Jim got called out by a female caller for being completely uninformed, unprepared, and irresponsibly legitimizing bullshit and became a completely hateable, panicky baby boy. Here's a transcript!

145  2017-02-24 by RamonFrunkis

Yes, I am a retarded, autistic faggot. Let's dock.

Sam Morril (SM) in studio, they're discussing Comedy 101 or whatever the "roast the new comics" show Earthworm Jim (EW) was on when Judy in Iowa (JI) calls in..

Here's the audio

EW: Oh no! Someone wants to yell at me? Judy?! Wants to yell at me!? Ughh

SM: Judy Gold?

EW: No I wish Judy Gold.

SM: Sounds like a yeller.

EW: She really is, even when she's being nice it's like... WHAT?

SM: Aggressive.

EW: Hello, Judy in Iowa. Yell at me if you've gotta.

JI: Hi, Jim. I saw you at the Improv, you were great.

EW: Thank you. Are you on a speaker?

JI: Yes, I am, I can take it off. I called a little earlier because I just wanted to tell you, it's pretty irresponsible, the way you talk about some of these news stories. Especially the Planned Parenthood., like, you just threw the Planned Parenthood videos into the James O'Keefe story, which--

EW: Was I wrong?

JI:... meant nothing. Yeah! Of course you were wrong! You were--


JI:... knew if you were wrong if you ever read the news.

EW: I do READ the newsssss. Sandy Kane updates me. Now, heeh, now what was I d-d-d-do-who who did the Planned Parenthood thing?

JI: It was a political action group that just heavily edited video and--

EW: OH OKAY! I-I-I-I just. I-I-I-I jus.. you know what I was thinking of?

JI:... themselves. So to even put it out there like that's a thing--

EW: No, no, hold on!

JI:...is a little irresponsible.

EW: It's NOT irresponsible! NOBODY thinks I know what I'm talking about.

SM: Heh.. heh..

JI: Jim, you're IN the media, whether you like to admit it or not. You ARE the media, and so--

EW: No, you're wrong!

JI:... to just throw that.. No, you are! You are! You -

EW: Judy...

JI: Reach a lot of people, whether you like--


JI:...it or not. I know it's a lot of shitheads (HEY, JUDY!!), but they are still people you are reaching, and a lot of people, every single day. So for you to say that, you know, James O'Keefe, well, ya know, he was doing some good work, or whatever you had to say ab-.

EW: Nah.. I didn't SAAAAY good work! Hold on! I said he does this typ- this is the type of undercover stuff... (panicking).. and he DID have some stuff from 2008, Adrian's telling me, so I KNEW there was something with Planned Parenthood he did.. (panicking) Maybe the RECENT ones I was..

JI: EXACTLY! So you can't just say, "I know there was SOMETHING he did with Pla--"

EW: SURE I can!

JI:..nned Parenthood." You--

SM: It's a fact.

JI: "'re in the media, you--

EW: It's a fact!

JI: need to do resear--

EW: You're WRONG!

JI:..ch before the words com--

EW: No ya don't!

JI:..e out of your mouth.

EW: No ya don't! Because I'm not--

JI: Yes you DO! You're reaching people, you need to have your facts straight when you--


JI: Say something like that.

EW: No I don't! I'm not making st...

JI: Yes you DO!

EW: I'm just giving my opinions. Here's what happens. Why don't you give other people credit?

JI: You're presenting it as fact, and people are believi--

EW: Am I.. Am I.. HOLD ON! Let me ask Adrian. Or.. or.. whatever. (still panicking). Do I ever say, 100 pers... OH I'm uh.. uh.. uh... hnnll.. llll.. AM I YELLING AT YOU AND SAYING, "YOU'RE OUT OF.. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FU... Oh.. okay." (self-assured, got-that-cock-sucker tone) So I'm not presenting it as 100% fact.

JI: Jiiiim--

EW: And.. give every person the same credit.

JI: no one said that, and you know how it--

EW: Judy, no.

JI: comes across, and you know you have responsibilities and--


JI: you need a take a little a bit more responsibility. I used to love you--

EW: Sttaaaaaahp it.

JI: as a comedian and everything but--

EW: (Greggshells tone) Then don't love me.

JI: you need to understand that--

EW: No I don't.

JI: your responsibility here.

EW: No I don't. No I don't. I'll tell ya why, Judy.




EW: NNNNOOOPE. Here's why. (sniiiiiiiff) YOU... tthh thh.. this is why you're SO arrogant.

JI: Oh, okay.

EW: I'll TELL ya why you're arrogant. You have to listen. I listened to you, you listen to me.


JI: I will totally l--

EW: Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-

JI:..isten to you.

EW: YOU gave yourself credit for hearing something and going, "Wow! That's not the way it-it-it went."


EW: So you're not giving everybody else the same credit as you're giving yourself. All of a sudden--

JI: WHAT are you TALKING about?

For once, I agree with a caller

EW: Hold on.. okay, I gotta.. I gotta hang up on ya. If you interrup.. I'm trying to talk to ya but every time I talk to ya, you're just yammering. I'm listening to you, but you're not listening back.

Go listen to the audio when it's up. He interrupted LITERALLY every point she tried to make. She only interrupted HIS "yammering" because he realizes she's making completely legitimate points about how uninformed and ill-prepared he is, so he projects his shortcomings onto her. Including his self-loathing "Then don't love me." and then wonders why his crowds have plummeted.

JI: I will listen. But that made no sense.

EW: It made PERFECT sense. YOU just heard something YOU didn't think was right. So all of a sudden, YOU can hear something and know it's not right, but NOBODY else can do that. My resp--

JI: Is this like an alternative facts thing?

EW: My my.. you j-j-babbling. That's ehh-ehh-ehh if you're single, that's why. (Again, who are we talking to here, Jim? Her... or maybe.. is it you?)

SM: heh.. heh..

EW: I don't take responsibility because I don't give a shit if it's right or wrong. I'm just talking, I'm a comic. NO ONE comes to this show to learn true facts about the news and get their - this is not CNN. I'm a fucking comedian. So if something was wrong, "oh, okay. It was wrong." THAT.. whuu-whu-mm-mm we move along. THAT'S the end of it. And i would have talked to you, but you JUST can't stop "mah mah mah" SHUT UP, Judy.

SM: Is Judy gone?

EW: YES! I hung up on her. Cus she just can't shut up.

Some guy calls in a few minutes later and Jim "clarifies" his main point, which still makes no sense to me. Judy said, "it's pretty irresponsible the way you misreport stories and present things you don't know about as fact." I think his point is that makes her arrogant because she noticed Jim was wrong, she called in, they took her call, she said he was wrong and irresponsibly presents bullshit as fact, and because every single person who knew Jim was wrong didn't bother to call in, she's arrogant? I really, no troll do not get his point here.

EW: It's people like Judy, and she doesn't understand her own arrogance, and then ya try to tell her and she just interrupts. She hears this, and she gets it, "woaaah-ho, THAT'S wrong!" Well how 'bout every other American has the same brain you have, DUMMY. And how 'bout everyone makes up their own mind. Why are all the sudden YOU the spokesperson for the dumb people? JIM, I saw what ya did, but THEY'RE not gonna see it. So how come my responsibility to the media didn't affect YOU seeing it, Judy? Why were YOU so brilliant that you were able to see it, but nobody else can? That FFFFAWKIN subtle arrogance people have drives me CRAZY (lol). Sam, let's make out.

/u/therealjimnorton I think I can provide a decent opinion that most of your real, true, long time fans would partially agree with. Since you INSIST on doing political talk, EVERY single day you can go one of two ways:

1) be "a fucking comedian". Mock the story, political leaders, idiots, premises, the state of America. Do NOT take it seriously, don't defend elected officials or get psuedo-outraged or pissy or try to sound like "Ivory Tower Jim". Just be more like tired Jim who's goofy and silly and having fun.. but AT LEAST have passing familiarity with it before you do so. If you're going for the jokes, at least make sure you understand the foundation upon which those jokes rest.

2) Continue what you've been doing and become yet another political activist comedian. You read a headline, it jives with your confirmation bias, assume its premise, and talk out of your ass while making predictable, hack reactions like, "good thing the libtards/cuckservatives are doing XYZ..."

Feigning moral and intellectual superior stating your "correct" world view AND THEN saying I'm a comedian, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about does not work. For you as a comedian or us as an audience. Either be the ridiculous, silly, goofy boy we all loved or continue being the indignant, self-important, ill-informed pensive philosophizer you fancy yourself as. Just keep making A Clockwork Orange and Godfather/Goodfellas references, those are as fresh as Scotty "2 Hotty" Roberts' little toes...zzzzz


Wait, that was Jim? It read so much like that titted dolt "destroyer".

I was motivated because of the, "I gotta hang up on you if you keep interrupting me." I stayed for the, "HOLY SHIT.. this IS tits!" HOLD ON, SNNIIFFF, Ronny B-ismsssssssssssss, the stammering, the panicky deflection and refusing to accept responsibility..

Good ol' Osmosis Jim.

lol as if jim wasnt responsible for half of OnJ

Great job! It's good to see these sort of exchanges written out like this.

Jim thinks the planned parenthood 'expose' videos are real? God what a moron.

They put out the unedited videos for at least the first one (I stopped following it after that.) The woman was obviously joking about getting rich from the sales, but it wasn't the splice job the media claimed it was.

And I'm pro choice so I don't give a shit, but the media did lie, claiming it was something like the Hard Copy interview on the Homer Badman Simpsons episode and it wasn't.

yea, i don't think any of the people outraged literally thought they were buying lambos

Of course not. But they were offended by the use of gallows humor for something they take very seriously. But I'm sure ER doctors at a place with lots of horrific cases say more tasteless stuff because they're numb to it, so I didn't give a shit.

Never ever underestimate the stupidity of the general population. I see that video being trotted out all the time still by uninformed busy bodies on facebook.

Probably a large portion of those aborted babies were downs syndrome, and you're just going to let them do that to your people?

Sure. I'm more special this way.

your power grows the more you knock off?

"Her sweet, sweet can."

That woman was awful though.

The second call where Jim said she was a trump supporter and cut her off just as she started to rant was funny though

I don't think Judy was awful. She had a great point, but gossamer-feels-Norton cut off almost ever single one of her sentence. Haven't made it to Trump lady yet. If it's remotely entertaining or enraging (which is entertaining), I'll take a stab.

Judy calls back later.

She was terrible and is exactly the reason men hit women.

yeah as if jim can hit her without getting smashed

that why he turned to dommes and getting cucked early on in life, he embraced it.

fuck off with the "i like tranny hookers chick with dicks lol i am a gay cutey bullshit"

I hit women because I'm insecure as a man.

She was a fucking cunt. Anyone who gets offended and takes it personally because someone got a fact wrong is a fucking cunt. Get the fuck over yourself you stupid fucking retard cunt.


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He's getting drunk with power a la Opster

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON transcribing a radio show is pretty autistic.

jim is worse than dopie!! at least dopie didnt think hes some thinker

Watch your mouth mister.

Yeah but she was a thunder cunt... I wish violent rape upon her

Both Jim and Sam are terrible with this shit. They know 30% of a story and just plow forward with their take on it until a caller half corrects them. I wouldn't ever call myself well informed, but Jesus Christ even I remember that story turning out to be bullshit. How can someone be totally ignorant about our culture in the middle of the Information Age?

Both sides lied in the story. Planned Parenthood were not making a profit from the fetal tissue sales like the right claimed. But the left also lied when they claimed the thing was 100% fake. And they left didn't have to lie. All they had to say was "Yeah, they're charging for shipping fees for what amounts to medical cadavers. So?" and the story would have gone away immediately.

Sir, are you implying that "the truth lies somewhere in the middle"? You need some pot talk to get more insight, brotherman! They're all ffffawwwkin' the same.

30% is being generous.

Yesterday they talked about some CNN leaks thing as if it was going to be huge news that proves how FAKE the MEDIA is.

First of all, when the show was on it hadn't come out yet. Yet J&S were saying shit like "wow man", and "this is big" (paraphrasing but that was their tone), when literally no evidence had been shown.

I listened to the show on demand and had never heard of this shit so I googled it, and it had been released by then..


fucking nothing.

pathetic how gullible they are, especially on anything that is negative toward "the media"

i believe jim is bitter that the media and paparazzi never follow him 24/7

Sometimes the autists do good.

This is a great example of Jim´s cluelessness to his own pontificating bulshit. He doesn´t think he´s in the media? I mean his stand up and TV work sure as shit isn´t. But his radio show is visible and he has a fucking opinion on everything. Even when he sits on the fence.

As CQ once said: He´s like a fucking South American Dictator addressing his subjects

hes like underground maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, he didnt ride no ona coattail to be in the media!!!

What do you look like?

Leo d from titanic

Hopefully like he did right at the end of the movie.

And how's that!

Dead and cute as a button with Rose's slit juices on his fists.

Did he get caught jerking off while sniffing his own shoes

Anger is a drug.

stop using backticks instead of apostrophes you fucking subhuman piece of dog shit


Yeah! Whaddya need, a flea collar or something?

Dear god I'm dying. The rage expressed via this comment is awe-inspiring.

the correct word is dyin´

THIS. auto-ban worthy

You're a faggot.

When theyre wrong i shake my head, are audible murmur "no, thats wrong"

But to call in, or write a transcript to prove he was wrong? Thats some retard style shit dawg.

Definitely retarded, but a slow morning, nostalgia for my old listening threads, and since I physically can't tune into Autistic Afternoons with Tits and the Goons to do one anymore, here we are.

I don't really give a shit if he's right or wrong about a 9 year-old story. She had completely legitimate points, he didn't want to be called out, and became an utterly hateable, panicky mess. Everything he accused her of, he had just done, and his psychological projection is actually a bit saddening for Jimmuk.

He wants to be able to offer his serious, respectable, erudite opinions on national policy issues.. then hide under his comedian blanket when anyone realizes he's not an intellectual because he's not intelligent.


Thanks for typing all that out.

Caller sounds like a cunt, fuck her

I agree with everything you said but none of the way you presented it.

If you draw political insight from Norton, Cumia, Gavin, or anyone else that receives regular attention around, please consider fucking suicide.

I get my news from Big A still.

H-h-h-h-h-h-hi-hi-h-h-h-hi-hi-h-hi-larry l-l-l-l-l

I get all my news, political or otherwise, from Bobo's Twitter feed and here.

It's toime to make America great again, awlroight?

consider fucking suicide.

Who's Suicide?

A horse.

Former TNA X-Division champion, call in and ask Sam about it.

and how would I go about fucking it?

Its spelled Sewercide and he's a differently-abled superhero.

nobody is listening to that jam garbage anyway, people are angry because jim worm didnt even bother to get basic facts right you faggot whiteknight

lol Gavin gets paid to write political articles by takimag, the same site that Patrick Buchanan (senior adviser to Reagan, Nixon and Ford) writes for. What "insights" does a stupid internet faggot like you have to offer anyone, NihilistKnight.

Gavin is the only personality who appears in mainstream media outlets who addresses subjects like Muslim inbreeding (over 75% of marriages in Pakistan are between first cousins) and the disastrous health effects they cause. Only a low testosterone, limp existed Hillary voting cuck would pretend that isn't relevant journalism.

UHURU cc1945 😀

Reporting on the sexual relationships of mountain niggers 8,000 miles away is political insight? Sounds like a shitty Vice artic... oh wait nevermind.

Where did you get your proudboy tattoo, queer?

pathetic internet faggot

Are you not responding on the same internet? What a strange attempt at an insult. As soon as you used the word cuck I immediately sided with the other guy

First thing I did was reread it several times searching for the sarcasm. None to be found.

Gavin is pretty ignorant. I am not sure why you think being paid to complain about liberals means that he is informed.

Hey look someone else who reads the daily stormer.

Indeed. Unless you're getting your info from Bob and Kenny, you're doing it wrong.

How do you fuck suicide?

But where's Rich Vos gonna be at this weekend?

Jim is so insecure. I listened to this as well. He's so full of anger. Poor little fake addict.

You trying fighting mescaline addiction for 36 years without a fix.

A 6 pack of budweiser one night in 1984 isnt a mescaline addiction.


Listening to the start of the show jimmy is fucking retarded nobody has even had the time to listen to the all the keef tapes yet what was shown so far in the first couple hours was bias out the wazoo. Fucking infuriating he just continues blabbering nothing because he believes it's his job to carry the show himself. Epic failllllll

<CTRL+F> Peckahs Seems legit

Didn't these cunts hate the Faction name of the channel because they said it sounded political.. Bet yet everyday they start off the first hour babbling about politics.

I don't mind it if they are just bashing politicians, but anytime they are serious, whether I agree with them or not, I fast forward.

You can fast forward through a celebrity agreeing with you?

A surprising amount of people including myself, simply can't.

The political shit will be the undoing of this show. They just can't fucking stop doing it.

It doesn't just sound political though. It sounds like some faggot wearing a beret. Much more douchey.

/u/therealjimnortoJim - this needs correcting

Here's the audio for anyone who gives a shit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYcEvXg_o80

To quote our favorite Corsican pimp.

"Abortion is murder and I don't give a shit. "

Where's the Vos plug?

I honestly was looking for it

Sam Roberts and Jim Norton are faggots

me too

Came here to say this.

Came after reading this

Tl;dr: Jim is a 3rd mic comic, Sam should still be an intern, callers who get offended by radio should kill themselves. Oh, and even an autistic wouldn't have typed all that shit out. Get some help ffs.

Autistic much?

thank you for your service

You didnt tag /u/therealjimnorton, right, faggot

Someone's mom forgot to mush the autism meds into his yogurt this morning.

someone is mom?

I hate you :(

awww :(

Come on let's be best buddies it's super important to me!

I mean it's super duper important that you like me. If you don't what will I do? Oh no! Jarvis some badly thought out name on reddit doesn't like me. I'm going to be so sad forever. /cry. And downvotes hurt people. Remember that. What will the community think of me? I'll never be able to show my face.

If you don't, what will I do?

Commas are important, cunt

ouch. you, know, words, hurt.

Man, you /r/The_Donald people sure get emotional.

Hang in there, sweet cheeks.

No they're army, Navy, Marines tough guys from the Midwest and South. I'm a pussy who used too many pills after dental surgery. I would never be crazy enough to fuck with you sociopaths at Opie and Anthony on a normal day.

I left my confused unfunny shit up because I have to own up to it. I never talk to anyone in any manner let alone disrespectfully to a bunch of funny veteran trolls. I'm way out of my league and loopy as fuck.

She may have a point with Jim, but coming on as 'yelling woman', especially about Planned Parenthood, is not helping her cause. That doesn't mean to treat her like shit, but it kind of does.

He haaaaaaaaates women.

Jim should read the news just so that he's a more well rounded human being considering his jobs. He is just a comic on a non news show, so he is right that no one forms their actual opinions based on these mal adjusted shock jocks.

people do form their uninformed opinion based on these media scums tho

When you see this much effort put into carefully dissecting a radio show, one that you apparently loathe, it begs the question; why do you listen?

I don't loathe Morning Jam. I'd give it a 4 on the worst days and a 9 on the few awesome episodes. High School Debate Jim, Wormy Jim, Moral High Ground Jim, and Baby Boy Jim do trigger my jiggers, but normally I wouldn't care. He is HATEABLE in this exchange.

Opie's current afternoon show is a -3 on its best days.

yeah fawking hater! change da fawking channel! jam is best! now go get your babyboy shotgun~!!!

Because its a microcosm of our world

UNINFORMED: No reading. No research. Just strong opinions.

He's Anthony!

no one cares

We get it, you base your entire vote on abortion. Repeal the 19th amendment.

I like how he tries to hide behind the "I'm a comedian" when every singke show he wants to sound like a well informed person. The result of this is the gesticulating, pontificating phony we all despise and make fun of.

Exactly. He's only "a comedian" when he's wrong, which is a lot. This is what happens when you only get your news from Breitbart and Buzzfeed in between edging sessions.

Breitbart and Buzzfeed.

It's usually one or the other. I don't know anyone who gets their news from both?

Give me gold.

Like Jon Stewart? It's cool and righteous tho cause he's lib/jewish correct?

Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about

Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about

You were either 11 years old in the mid 2000s or your IQ is 80-95 region.

If the point you're poorly attempting to make is that Jon Stewart sometimes said he was "a comedian", the difference is that Stewart was very well informed. What the adults in the room are discussing here is Norton's cursory knowledge about current events about which he has a strong opinion. But again, no one knows what the fuck you're talking about because you just said "Like Jon Stewart?" This isn't Twitter, make an emphatic point in as many characters as you like.

Lick my boots, you gay faggot queer

look everyone, he ran out of brain cells again! Typical Trump supporter

I'm ashamed to be in the same audience as you.

If you had put as much effort into graduating college as you put into reddit, maybe you wouldn't be stupid

Says the Cuck

Jon Stewart's making your vagina sandy 2 years after leaving his show LOL

The point is the double standard, cuck. And no, having as much depth as what's gleaned from news artcles and reading from a teleprompter doesn't count as "informed."

How do I put this so a dropout can understand....There is no double standard here. Jim Norton says he doesn't have to be informed because he is a comedian; Jon Stewart says he doesn't have to be impartial because he is a comedian. Is that simple enough, official Donald Trump testicle washer?

How do I put this so a cuck/minority can understand... using comedy to excuse bias is different from using it to excuse ignorance.

How do I put this so a cuck/minority can understand... using comedy to excuse bias is more conniving than using it to excuse ignorance. You excuse it when Stewart employs it to cover his shallowness or partiality because you agree with his viewpoint, you call out Jim when he employs it because he was supporting something that triggered you. Will your mental illness derived sophistry prove impenetrable to this, virtue signaling white cuck / triggered minority?

No. Jim employs comedy every single day to my amusement. I call out Jim when he PRETENDS TO BE INFORMED ABOUT POLITICS ABOUT WHICH HE KNOWS VERY LITTLE. read it again and again and again until it sinks into your thick, mongoloid, high school dropout skull.

You seem mad, sir. I'm sorry about your mental illness.

Not mad, in fact I enjoy educating idiots. Did you even graduate 8th grade?

Goodnight, sweet boy

You too, I'm sure you have a busy day of gargling Trumps cum tomorrow or something less important

Go to bed.

Don't tell me what to do, I'm having fun

He's trying to be the poor man's Jon Stewart

It's acceptable and cool when Jon Stewart does it tho

Can anyone get a clip of Jim saying, "Hold on, Hold on, Hold on"?

Judy seems like a biased cunt herself.

I agree. She seemed to think theres only one right opinion

It's not even that. That by itself is pretty common. It's her dumb cunty anger that makes her so HATEABLE.

Jim argues like a teenage girl. I can't believe those 3 baby men lasted so long together.

Jim always justifies anything he does which is criticised by saying 'it's not like I was motherfucking...' someone, and says motherfucking in a shouty idiot voice.

Like the fact he could have been worse means he wasn't wrong in the first place.

You actually took the time to write all that out?

What a pathetic thread.

Jim: "This is a comedy show"


Jim's opinion is whatever outrages him at the minute. The man is an uninformed dunce.

Well....I was afraid of this, but I think Jim might be turning into OPIE.

This is the struggle I have with Jim and Sam. Totally unprepared, tackling deep topics with surface knowledge and peppering their ignorance with dick jokes and Sam's faux oblivious, repeat-what-Jim-said oh-the-irony humor.

In short, Jim is saying "I am a comic so I don't have to be prepared or educated on any topic to opine." Shitty crutch.

Hate to say it, but Opie's show is far better and easier to listen to. PERIOD.


At least he admitted when he was wrong, and she wouldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP

He admitted it right away so she had to move on with this "responsibility" shit because she's a child who feels entitled to every emotion she has. I really would like to beat her until she died. Jim should have gone way further than he did.

There seems to have been some pertinent information that OP left out from the show. Now this might make me think less of Jim and his stupidity but Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas Feb 27 - March 5

When I listen back to old radio clips, I realize that guys like O&A, Stern, Bubba, Mancow... they didn't so much win their arguments as filibuster while having the advantage of the console to drown out whatever they didn't like hearing.

He is an uniformed yammering fool. A lot of assumptions and just non facts thrown out. Everybody around him is just as bad too. Tell tranny jokes and shetup.

If you trust Jim and Sam as your source of news, opinions or facts you should stick your head in an oven.

This clip was boring as fuck. Thank you for giving me a heads up on when to skip 15 minutes past this whiny bullshit. Also, Sam Morrill stinks and talks like a child with a speech impediment that can't say words with "R" properly

I have said it and will say again:

Both Opie, Ant and Jim are just slight variations of the same persona.

Both implies two parties, yet you list three. I do not care for these shenanigans.

I've received your complaint and have escalated it to the higher-ups. Let me get back to you on Monday.

To be fair, that broad was a real cunt.

Why the FUCK is earthworm Jimmy's handle EW in this? That reeeally hurts my autism.

Probably because it essentially says EWWWW. Still hate it, go fuck yourself

I blame Sam "I love you, Tucker Carlson" Roberts. That smug prick is so self-righteous and condescending with his ill-informed opinions, how could Middle-of-the-Road Jimmy not pick up some of that behavior? After all, the guy is shaped like any container you pour him into...

What? You took a typing class or sumthin? Tss

I've heard that the GAPS diet has a 95%+ rate when it comes to curing autism. Have your mom make you some bone broth.

Listen Jim; this is why I can't stand listening to your show any longer.

Be more funny.

I still love Jimmy but it's ironic how he keeps going off on her "arrogance". He's a member of the media whether he likes it or not. I don't have the same level of expectations for him, but he is, definitively, in the media. If someone wants to call him out on a factual error, he is wrong. If he gets her off the phone and then smashes her when she can't respond, then he's exactly what he's complaining about in the media.

The videos were not doctored you fucking shock jock teeny bopping retards.

Jimmy panicking was fun to listen to. But I don't think the lady is right about Jimmy having a responsibility.

It's just fucking annoying that he CONSTANTLY has no idea what he's talking about when he does news stories. Do a LITTLE BIT of show prep or talk about something else. Fuck.

this sounds like opie

Nervous bravado wrapped in hack jokes with the social and political views of a cocky dimwit.

Jim should not be running a show. He should be running a podcast and doing standup. I hate Sam but he is better at running a show. With the right people Sam can make good radio..with fights and confrontation that leads to what good stuff is made of. Jim, please crowd fund your exit from Sirius.

All one big distraction to keep this site away from the real evidence finally implicating that wife killer Patton Oswalt.

I think his point is that makes her arrogant because she noticed Jim was wrong, she called in, they took her call, she said he was wrong and irresponsibly presents bullshit as fact, and because every single person who knew Jim was wrong didn't bother to call in, she's arrogant? I really, no troll do not get his point here.

I'm not sure, but I think the point Jim was trying to make was that if he's wrong everyone will know and ignore him, wheres Judy was insinuating that she knew jim was wrong but the rest of jim's listeners would be too stupid or uninformed to know that and they would just accept whatever jim said as fact. So he was calling her arrogant because he thinks she called in to point out he was wrong because if she didn't none of jim's other listeners would know because they're all dumber than she is.

He's kinda right, insinuating that you're smarter and better informed than most of the country is pretty arrogant, but on the other hand most people are retarded and they do just go along with whatever the last thing they heard was. Hell, Jim himself was doing it, which is why he was wrong in the first place.

Typical baby boy behaviour from jimmy though, it takes tits-level insecurity to try to dismiss a persons entire point and call them arrogant when the jist of what they said is "stop commenting on shit when you have no clue what you're talking about, when you do that, at worst you're misinforming the entire country and at best you're retarded."

It wasn't that bad.

That's fine but she was wrong. I listened to it as well. O queef stinks but Jim was right about the PP stuff and she was wrong about there being no blowback from it. There were resignations and PP stopped what they called recouping money for abortions via selling baby parts.

And those videos were not doctored. Frame by frame videos were put out in whole.

This conversation was not good.... he lost his fucking mind. And she's kinda right. You shouldn't rely on jim for information, but he shouldn't go around spouting shit and having opinions on things he knows absolutely nothing about. especially when he doesn't watch or listen to anything created after 1979.

in this day and age, there's no excuse for jim and sam not to have all the facts at their fingertips and to have at least read up a little bit before hand on what they're going to talk about.

Your autism/unemployment is superb. Jim is a faggot and this is why he should never be the lead guy on a radio show.

Judy just wants to get her abortions. Jim is doing a comedy show, he doesn't need to be responsible for being retarded. We can make fun of him for being uninformed, and I just did that today, but that's HIS right and our right is to react to him being a dummy. This bitch really was arrogant, Jim was right. He may be a simple and stupid pussy boy, but I will defend him on this one case.

If you rely on Jim Norton & Sam Roberts for informative feedback on current events... you are a fucking asshole.

Just because the show is on a platform that reaches tens of hundreds of ppl each day... they don't have a fucking responsibility to be informed on current events. It's a comedy jack off hour.

Thats said....Jimmy should still be prepared for the jack off hour....it sounds like they spend maybe 1hr max into prepping for show & trying to create new, interesting shit.

He's hateable. The problem with Jim is he's to stupid and lazy to have an informed opinion on anything. He was good in limited doses with one liners and stock aids and tranny jokes as a 3rd mic. But the whole time Opie and Anthony was carrying the show. Anyone could have been doing what Jim did. At some point Jim started thinking he was the star and started "inventing" characters which were funny at times but it was usually funny because of the person playing along and not necessarily Jim. Jim never understood this and it ruined him. He saw himself in a different light. Now he's a douche.

I'm so glad I don't waste my time listening to any of this shit.

He wants to sound good and that bitch messed it up. She deserved every one of those interruptions, and she's lucky there weren't several more in my gosh darn opinion

If he wanted to sound good he wouldn't have taken a call from someone who wanted to correct him. He would have just said "oh, oh, I'm being told.... ok so such and such was, ok I got that wrong". You're fucking dumb.

Hey you autistic nigger.

How bout you use the actual abbreviations next time? You typed all that shit like a court reporter faggot and you fucked up the most basic of fucking everything. You fucking fuck.

So, Lena Dunham is on the sub now?

That bitch was annoying as fuck. She thinks some guy commenting on a radio show is a journalist. He isn't a journalist or "the media." He has zero responsibility to give that cunt the news.

Stopped reading at 'edited' video. They release all of it.

There wasn't even an ounce of panic. Lol you're a retarded gay.

you wrote it all out and aren't getting paid for it

holy shit OP you are a faggot, that is fucking embarrassing

/u/therealjimnorton Don't listen to these awful, awful people. This is the triggered liberal thing you hear so much about. FUCKING YUCK. I listened to it and you came out fine and she seemed like an angry cunt with an axe to grind.

It's toime to make America great again, awlroight?

I hate you :(