Chances of Opie actually going to Compound Media?

9  2017-02-22 by Raining8s

I just don't see him working in a role where Ant has more power than him. I think it's all BS. Opie would do his own podcast or take a gig on regular radio before he'd work under Ant. MAYBE, MAYBE he does a once a week Podcast with Anthony that they own 50/50, but even that seems doubtful to me.



...And Prayers?

The brand will be reborn, for good or bad/what terms- The brand will be reborn. More than likely on Compound. An actual booker is starting soon, Keith is no longer the guy. A few other things as well, but all signs point to it.

/u/patbattle1, comment?

You got better odds getting AIDS from riding Jimmy bare back.

I'd say it's very likely that Opie will do a daily podcast version of his current show whenever he's done with Sirius, with a visual element. the Compound would the most logical home for such a show, at least to launch it. and they probably do a handful of O&A super shows together a year.

They'll each do daily shows and weekly or monthly O&A shows, when they should do the opposite

I honestly have no clue what he is going to do. But I think he is going to re-sign with Sirius. This whole Anthony thing is a bluff for contract negotiations.

They're probably working on that stupid book Opie was always going on about.

I will cancel my subscription if he hires bologna tits

You pay money for Ant now? Lol

A visual element will be great. I can't wait for the compilations of Tits trying to do live reads.

If he does wind up there, I think he'll only stay till he gets offered a semi-respectable gig on any NYC radio station.

I can't see him playing second fiddle to Anthony or Gavin, who more or less head muckety-mucks of the podcast channel. Also, I can't see him ever really being comfortable with most of Anthony's stuff, most of the old XM-Sirius staff, or Jimmy and Sam.

I give it a couple of months before he starts thinking they're plotting against him.

He may stick it out for a few months, but I can't see it lasting.


Percentage of people who care? 0.0%

Maybe he'll hook back up with Jim Chandler on some kind of top 40 countdown podcast.

Opie is finished at Sirius. If he isn't outright fired there is no way they are giving him another contract. Opie has made so many enemies in that building that I think even the Sirius morons see how much of an at best nothing to at worst detriment to their platform.

He also will not do a show/podcast on his own. He also will not do a show with a network like Riotcast because then others will know how many people (a pathetic number) are listening to his garbage show. It's laughable that anyone thinks he would be offered a job on a regular radio station. Maybe upstate ny but no one in nyc is going to touch him. Opies solo brand is worth less than Todds solo brand.

So that's regular radio, satellite, and podcast networks out of the picture. The only realistic thing that can happen is he really steps out of the spotlight (which isn't likely because he's a delusional narcissist) or he does some kind of reunion horseshit show with Ant on Compound.

This is more of his brilliant negotiating strategy like signing 2 year deals when you have nowhere else to go and twittering that you're working on your resignation letter.