands are pretty good. i wouldn't pay money to see them but if i am sitting at the bar at an indian casino and they are playing in the background i would enjoy them. ant makes enough to support him so i'm sure joe sr. would be fine with it.

U2 is a band chock-full of faggots, which means anyone doing a tribute to them are on a faggots scale that I can't possibly imagine.

From God's lips to your ears or something.

Considering Joe Sr. Sounds like a bum, I'd say he'd think his namesake is a chip of the ol' block.


Excuse me fam?

Jeeeeesus Christ

Just ask him.

/u/JoeCumiaSr comment?

As a child spit connoisseur I'm mildly proud of him, everything else about him is shameful.

Cock ring.

Joey Sr. didn't care about anything but drinking and looking like Powers Booth.

Not true, I cared about horses and children too.

If I was Sr, I would be ashamed of what my two sons became. One is a niece fucking racist pedophile. The other is a fuckin 60 year leech wannabe rockstar who bums off his little brother. If Sr could have seen the future, he would have left Ant & Joe on side of the fuckin' road when they were kids and drove off. The Cumia family is just... there's no words. Awful human beings

Coulda turned out Dawn for a pretty penny