How can I get adderall without a prescription?

0  2017-02-23 by TheScarletR

Or something similar


One of the deep web sites? It's expensive but it works.

Or just get a prescription. It's pretty simple. Why can't you get one?

I'd recommend not buying drugs online. Deep web is better than Craigslist which is probably all pigs doing stings. But they can catch the package at the shipping center and flag it. I know they busted a lot of people buying Tramadol from overseas pharmacies, and I think Adderal is a higher schedule pill.

Most shit from tor makes it through. Most people only sell domestically and are incredibly good at stealth.

Good points. I'd never order them from overseas though. I've done it heaps of times but always domestic shipping.

Ask friends. I get Ritalin from someone who is prescribed the drug but dislikes using it.

Someone in discord chat had a link he uses. I didn't save it, but they also sell crampton.

What is Crampton?

He's that actor from Breaking Bad.

Straight out of Crampton

The Autocorrect version of a drug a lot of degenerates around the sub use.

they also sell Frampton you piece of garbage.

you were mentioned on TACS. How does that feel?

Damn, this is coming off him getting caught double dipping a chip at his SB party. So now with the TACS mention at least 2 dozen people thinks he's an ass

I went to type in a jokey post about how 2 dozen was an exaggeration then realized I wasn't an Ant hater and felt so dirty.

i need a shower and a cry

It feels like I do.

A constipated nigger from Los Angeles.

Say NO to drugs.

Just get a prescription, it's fucking easy

Not really. Docs are so scared to lose their medical licenses

Not really, they give that shit out like candy. I don't know why anyone would want that shit anyways, it's fine for like an hour or two but then it just doesn't go away for the whole day and you just want it to be over with.

If you prescribe to someone who's at least playing the part, you couldn't possibly lose your medical license. These disorders are entirely subjective.

Maybe with some shit like opiates, but if you go into any dr. office and say you can't pay attention during work or whatever you'll be walking out with an adderall prescription. At worst they'll give you something else and you cN come back in a month and say it didn't work.

say youve been having a stressful few months and you cant focus on work and worried you might get fired. or buy some coke

I think they make you take an ADD test now before they give it.

google one so you know how to pass one

Was diagnosed when I was a kid. The 'test' was literally me sitting in front of a screen and asked to click when there was a number appeared. Lasts like 30 minutes. It's as simple as if your response time diminishes over the course of the test then you've got the illness.

It's all a fucking scam, maaaannnnn.

Yeah I took that same test a couple months ago and they said I dont have ADD

It was my mother telling them I used to forget my jumper on the bus that clinched it for me.

Maybe I'll just take the test again and fail it

Did you actually take the the test honestly?

What a queer. Even as a kid I knew to fake it. Just start responding with a delay at the end you moron. Speed is fucking great.

I took it honestly but I still thought I did pretty bad on it. I was close to the ADD range but not quite there

Next time throw the test

Whatever gym in your area is the one that all the steroid bros hang out at is the place to find that stuff. Most of them eventually get on meth but they start on adderall.

Get a VPN and make a tails thumb drive booter. Boot tails and download tor. Get some bitcoin

Have you tried subtracternone??

I havent. I'll check it out.

I tried Adrafinil (weak ass modafinil type stuff) a while ago but it didnt do shit

If you go to a psych doc they give you a test on a computer. I qualified - but that wasn't amazing, I was always borderline, but finally decided to try medication. It helps.

When I first got it, I told my general doc I couldn't focus at work because of racing thoughts (this was true). He gave me a prescription for Adderall, and a card for a psych doc.