Cumia on a Phoner with Tits right now

2  2017-02-21 by Saturatedkoozie

I know, I'm a fag for listening


It's so cringe worthy.

Is Opie going through his howard incident, step by step?

And then I saw the cleaning lady and asked her to open the door...and she DID!

These 2 are such a bore now.

Well as long as you one know.

I'm a lazy shitbag. Does anyone have links to the few times O&A have appeared on each other's shows recently?

Don't be so hard on yourself, you're not lazy.

I think being lazy is one of the least objectionable things about me. Please don't take that from me.

Tsss mines my big FAWKIN peckah tsss U herd what I said

Without Braun we're all lost.

I wouldn't say you're a fag for listening. Like I told fez once, stay sexy...