Ant never denied fucking this

18  2017-02-22 by Dennyislife


cause Anthony isnt a liar

oh. Days later and after his twitter and reddit rants where he didn't deny it.

And he still lies about why we call him Tranthony. Telling people it's because he hung out with Bailey Jay once or twice. Either own it or don't, ya old queer.

I wouldn't either.

Ehh... I give Ant a pass. Even if he did fuck him... I mean I'm kinda drunk right now and I..... nevermind.

Wait, Ant fucked Adam Driver?

At least Ant has the decency to go for the feminine-looking ones. Unlike some people.

It looks like Max Headroom in drag.

C-c-c-c-catch the load!

Technically Ant didn't fuck Sue. The hair plugs seeped into his wop brain and retarded his ability to maintain an erection. Sue also can't get an erection due to the hormones so she just viciously pegged Ant's ass with a rubber fist.

His dad must be so proud.

Its starting to look girlier

Those tits Ant paid for sure do help.

Gotta be honest. This one and that other one that Norton pals around with could fool a nigga. Especially after some firewater.

Well Ant is always drunk

There ain't enough booze in the world to make me not notice a cock.

Sir I meant before the stage in which the presence of a cock would be apparent.

Duly noted.

She looks like The Egyptian Magician's assistant.


I could give a fuck if I'm a faggot as a result. I'd fuck the shit out of Sue, dick or no dick.


It's only gay if you duck the penis not if your getting sucked off so u can why Ant gets mad for being called a fag

Ultra-cool Tucker Max admitted in his book that he probably banged a post-op. It's a different time now. Besides, this crowd is fairly pro tranny. If Ant has a hot story, out with it! Stop keeping all of the juicy details to yourself.

You couldn't at least post a picture of that delicious hog in her panties?

Ole praying mantis arms