Ant and Keith. Use that money you have reserved for Opie and give it to Milo instead. Much better fit and he actually has a fanbase who will follow him

125  2017-02-21 by Dennyislife


Ant's operation is a joke and there are plenty of people who would love to employ Milo after this.

Also a paywall restriction wouldn't work for Milo.

Doesn't gavin do big numbers on youtube still? Not sure that main mainstream or otherwise will touch him but Ant and him seem to share the same sexual age limit views...

Who knows. I just wouldn't do it in his place knowing what little I know. We'll see.

Here's his press conference, he's live now.

I heard he sticks things up his ass

It was a goof. OOOOOOOOOOOOooooh.

Ant's operation IS a joke, but not too many people want to be associated with Milo after this.

Paywall? More like gaywall.


dvv dvv dvv

Milo and Anthony could both bond over their love of getting themselves in shit for what they say and their love of NAMBLA

Milo already does a podcast thats free superfans.

so it costs money for just regular fans?

If Milo signs with Compound Media I'm canceling my subscription because I refuse to give money to pedophiles.

Too late.



I'll always upvote a sniff.

Oh you didn't knooo-oow?

The question is, why do you even have a subscription

He wants to give money to a pedo

I don't know how good that would be for both Anthony and Milo considering there's clips of Anthony saying "he'd go as low as 13" floating around the web.

You're right of course. It's almost strange that this hasn't been brought to the attention of the main stream media? Oh yeah, it's because none of them care about or know who Anthony is.

NYT sub-editor - "Okie and Andy? Never heard of them."

Open and Agony

Open (your veins) and (escape the) Agony (of life)


Not to mention when he said he'd go as low as 9. He claimed it was a joke, but this is Ant we're talking about

Ant must be loving Cash Me Outside

the compound is the perfect name for a pedophile fortress

Probably more like the cum pound or sumptin right tssss

Fawkin homerun Kickass!! diss guys good...

Cum pound you in the ass, faggot.

I like the hostility.

I like you.

Come pound cumia

Not sure why people on this sub talk about Anthony like he's some well-known guy in podcasting. He's a fucking no-name. Milo probably isn't even aware of him.

He knows gavin. I remember seeing video of gavin and milo in a car skyping into ants show.

But unlike Gavin he isn't a millionaire that can afford to dick around for $50 a show. Gavin's payment is having a gay sex cult under the radar. Milo has bills to pay.

he comes from money


Only when he's Jewish.

He comes from Britain you piece of garbage!

Just one more way that Milo acts like a woman.

Yeah and they made out too

Hold up, you're saying that Gavin - the guy who built his career by being a bitchy fashion blogger for Vice, who was responsible for designing the hipster uniform/aesthetic and has frequently expressed strong opinions about trends in male and female shoe styles and is responsible for the creation of the gay rights organization Proud Boys - made out with a man? Sorry, but I find that pretty hard to believe

Think he might be a little Ahhh light in the loafers?

They fucked each other to stick it to Islam. Was edgy. It was great and didn't at all resemble that fuck-pile from the South Park episode.

Compound Media is the obvious place for Milo to go:

1) It's run by a dude that lost his job for saying stupid shit

2) Milo has already done many, many shows on Compound Media. For a while there he was on Gavin's show on a regular basis.

3) Milo will obviously work for peanuts; his book deal was only $250K, which is absolutely ridiculous considering it was number one on Amazon

4) Right now Milo is radioactive

5) Gregg Hughes sucks and needs to go away

Five is a bit harsh, no? Did you see that prank he pulled in Stern's office????

You've gotta admit it was pretty edgy.

Watch Milo's press conference. He turned it around to him being the victim and used the publicity to his advantage to announce the launching of his own platform. Internet (I AM) outrage(d) lasts days before something new comes along and people focus their attention on that.

6) Milo would only be the 3rd queerest guy on the network


I'm not convinced Milo is gay. He seems to be playing "Bruno" IRL

Yeah, a bbc in the ass don't make you gay, it makes you Fez

MiLO has been on TACS.

who's MiLO?

Stormfront Youth is calling

Oh he knows Anthony, he once said Gavin is from the Anthony cumia Network, but it was already changed to compound media at that point

Just what The Grecian Grandpa Network needs, another pederast lover of teenage boys. At least Count Chocula requires them to get fake tits first, as if that makes it more acceptable.

Does anyone want to hear from a flamboyant pedo apologist? Has Gavin brainwashed all the anth lovers into thinking they're gay too?

The only people that find Milo entertaining and/or offensive are goddamned retards. I cringe every time someone on this sub posts about him.

Pretty much

Though the idea of a professional troll getting counter-trolled by the media to the point where he is forced to resign gives me a nice lil chuckle

You don't like how he babbles about nothing, then makes over dramatic "I'm bored" faces when the other person is talking?

Milo is an important tool in the crusade to piss people off who desperately need and deserve it.

Milo understands that this is his role. Anyone who reads more into it than that is completely missing the point.

Milo and Milo apologist can get fucked

Are we talking about Ant or Milo?

your choice

I'll admit that Ant is a flamboyant pedo apologist, but it seems like Milo is the funnier one these days

Plus he will bring in young blood something the oldie compound media desperately needs.

Excellent point.

Everyone on here has been clamoring to see Jim Norton join Compound Media.

Milo would bring in way WAY more new listeners than Jimmy ever could. Jimmy is great, but his audience and Ant's audience are the same, for the most part. Milo brings his own audience.

Anyone who supports that "Dangerous Faggot" is the prime definition of a cuckservative. A fucking English faggot who acts flamboyantly faggy is not going to help defend against the tide of degeneracy from (((them))). His fucking "look at me I'm a fag" act should've ended when Trump got elected. He exposed a side of himself that most fags secretly believe in and you fanboys are still lapping up his asshole after it was jackhammer'ed by a gentleman of color.

He's no more of a bag of shit than the rest of us. Don't be a holy roller.

He boasts about getting fucked by black guys. I will definitely hold a holier than thou attitude, faggot.

I don't think Milo would share a platform with a brown man who fucks trannies.

Ew, they really would be dumb enough to pay Opie.

Milo might just have fallen far enough for this to be feasible. He would be a million times more of a draw than Tits, clearly.

As much as I like to bash Compound media, it has grown and has its niche audience of alt right people, but that has more to do with having following than ant.

Some would say he's transitioned past the O&A days of yore.

He transitioned to fawking his niece or sumptin. Double guns cocktail sucka.

I invented niece fucking Robin hoo hoo

Ant doesn't have nearly enough money for this shit.

Yea, go waste his time on a network that no one watches. At least those two pedophiles can go hunting for toddlers to fuck together

I don't fully trust Milo's motives but he is pretty entertaining and is a lightning rod for liberal rage. His ego might be too big for Ant's network but it would be cool to see him there.

Keith is having the show graphic designed as we speak (no word on whether he's tweeted Milo about joining the network).

About that "Opie money"...

Off pedo, but even if ant did get tits back, he flat out said he can't go back to his sniping role, and wants to host. ugh he's seventy years old and still doesn't know his own strengths.

Fuck that faggot pedophile

Compound could never afford him. He'll probably launch his own network. This shit storm will blow over. Look at the meat of what he actually said and it's not career ending. Hidden recording of him propositioning a prepubescent boy would be It's Over Johnny. The ease by which he vacated Breitbart leads me to suspect he wanted out anyway.

They can't afford Milo, not even close.

They can't afford him

Milo said he's starting his own media network. He isn't going to go to a guy with less appeal than he, himself, has.

Let's face it we're as big a bunch of scumbags as Tits, Tranthony and The Worm. Most of us will flock to Compost Media if OnA get back together.

Unlike Ant, Milo actually does reach millions. It would ideologically fit well if Compound Media actually was a successful business venture but KtC couldn't even keep fucking Legion of Skanks on the network.

Gavin makes $60k a year doing 4 shows a week. It's a vanity project. Milo could make more doing some porns or robbing a mediocre bank.


Saved money? I just assumed this whole thing was a ponzi scheme.

They couldn't afford Milo.

Ugh. He's a one-trick pony and has only managed to keep his name out there by ratcheting up his outrageousness. He'd be a waste of money.

Where as Opie...

Yeah, and him and Ant could trade tips and files.

Doesn't gavin do big numbers on youtube still? Not sure that main mainstream or otherwise will touch him but Ant and him seem to share the same sexual age limit views...

Ant's operation IS a joke, but not too many people want to be associated with Milo after this.

Paywall? More like gaywall.


I like you.