This Subreddit Is An Adult Male Club

0  2017-02-22 by MarcMaronsDumbFace

You self unaware faggots.


You faggots are just jealous our Adult Male Club is not centered around a dead radio show and it pisses you off we can actually control our urge to masturbate THATS RIGHT I SAID IT


Proud boys are like juggalos except the white residue on their faces isn't paint. Also you're probably "trolling" so no matter how this thread goes you'll think that you won but in reality you're retarded.

Would you make a new account and capitalize the fucking "I" in your username.

Nope. You let a grown "man" tell you when it's acceptable to ejaculate.

You let two bit shock jocks tell you Amy Schumer was funny, and you believed them.

No I was always skeptical

Well said.

It's this mature, densely written regal response that make /u/iWhereSchortSchorts perfect mod material.

Motherfucker be all Presidential and shit.

Ps having said that, making Knicks a mod would be my vote.

ME: I should be a MODel!

You shock jock teeny boppers are such faggots.

We get it, the 12 left wingers around here love to jack each other off.

Who nominates someone as mod? What the hell is wrong with you

Im not clicking that

It's not the Opie basketball thing, if you're concerned.

You are a faggot who does not deserve to be breathing.

Capitalize the "I" in your username you pretentious cunt.

Is that supposed to be a play on apple products? Well is it, you little hipster dickfuck. You are fucking disgusting, you make me sick.

If you're not trolling you're retarded and if you're trolling then you suck at it and you're retarded. If you must know it has nothing to do with Apple products because it's word play yuma about a classic Vos story coupled with a "jab" at his poor grammar/spelling tendencies.

<Isn't sure if I am trolling <Tells me I suck at trolling


Lol, nice one. As I just stated, in reality (that thing you act above participating in because you're too in the know, maaahhnn) I do not care if you're trolling nor does it matter because either way you come off looking like a window licking mongoloid.

I am in the know, aren't I?

We got the best in-the-know's, dont we folks?

This is the best sub on reddit. Anyone who disagrees is a fuckin faggot

No, The_Donald is the best sub.

Remember when you guys thought you were hot shit for taking credit for what three female comedians did.

The_Donald meme'd a president into office.

I don't know a single person who knows what that dumb green thing is. Not many people actually give a shit. Sorry to break it to you fella.

Thats because you are a normie. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

And our dank memes are not only centered around pepe.

And pepe is not a thing, he is an amphibian.

The point is no one cares. Everyone here in the coal belt who voted for him didn't do so because of some green thing or because of anything to do with pizza, which they also care less than rat shit about (the ones who even have a vague clue about it).

They just took one look at Hillary and said ew yuck fuck that shiz.

You should be ashamed at yourself for your heresy against kek.

dank memes

Ew, you cornball meme regurgitating faggot.

You probably say shit like "EPIC LULZ 4 THE WIN!!!" without realizing people want to stab you in the jugular.

You think people know what the fuck you're thinking or talking about? There's no context to any of this retard. Both of you are unfit to make another human smile anyway.

I don't know if it's actual confidence or if it's a joke but I'm sick of faggots like you taking credit for anything but lazy text posts on a dying forum.

You've never contributed to anything but the sewer system. You're just bowels. Your digestive system is worth more to this world than your brain.

I'll have you know one of my pepe made it to the front page of the The_Donald.........TOP THAT!



Tssss come pick me up I need a lyft or sumpthin!

Shitlord Gilgore has spoken.

WOoOOOOoOooaaaaAaHHHhhhh you're angry.

No I am not

you deserve a good raping by an african american gentleman

Not fitting in?

With the shock jock teeny boppers? No, I am not.

They like Amy Schumers comedy, and are bitter leftism has been outed as the political ideology for geeks.


Opie is yelling at a twitter account sporting a picture of Travis in a MAGA hat, grinning from ear to ear. How the fuck did we get here?


I don't know a single person who knows what that dumb green thing is. Not many people actually give a shit. Sorry to break it to you fella.

You think people know what the fuck you're thinking or talking about? There's no context to any of this retard. Both of you are unfit to make another human smile anyway.

I don't know if it's actual confidence or if it's a joke but I'm sick of faggots like you taking credit for anything but lazy text posts on a dying forum.

You've never contributed to anything but the sewer system. You're just bowels. Your digestive system is worth more to this world than your brain.