What accent does Stalker Patty have?

9  2017-02-24 by [deleted]




An adopted accent.


An older Jewish woman from Brooklyn.

Staten Island

Alte Kaker

More like "alte kiker", huh? Gevalt!

There's no need for that, sir.

A perpetual resumé builder's accent.

And meeee! Stee-alker Pee-attiii!

Ugh God, I can hear it in my head...

Ah the good old days of the David and Bobo Show.

If I had of added "peckahs" of "im a faggot" or some other phony self deprecating nonsense, would I have had a better chance at getting a serious answer?


You got me. I'm an F-word.

it's an "old jewish lady from Staten Island" accent; serious answer.

Oh ok, thanks.

No she's from the Virgin Islands. Geography yuma

faaawk yeah! good 1 tnp!

ah peckahs

Yeah, think of Mike Myers doing the SNL skit of a Staten Island Jew. Patti has a little extra weird cadence that is probably more due to a broken brain than upbringing.

yeah there's a little bit of a weird Philly-ish drawl to the way she draws our certain words.

Shut up faggot



peesa gahbidge

She's from Staten Island so probably that

She sounds like the woman who inputs attendance at a Brooklyn High School.

Upstate NY mixed with some NYC. I'm like 90% sure she said she was from Syracuse.

I'm from upstate and I've never heard anyone talk like her

She def has some upstate in her. I can't quite place it.

And her dad sometimes slept in the same bed with her when she was a kid and he would come in the bathroom to take a shit when Patti was taking a bath.

A sexy one

Stroke victim?

I can't imagine her story ending well.

I'd like it if after her death it came out that even though she died a virgin she developed an early, daily and lifelong taste for gargling cum.

Cowardly Lion


Lunch Lady

As a citizen of the west coast let me just say, all of you cunts from the east coast sound like this. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go vote for Nader and hide in my safe space. Sorry for calling you all cunts. I...I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry that I did that.

Oh good lord

Blink 182.

♫Dont waste your time on me youre already the voice inside my YEDDDD♫

Henry Hill's wife


Jew York
