Opie claims to have some some "juicy" stuff on Norton and is planing on blackmailing him

3  2017-02-23 by PsychoticPixel

So they were talking about some baseball player backstabbing another player and outing him for using a cork bat.

Anyways Dassabesso said: " you KNow aTHANg or 2 aboUT ThaT, Don't YOu OP? "

Tits Mahoney: " WOW well I wasn't gonna say anything but now that you brought it up....lets just say I just found out some thiiiiingsssssss"

Stolen bike collector: "Dis AbOUt Jim Jim?"

Philly crew member: " lets just say I know all the ingredients to Lil Jimmys marmalade recipe, just wait. "


This was so stupid I couldn't help but laugh.

You're just whacked out of your gourd on kratom bro. Lift some weights and take your shirt off

I'm self conscious about my fatness.

what are you doing with yourself? You've made a parody account of a barely known person, and you're doing it privately to the point where the person you think you're fucking with just found out about it yet it's been going on for over a month. It also doesn't seem very funny but perhaps I'm just too close to the situation to give a fair evaluation. The only funny part about it is how much time you're spending doing it. I dunno man, this shit is very strange. You're literally roleplaying on Reddit as a really cool guy who not only loves pro wrestling but also has the muscular body and pure charisma that he himself could be a pro wrestler. I wasn't sure how I felt at first, I was considering challenging you to a "Judy Bagwell on a forklift match" where I deliver a pile driver, DDT, and then body slam you, but now I've decided that it's all good and I will support you through this. I's really cool stuff and I'll support you through it, but outta curiosity, why would you make this and not even let me know about it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Cause if you don't tell me about it, what the hell are you really accomplishing?


Nigga stole my bike

Link or it didn't happen.

Yeah, I wanna see if this shite is a verbatim quote. lol

Yes, without listening to an extra second of the show. I would like to hear this exact clip.

Oh yes!

I'm self conscious about my fatness.

what are you doing with yourself? You've made a parody account of a barely known person, and you're doing it privately to the point where the person you think you're fucking with just found out about it yet it's been going on for over a month. It also doesn't seem very funny but perhaps I'm just too close to the situation to give a fair evaluation. The only funny part about it is how much time you're spending doing it. I dunno man, this shit is very strange. You're literally roleplaying on Reddit as a really cool guy who not only loves pro wrestling but also has the muscular body and pure charisma that he himself could be a pro wrestler. I wasn't sure how I felt at first, I was considering challenging you to a "Judy Bagwell on a forklift match" where I deliver a pile driver, DDT, and then body slam you, but now I've decided that it's all good and I will support you through this. I's really cool stuff and I'll support you through it, but outta curiosity, why would you make this and not even let me know about it? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Cause if you don't tell me about it, what the hell are you really accomplishing?