Show Idea - Send BoBo on a 9/11 Memorial Tour to Instigate David

0  2017-02-22 by emitpeels89

Drop BoBo off at the 9/11 memorial and have him infiltrate a tour group lead by former executive intern David. Bobo will be his usual self and ask David if he has ever romanced a married woman on facebook or paid for sexual interractions. Discuss.


Opie wants to get sacked. This is how he should do it.

Obviously this is Bobo trying to brainstorm for show ideas. Then he will delete the thread and take all the credit. I'm not taking the bait you retard. I'm glad Antwan did abuse you!

That would require bobo to have a sense of self. I dont think so

Your always the voice of reason u/coyoteebongwater

Great idea but David would recognize bobo right away he needs a disguise and a back story. Someone call Ian Halperin!