Remember that Patrice Documentary that people donated $125,000 for?

95  2017-02-23 by HeeHuhree

I wonder what Von did with all that $? This might be worse than Jimmy's cartoon, at least he made a few episodes.


Spin classes and an acting coach.

You sure she's not using it to get help with her professional resume on

You generally do that when you want to get a job and be productive and- oh, very clever, sir.

I bet somewhere it lists one of her accomplishments as "entrepreneur"

Whenever I see entrepreneur, I immediately think multi-level marketing.

Whenever I see entrepreneur, I think body wraps, and nutralife

She had a nice little vacation to London. Plus she is raising some other dude's sperm.

It was not a vacation! She was meeting up with all of Patrice's UK fans to put them in the documentary, it was definitely not an accuse to go to there.

Yeah it wasn't an accuse! Or an excuse either.

Haha I'm tired

I guess Jimmy has an alt account.

Go to sleep on time and do some show prep you worm.

Yeah but you know Sam has his own stuff too and I just don't want to motherfuck him

Im looking for my son Nick Gerz

That's no accuse.

probably eating some other dudes sperm too

That bitch won the lottery. Every year she gets payouts.

Wasn't that also on indiegogo? People deserve to lose their money if they back a project on there. Flexible funding is the biggest scam of all time. "Hey I need 250k to make this dick sucking robot, but if we only get $3600 I'm not above taking that for free". Fucking Shylocks

Is it really a scam if they flat out tell that? A scam implies there is some fuckery going on. If you want to give your money to someone who may or may not produce any results and have no obligation whatsoever to pay you back, then that is on you, not them.

sure it's on you but it doesn't make them less of a piece of shit

The world is full of pieces of shit. A lot of them congregate here. But it's on you to be enough of a big boy to realize when someone is trying to fuck you and to not let them do that.

I didn't give any money, I'm just saying she's a slimy money-grubbing cunt is all

I'd fuck her.

I bet she would appreciate that. Her life has been without meaning since her obese diabetic paycheck kicked the bucket.

Yeah but maybe the bucket deserved it. Rose tinted glasses and all that.

Look, I'm not gonna sit here and argue about what fat black man who loved food too much deserved what, but all I know is that Rich Vos will be appearing at some pathetic place at some upcoming date for $35.

No way. She's a polyamorous creep who probably has all sorts of mound blisters and Hep.

I hadn't considered that.

I'd do anal. Bagless.

It was fully funded thought.

niggers gonna nig

How long did they live together anyway? The only person getting any cash should be Patrice's mom.

She called herself his wife, after he died, even though they weren't married. A few months later she was banging Knicks.


knickers is into boys.

I wish.

Dem tiddies.

Dat gold

That was part of their arrangement though, patrice did say "you be married to me, I ain't married to you".

"Can I taste yo juice??"

Look, she just needs to take another 3 or 4 trips to Oceania to interview some people that met Patrice once. Before you know it, the "DOC" will be screening on Von's fivehead.

People just don't understand that Patrice was beloved by all of the employees of the 21 properties owned by Sandals Resorts and Von is working to interview every one of them because that's what Patrice would have wanted...

Remember a few people donated 10k each just to watch it with ant, in his house?

Wealthy O&A fan is an oxymoron. Probably white trash that took out a 2nd mortgage to break bread with their Idol.

I never said he was wealthy

That's why I added, "Probably white trash who took out a 2nd mortgage to break bread with their Idol", you fucking retard.

you fags love pitchforking.

tsss pitchspooning tss


i can't think of anyone less qualified to head up this documentary than her. if it was one of his friends it would make sense, and someone like bill would have connections so they could actually do something with it when it was done.

The doc should have been handled by the actual comics who knew him for years and his family.

plus i'm sure there's like 6 comedians he knew who want to break into documentaries since everyone else seems to be doing it. anyone besides dante.

Agree...if she actually paid someone who knows what they're doing then it'd get done.

There hasn't been an update on Indiegogo in 9 months. On it says please be patient, we have done 28 interviews but it takes a long time to make and produce a documentary.

Carolla is banging one to two docs out a year on top of all the other stuff he does.

Is there a way we can troll and harass her?

Get outta here narc

I'm saying this as a womanizing misogynist but, when you attract subjugated women that depend on men financially and emotionally you can't be surprised when they act accordingly. She's doing the only thing she knows how to do to get by in life depend on a man for sustenance.

Like a stripper. She actually has a good enough body to work at a higher tier strip joint, but her age will get her turned away. She basically has to do Craigslist outcalls and abused butthole webcams.

That's a very specific set of outcomes.

Unless you donated, I don't know why you would give it another thought.

Bbbbut i thought patrice trained his bitches...

Fuck that ugly ass hoodrat.

How long did that atrocity that Vos and Bonnie put out take to make? Wasn't it like 5+ years? Patrice has only been dead for a couple of months maximum.

no...maybe it never existed...

it was all spent on the overseas filming; because of course Patrice spent most of his career in London and Paris and also von needed a new wardrobe while she was thr

There was one comic who i think got close to Patrice in the UK. He wrote a thing about his UK life when he died. I don't see why they had to fly out to speak to him though.

She got her hair and nail did.


Yeah, it's mildly delayed, you sociopath.

half life 3 and patrice autopic have the same release date

In case ya didn't know, this is my show and it's fucking HORRENDOUS!

Pepridge Farms remembers

Member when big-shot Opie volunteered to personally donate and make up whatever the difference was if it fell short of the goal, then immediately backtracked? I member.

Anyone that donates money to make a documentary, movie, album, etc deserves to get ripped off

Another ungrateful black woman Bill Burr is beholden to & can't say no to. FIVE years later, what a joke.

Where are these "in perpetuity" benefits for Geraldo or any other x comic that was great and died. Fuck off.

"At this moment, I'm making more than I ever have!" - Jim Norton 2017

Nails and Hair, right fellas?

Why is that benefit put on every year? Who does it benefit? His girlfriend can generate income on her own right? It's not like he's the first guy to die while dating. I don't get it.

From what Bill has said, its patrices mom

Von is hot

Crowdfunding SUCKS. Stop supporting crowdfunded projects.

true its about time that documentary got finished. and i hope norton isn't in it for half of it. god i hope its not all about norton

Is it really a scam if they flat out tell that? A scam implies there is some fuckery going on. If you want to give your money to someone who may or may not produce any results and have no obligation whatsoever to pay you back, then that is on you, not them.

I didn't give any money, I'm just saying she's a slimy money-grubbing cunt is all

half life 3 and patrice autopic have the same release date

It was fully funded thought.