Joseph Cumia's "chuckle of the day"

4  2017-02-22 by IHateSherrod


Juan Cumia

The only job I can get is cheap labor and I haven't been picked up from Home Depot in three weeks. I have resorted to selling oranges on the side of the highway. I need to get my life together. I'm becoming a real Hermano Juan.

It actually kind of surprises me that Joe uses punctuation and passable grammar. Conservatives his age on Facebook usually manage to somehow come across like bums screaming run-on sentences into the wind. I guess when you don't actually pour concrete or unload trucks you have time to learn how to type with more than 2 index fingers.

Do you have any idea how long it takes him to type out a coherent sentence? Between his weak retines, his insatiable desire to appear more intelligent than he is, and his and Sherrod-like brain, it takes this man hours.

I fucking hate hate hate hate the word chuckle. I want to spit in his face.

You have to get in line

Behind neighborhood children.

Excuse me sir, it's "chuckle 'o the day", not "chuckle of the day".

Does he realize Turbans aren't worn by muslims. Anyone brown is a muslim to him I guess.

he thinks he's anthony

You have to get in line