Sam thought Mars was a hot planet because it is red

64  2017-02-23 by Dennyislife

I'm starting to think he has pubes for brains.


I mean, we are in a Dark Age right? People are this fucking stupid?

So you think people on average had better knowledge about Mars in the past?

Yes and no. Not that knowledge of that planet outside of a vocational application is anything but trivia. But I think what characterizes a Dark Age isn't just the amount of knowledge people posses. We live in an age of profound ignorance coupled with a supreme confidence in ourselves.

That's the true folly. Maybe an 11th century peasant didn't have any celestial knowledge but do you think you could convince him that the more debt a nation was in the better off it was? Do you think you could convince him that if he chopped off his dick and put on a straw wig that he would be happier?

Which age was wiser, then?

Fuck off with that shit. You could convince an 11th century peasant to remain a peasant, thats worse than anything youve described about modern society. The past was stupid.

Yeah because it's not like anyone living today can be convinced to know their place in society. It was abolished in the 60's, right friend?

what the fuck are you even trying to say, that 11th century peasants were smarter than us?


how would you measure that? first you would need to explain to them how debt functions, and depending where you are you'd have to explain how currency works. and then probably how countries work. then you would need to explain how countries around the world work, because the whole discussion is scaled up so much. basically you would need to spend years teaching them everything we know now, and then try and get an opinion out of them.

I don't that's a very fair portrayal of peasants

Fuck off with that shit. You could convince an 11th century peasant to remain a peasant, thats worse than anything youve described about modern society. The past was stupid.

People became peasants because the alternative was living outside of a lords protection, only to be raped and killed by wandering migratory tribes of Goths and Huns, you malignant piece of shit.

We live in an age of profound ignorance coupled with a supreme confidence in ourselves

exactly. Some people even think their superficial knowledge on economics entitles them to have an opinion on things like the national debt

does paul krugman have a more profound argument for his economic position than i would suggesting an addict to get an eternal supply of their vice?

i'm genuinely interested, tell me how he does?

does paul krugman have a more profound argument for his economic position than i would suggesting an addict to get an eternal supply of their vice? i'm genuinely interested, tell me how he does?

They don't think it be like it is, but it do!

so you can't. solid quote though. it's old but still kind of funny.

I would wager that paul krugman (right or wrong) has more profound arguments for his positions than your cute analogy. Haven't seen your CV. Did you just find

that was funny.

I'm just a regular old joe here. If the gubmint done do borrow too much money and go into debt then it'll be like the titanic all over again, and the government will go bankrupt. Every post office will be a foreclosure sign cuz Ron paul and Alex Jones told me about Austrian economics.

I remember once in around Grade 5 I had a furious argument with a pretty girl over which is the hottest planet, Venus or Mercury. I explained the greenhouse effect to her to no avail. It was then I realized that women are inherently stupid and I will forever be lonely.

in grade 3 i had to convince a girl that africa wasn't another planet. she had been corrected before when she called africa a country, then someone told her that it was a continent. she thought that continent was another word for planet. she thought they came here on spaceships.

Last week I had to convince a girl in grade 3 to not tell her parents about what I made her do.

fuck off anth

I know how you feel, I once had to convince myself that Africans were people.

And now she is a producer for the Alex Jones program.

Nah she wasn't jewish.


Well I just learned that venus is the hottest planet.

Have an upvote, brothaman

He has pubes on the top of his head, right guys???

That would be adorable if he were 10 years younger and more attractive.


To be fair, the WWE doesn't cover much astronomy shit.

You obviously forgot about Max Moon.

Val Venus

Perry Saturn



Wait. What?


Hey little fella

Wait wait, I got it, what about 'Pal Penis' or something, because you're gay and you love your Pals Penis

Planet Stasiak

he meant hot puerto rican

Jesus Christ he's a moron.

Believing he wasn't joking is pretty dumb too...

He also doesn't know the different between impotent and sterile.

I was listening to this with my face in my hands. I think the worst (for me) is when Jimmy announces that he doesn't believe that nothing can travel faster than light, and says he's going to tell Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Michio Kaku next time. Has he ever brought it up with them?

Later this morning Jim said he didn't fuck with wireless headphones paired with his phone, and only used wired, because of the radiation. Well, shithead, the wifi and mobile radios don't seem to bother you. Do you think there's more energy sending a signal to the headphones two feet from the phone, or to a wifi access point possibly a hundred feet away, or to a cell tower maybe a half mile away?

There's probably more radiation in a banana than Jim's stupid headphones.

Then again, bananas are far too indulgent for James to snack on.

He cemented his idiocy moments after the headphone statement by informing us that he doesn't even know how fucking SIM cards work

Jim is the truest form of pseudo intellectual.He's more concerned with appearing smart than actually being smart

So is anyone who uses the term pseudo intellectual. FYI

I hope the weakest member of your family drowns in a pond FYI


"The yellow one is the sun"

Wait isn't Mars their engineer? What a dope


Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, which is 4.2 light years away....."

Sam: "That's not in our universe, right?"

Obviously he got it confused with Mercury. He should have admitted it though instead of trying to say something pot talkish.

He begged his parents to buy him a faggot costume.

This man is a father.

Pretty sure he was joshin ya.

Damn, that's a hot planet!

Nothing beats when Jim Norton was speculating on the chronology for Dinosaurs and estimated their disappearance to be around a million years ago. Or when Opie was trying to figure out evolution and seemed to be of the understanding that multiple members of a species simultaneously evolve into new species for no real apparent reason. I'll paraphrase but his statement was something like, "So uhh they try to say the Cumia family and Hughes family just went from Ape to Human and suddenly evolved? That's soo trippy maaaaannn." Idiot doesn't understand genetic bottlenecking and how there wouldn't be a "cumia" family 250,000 years ago.

Yes and no. Not that knowledge of that planet outside of a vocational application is anything but trivia. But I think what characterizes a Dark Age isn't just the amount of knowledge people posses. We live in an age of profound ignorance coupled with a supreme confidence in ourselves.

That's the true folly. Maybe an 11th century peasant didn't have any celestial knowledge but do you think you could convince him that the more debt a nation was in the better off it was? Do you think you could convince him that if he chopped off his dick and put on a straw wig that he would be happier?

Which age was wiser, then?

how would you measure that? first you would need to explain to them how debt functions, and depending where you are you'd have to explain how currency works. and then probably how countries work. then you would need to explain how countries around the world work, because the whole discussion is scaled up so much. basically you would need to spend years teaching them everything we know now, and then try and get an opinion out of them.