Why are Jim and Sam so terribly uninformed about pretty much everything they talk about on the show?

67  2017-02-24 by peopleforgetthat

I understand their whole thing is "doing no prep" and just being off the cuff, but shouldn't they at least know some of the facts instead of touting ridiculous opinions?



Jimmy is a blank slate, as empty inside as a chocolate bunny. Sam cares only for wrestling and processed children's foods. There is nothing to either of them. As vile as Opie and Anthony are on a personal level, at least they had distinct personalities.

Ut tut tut! But Jim is a "dirty" boy who does "dirty" things! He enjoys the sexual company of the transgendered community! Isn't that irreverent?!

It was irreverent in 2001. Most everybody is a tranny-fucker these days.

Even my pastor told me straight people who fuck trannies could still go to heaven although being gay is still a one-way ticket to hell.

It's a shame you couldn't even answer on account of his penis being crammed in your mouth

That was his thing, then his thing became his diet and body obsession. His anorexia has killed the last bits of funny that he had.

Jimmy saying he was an expert on the transgender community because he fucks them is bizzare. He used that as his Trump card when he argued with Jeffrey Tambor when Tambor accused him of being insensitive towards read issues.


By that logic Ant is an expert on children's issues.

He's also a recovering alcoholic, don't forget that. He was so wasted a couple of times when he was 16 - don't know how he made it this far. What a hero.

As many downfalls as Ant has, at least he was reasonably knowledgeable about various topics/subjects, whereas Jimmy knows fuck all about anything other than a few random niche interests, even though he considers himself a fan of MMA, I'm sure his knowledge of it is nothing more than someone who occasionally catches a Connor McGregor fight at Buffalo Wild Wings. Sam is basically a teenager who only knows professional wrestling and pop culture.

Exactly. Sam is basically a professional teenager with regular access to a microphone and a bafflingly broad listener base.

Patrick Bateman's apartment had more character than Jimmy's new place; it's basically a blank, empty cube. Sirius selected the two most boring people in the world to host a morning radio show and all the old school car crash sound effects that conjure up the impotent ghost of a dead show can't imbue either one with any true bite or basic personality.

Check out da big brain on this piece of gahbige

It always annoyed me when people (mainly Opie) called Anthony 'professor' just because he liked to talk about the things that engaged his curiosity. Anthony had a shallow interest of a lot of subjects, and that's not a criticism. Good for him, I say.

This is in contrast to Opie who lacks any thoughts in his head, and Jimmy who obsesses over nonsense with a laserbeam focus, in exclusion to absolutely anything that is remotely interesting.

Forget Aristotle, and fuck Socrates. Here comes Professor Anthony.

tss cogito ergo cumia or sumthin tss

Some of the best segments came from Anthony finding dumb shit on YouTube. At least he was doing something.

Jim is lazy and not interested in anything but edging. Because of this Jim can't hold an adult conversation. Sam is an intern.

They think they are the hot shit and jimmy is stifled in 1999.

Even 1989 is being generous.

1999 was a great year.

Arguably the best year.

1999 sucked dick. Unless you loved shit music, cell phones that can only make calls, DVD players that cost 600 dollars and shit 64 bit graphics on games being played on a 19in TV that weighed 25 pounds.

I did.

Well now you can carry all those things with you, with something thinner than a pack of cards that you can buy for 20 bucks at the dollar store. So you never have to take off your rose tinted glasses.

But I'm not 18

you can buy for 20 bucks at the dollar store.

Nothing costs 20 bucks at the dollar store #LiteralScarletNumbers

Why the heck would we give a hoot you didn't know what you were missing yet.

You & Big Jay Oakerson's wardrobe would get along swimmingly.

Some of the shittiest music ever made came out in 1999.

Come on Barbie, let's go party...oh, oh, oh, yeaaaaa

The Columbine shooting is what really sold it for me.

In '99 black & white ppl music was shit. Only good things I remember was anime and spongebob. I was 7...

Travis seems to be the only one who has any knowledge on any topics. They are scarily uninformed about everything in the news, and then try to pass it off by acting above it.

Knowledge Dog wOOF wOOF wOOF

He was wrong about apple releasing new iphones twice a year the other day.

Not a big deal but it stood out because he's not usually wrong about stuff.

For J&S it's the opposite since they are so god damn stupid 99% of the time

Travis seems like a genuinely intelligent person. Even Ant was reasonably knowledgeable compared to Opie, Jim and Sam.

Anthony's intelligence is completely over rated because he was talking to people who are idiots. These people have all day to inform themselves, and it would actually make them better at their job, but they don't. They just don't have any intellectual curiosity.

Jimmy fence straddler considers himself impartial, but it's easy to switch opinions when they are based on emotion and being misinformed about everything.

Anthony's intelligence is completely over rated because he was talking to people who are idiots.

Yeah listening to The Return of Lady Di & Marion (2013) Anthony kept trying to bait them into debating the George Zimmerman trial and Paul Deen getting fired. It's like being Usain Bolt and challenging Big A to a 100M dash.

The whole point is that he's not Usain Bolt, you bad analogist.

Sam still preaches some outdated 90's mantra that "knowledge is for nerds". He's the only ugly person that doesn't covet knowledge as a form of social currency.

lol, "I'm tired of this topic, can we move on".

They are both extremely self-absorbed. They see themselves as number one and all other people are inferior, stupid and boring. They put their interests first and foremost and don't see a reason to pay attention to anything that doesn't amuse them.

I'm listening to Wednesdays #opieradio.. How can anybody think this is worse than Jim & Sam?!.. It's a better show, unfortunately for the haters.

This is why you NEED a guy like Ron, Anthony, Artie... You need a guy for wisdom and a guy for knowledge. Sam didn't know the planets... You learn the planets in second grade, it's inexcusable for neither guy to know such basic knowledge.

I used to hate when other people on the show would treat Ant like a genius because he had a passing knowledge in a lot of topics. Now I realize just how low the bar had been set.

he's like joe rogan, he watches a lot of documentaries and youtube. that's as far as it goes. but it's above any of these retards.

While you're right that it's unacceptable that an adult human being in the Western world in 2017 has as little basic knowledge of the solar system as Sam "Clint Howard" Roberts, attaching the words "wisdom" or "knowledge" to Anthony's name is almost as inexcusable.

Sure, he's watched a few Discovery channel programs and would know that Mars isn't a hot tamale, but he's a fucking uneducated dope in many other ways.

It's true, we're grading on a curve. But if you speak to a million people, you'd better have your basic facts and figures nailed or people are gonna be shouting at their radios.

i dont know if id call him a hot tamale but hes certainly pretty handsome LOL

Listening to Sam talk about space yesterday was maddening. "They're gonna work on building faster space ships now that we have a place to go." This motherfucker thinks that we just now discovered exoplanets that are potentially habitable. Then he says "Our sun is a star, I never realized that when you look at the stars in the sky, they're like suns that might have planets around them." Fucking unbelievable idiot.

What a fucking dunce.

sam, as a middle aged man with a child on the way, said what every stoned 15 year old says.

That's some Opie level water observations.

Water head*

Mars is hot because it's red.

dumb candy head

Easily looking at over 100k in college tuition wasted.

I was going to comment about that as well. Ive literally never heard anything as uneducated and ill informed as "Our sun is a star, I never realized that when you look at the stars in the sky, they're like suns that might have planets around them." from a grown up with a microphone. There were more gems to be mined from that conversation, but I dont want to revisit them to find them. My 9 year old knows more about space than Sam from her public school education.

It's a good thing that Sam is so funny and likable, otherwise I wouldnt know why Jim chose him as a co-host (besides the HOURS of baby stories Uncle Paul gets to riff on).

I cant believe people pay money for this shit in the internet age.

He actually said that? Fucking caveman is evolving right in front of our eyes.

If you aske me about 1980s and 1990s basketball, I know everything. If you ask me about basketball since then, I have surface knowledge. I'll recognize the names of the top players and will have seen them play if they've gone deep into the playoffs. But for the most part, all I will know is what I half heard about them on sports center. And that's the problem with Jim and Sam and most aging entertainers. You consume everything about sports and pop culture and politics and life when you're young, but then your career and family take up all your time and your interests narrow as you get older. Sam is too young for that, but if I had to guess he spent his twenties working like a slave to become a radio star and then spent his limited free time with his woman and on his narrow interests like wrestling. He probably would have been better off if he hadn't spent his entire days in that building.

What's Jim's excuse? He's never had a serious relationship, no kids and never worked more than 30 hours in a week lets say.

Opie is another one, his first 50 years of life he had all the free time in the world and never filled that with an interest or hobby.

They just like pop culture shit and that's what they know about. I haven't watched a movie since Django unchained but yet I could tell you what jets most countries Air Force's use. The internet has made it possible for every person to live in their own personal interests bubble and not have to have exposure to other things.

Maybe when you have a spare moment you could bone up on proper apostrophe usage, Mr. Knowledge.

Wasn't claiming to be Mr knowledge. Just saying everyone has their own things they like and now have a lot of information/entertainment on those subjects. So they don't have to watch or read about other things.

Hang on. I'm not sure what to do when someone responds politely.

never worked more than 30 hours in a week lets say.

Eh, I dunno. The one thing I do respect about Jimmy is that he seems to work hard. I would find his schedule exhausting. Always traveling, doing standup every night from the sound of it. I'd burn out fast doing that.

They're children in adult bodies.

Like we're saying, the opposite of Anthony.

haha, wonderful

Sam said he gets his news from BuzzFeed.

The Jim Nopieton and Samthony Roberts show is a deep state experiment intended to enrage and divide the fans.

Jimmy's a sidekick. He's a smaller Andy Richter. Sam preps a little and knows how to move the show along. He knows why the guests are coming in, throws in the plugs and does seem to do some research (imdb search). Jimmy on the other hand wings it every show. Cares more about posting stupid videos of himself naked or half naked on facebook. He's got the good morning slot. They get good guests sometimes. Stop worrying about what window coverings you are going to buy for your chic downtown apartment and get back to being a funny little man.

Remember the 3-5 episodes where he bought fake Yeezys? Let's get back to that kind of comedy gold again before the show is ruined.

Sam wrongly learned, from years of studying radio under opie that. "being stupid and uninformed is cool" He still hasn't learn people don't want to listen to a moron. Even if he's scream into a mic "Where we at with that shit, they got that figured out yet?!!!!" in a failed effort to cover up complete lack of knowledge on subject that most 6th graders have a basic understanding of

I hate Opie but atleast he brought us the Elvis Radio trashing so there's that. Jim and Sam are two nothings with no interesting hobbies and empty lives.

Hi Judy.

Sam knows about wrestling and jim knows about trannies.

What's the difference?

Doing no prep is lazy as shit.

One's a third mic at best, one's an intern at best. What more do you expect?

They're not curious people. A guy like Ant would actually get interested in subjects and follow little rabbit holes. He might stubbornly ignore things he disagreed with and remain kind of an ignorant ass, but he had curiosity. The original show relied on his "smartest guy on the job-site" role a lot.

I don't mind Jim and Sam being uninformed. What's awful is that when they talk about a subject they're just "winging it". They come up with the first take that pops into their head and you can tell they've never thought about it before and they'll never think about it again. Sam comes off as especially arrogant when he puts a little mindless spin on whatever news story and sits back like "ahh, we really closed the book on that."

I think sometimes that Norton has Florentine's voice in his head all the time - "Why are you gonna do that, that's gay", when he tries to veer off his hampster wheel of Sirius - clubs - home. Florentine was his role model when they lived together, and Norton is so impressionable and a chameleon like, he probably absorbed that "Dont do that, what are you, 6?" mentality from him - that's why they're both 50 year old men who identify themselves by what rock t-shirt they wear. Florentine is exactly the same - he's just a hard rock trivia sponge, and doesn't know shit besides that. No wisdom, no insight, no growth.

Everything Sam knows about the world is what his mommy told him.

One only cares about trannies, getting celebrity photos, pulling on his prick and starving himself like a 15 year old Valley girl.

The other only cares about greased up musclemen fake fighting, middle of the road pop hip-hop, defying nature by reproducing and 5 year old cuisine choices.

If they're mean and funny, they're doing their jobs. If anyone is relying on these two genital warts for their editorial opinions on current events, they're barking up the wrong tree.

Jim and Sam should go ahead and openly accept and embrace the fact that they're a couple of uneducated, uniformed shitheads.

Sam just had a baby and jims only job for a degade+ were sniper lines

you can have either have life experiences that make you interesting or superior level of education, they have neither.

If you're listening to Jim Norton and Sam Roberts for serious, well-informed commentary on anything, you're a dolt.

That's not the point. Nobody is listening to them for serious commentary. The point is that they think they're offering it. That they do absolutely no show prep at all out of laziness. That they're basically babbling into a microphone about topics they know nothing about, which makes them uninteresting to listen to.

And when that fails they go right to the web

Good Point

Jim won't even take the time to learn how his iPhone works and you expect him to prep for a national radio show?

They are the type of guys who just want to be seen as goofing off, but intelligent. They're both deathly afraid of committing to an opinion because of their lack of in depth knowledge on the subjects, for fear of being called out as a faker. Rather than inform themselves (which takes effort and some time) they just play a game of hoping over mines by being sarcastic and ironic and hoping that it makes them sound like they know what's going on without actually having to know or say anything. I don't know why they find it so tough to stay updated, but it would probably have something to do with them thinking it's too boring. Which, let's be honest, only women hold that opinion.

Basically what Jim bashed Bobby for doing. Who's shmarmy now?

I think it's because Sam is really Rachel Dolezal and Jim is just a retarded gay guy who wears panties and steals money from fans.

SiriusXM is sanitizing its airwaves for your protection, and mine. Seems they'd rather be comfortable than funny.

I understand their whole thing is "doing no prep"

that's... the bit? I dunno :(

They're children in the unconvincing form of men. One needed to take hormones to stop being a boy and the other just accepted not growing past 5'1"

i dont mind no prep if you're going to ball bust and just talk about random shit but sam and jim act like they know what they are talking about.

They had Elijah Wood as a guest for ten minutes, this interesting guy in Hollywood since he was a kid, who makes horror movies with his lord of the rings money, and is probably a closeted homosexual.

And they talk to him about political correctness and Milo Yanananopolis.


you see, to do "no prep" and be "off the cuff" u have to be funny and smart.

Like you said in the post. They don't do prep. Jimmy has always treated this as a side gig even though its where he has earned the bulk of his income the last decade or so.

Sam is basically just a walking, talking Buzzfeed article. He just parrots bullshit.

They are a mirror of the common American asshole. They know absolute shit about most topics except their dumb niche hobbies (wrestling and trannies in this case). But they know they can't talk about that stuff all the time so they try to talk politics, current events, pop culture, etc. But because most hours of their days are either spent on their hobbies, or with their heads in their assess, they don't have time to be well informed on this shit the same way normal smart people are. So their shit opinions are amalgamations of occasional cable news, what they can remember from conversations with random people, and whatever they see on their Facebook feeds, correct or not. They are among the 80% of retards in America that know more about the Kardashians than they know about how the three branches of government work. These are the people that will ruin the American republic form of democracy by letting the bamboozler-in-chief run roughshod over the constitution.

S: Are you saying we are terribly uninformed?

J: Oh well I think so.

They're trying to play high school ball in the NBA.

It was irreverent in 2001. Most everybody is a tranny-fucker these days.

That was his thing, then his thing became his diet and body obsession. His anorexia has killed the last bits of funny that he had.

What's Jim's excuse? He's never had a serious relationship, no kids and never worked more than 30 hours in a week lets say.

Opie is another one, his first 50 years of life he had all the free time in the world and never filled that with an interest or hobby.

Hang on. I'm not sure what to do when someone responds politely.

Jimmy saying he was an expert on the transgender community because he fucks them is bizzare. He used that as his Trump card when he argued with Jeffrey Tambor when Tambor accused him of being insensitive towards read issues.

He's also a recovering alcoholic, don't forget that. He was so wasted a couple of times when he was 16 - don't know how he made it this far. What a hero.