"Yeah he's fucking her. So what? I got a lil bump in my allowance so it's all good" - Joe Cumia - 22nd February, 2017

81  2017-02-22 by Crownenberg


"I got his sloppy seconds with sue. Can't wait to get me this time!"

Come on Joe. Have some pride.

It's despicable that he said that. His depravity knows no bounds.

There was a child spitting in his mouth at the time. A little hard to understand.

"You should see the stream this girl throws - like a fire hose! I'm salivating just thinking about it."

Jesus, the Cumia Clan needs to be euthanized

Their middle-eastern looks have thrown us off their true nature. The Cumias clearly lead a Gypsy lifestyle.

Brother Joe allows this to repent for his sin of introducing Jenifer to the Pedophile.

Does there exist a photo of this woman, for reference?