Jimmy's Dating

17  2017-02-22 by BillyBats33

Since we were subjected to a story of Jimmy getting stood up that should have taken 10 minutes but instead lasted it seemed for 45 minutes, I think I am entitled to speak 2 cents on this man's love life. Also it seems to be the same story of every date where he goes to dinner with a woman half his age, and it leads to nowhere afterwards. Since this seems to be a common theme of the new show I fear we are going to be subjected to the same outcome of eveyr dating story Jimmy has unless he gets a reality check.

The fact that this is a guy who is 48 and is trying to date girls in their mid-20's is a bit delusional. Several reasons past the actual age difference:

If you are trying to snag a young woman in her 20's and you can be upwards of double her age you need to be one of if not at least some combination of a physical stud, loaded with $$$ or a really fun active person. As Jim would admit, he is pretty much none of those things. This is before we get into any of his neurosis and psychosis which is beyond the scope of this post.

The point I really want to hit is the "fun, active" person. Jim is self-admittedly a bore. He does not drink, party, go to clubs, actively travel/sight see, do anything outdoors-y, is culturally aware of new movies or TV shows. He likes Sabbath (pretty much done), KISS (pretty much done), The Wire (show has been done for 10 years) and Stand Up (only his own though or Pryor because he refuses to watch anyone else). His cultural knowledge is almost embarrasingly low for a talk show host (anyone remember on OnA when they used to have a pop quiz on cultural items most people should have heard about and Jim would always bomb it? Yeah, he has not gotten any better) so he could not talk to millenials about things thatv woudl interest them now.

I think it is best to equate him with someone who wants to drive a brand new luxury car but really only has the finances to drive a used Toyota Camry. There actually are women in their 30's/40's (still 10 years younger than him) that don't want kids or to be married ASAP who might actually get his 40 year old TV/movie references and are not looking to club hop and rock climb.

I am almost waiting for one of his comic friends to scream to start dating in your league (Double A at best). Once a week we are subjected to his latest face plant with a chick half his age who would nto fuck him without a guaranteed cameo in a Louis CK show.

Ah, peckas.


Bobby is 400 pounds, Patrice is dead, i don't think anyone's gonna give some sage advice of dating "down" to lil Jimmy

you've put way too much thought into this mate

I am in sales and drive a lot during the day. I have listened to some form of OnAnJ since 2000. You are probably correct.

Have you considered driving off the road into the side of an overpass?


Great post, and I completely agree on many points. His dating or at least the stories he shares are pathetic. My take is, and I'm not sure if this is a conscience decision for Jimmy but I think he thinks if he's seen with women that people will think he's straight, or maybe to even try to convince himself. His self hatred, projection, and lack of self acceptance is almost funny. Even his photos in his apartment show bare walls, he's a blank, boring person. I hope XM replaces ASAP. Buying his contract out is a rounding error for them with the amount they just pay Stern.

with who?

you? fucking un funny nothing


Remember that story about the windmill date weekend with that girl? That had to be a really long weekend of awkwardness from the start. I can only imagine the boring and creepy conversation that the poor girl was subjected to. Jimmy fumed for several hours about it on air as I recall. I mean, we've all gone on some bad dates here or there, but I've never left THAT angry about it, much less days later.

Where's the audio of him getting stood up, was it today's show?

Jimmy had better luck with women when he was fat. What a fucking ZILCH.

I'm a lady person and been listening about 10 years. I agree he's a bore and he skeeves me out. He's funny on the show but seems like the type of guy who tries too hard and exudes desperation.

Get your tits out or we'll fucking murder you whore

Allahu akbar. Now cut her clit off.

You're not attracted to a guy who's so worried about his weight that he's terrified of being in the same room as a bowl of pretzels?

The fact that they all have to be 20 something, but he's still oblivious as to how nothing is developing, is mind numbing.

The only way I can see anything legitimately working out for him is if he dated another comic or creative person, in their early 30s or higher. He's way too weird for (clears throat)...civilians.

Just date Kelsey Cook already.

You really think he's the one that's choosing not to date her?

Good point.

He's a loser. Maybe he can animate a girl friend.

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u/therealjimnorton has the mannerisms of an octogenarian queen and the body of a Crohn's inflicted tween. I'm sure that makes 25 year olds wet.

But Quincy and The Ropers!

He is famous/rich/funny enough to get a girlfriend/wife in the 8-9 range even though he's a hard 5 on his best day.

His problem is that he is so fucked up socially and romantically from his tranny and porn addiction that he must be an absolute CHORE to date. It seems like most of the time he's just going for the hookup which is really fucking hard to do without booze or drugs or at least going out to a bar or nightclub.

His strategy is:

  1. Meet girl on Tinder
  2. Text back and forth for weeks on end
  3. Make plans for dinner
  4. Have dinner, then take her back to his apartment.

Girls in their 20's, particularly ones that are looking to hook up with a semi-celebrity, find that insanely lame.

I wonder if he takes Kenny for security on dates.

He better. Or else those wonderful "women" he sees would strong arm him for his cash.

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