Screengrab of Joe Rogan's Tiny Leg.

0  2017-02-21 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


stupid gorilla kettlebell

why is his head so big

Not trying to sound fanboy but that niggas little leg could head kick the fuck out of you 😵😵😵

He's only 150 or so lbs. Granted he's roided to the gills and I'm way past my prime, but I still feel confident in my ability to absorb his spinning back kick. It likely will not reach my head or neck as I'm 6 ' 7".

Do you have experience in MMA? If you're 6'7 there is no way he could reach your dome but he could leg/body kick you into oblivion. You ever take a body kick from someone that knows how to throw them? Few things hurt more.

Yeah, I've taken some heavy leg kicks from a guy who was 240 lbs and on roids.

I bet that tickled.

Oh Riley,why don't you be a dear and ask Joe if you can blow him.

Yeah, I've taken some heavy leg kicks from a guy who was 240 lbs and on roids.