Opie is fucking with the norton and friends youtube channel as the show number differences are killing him.

79  2017-02-21 by Dennyislife

So please just for that fact carry on uploading both. It was literally the only entertainment anyone could get out of that shitty show.


Was this meant to be a private message? I don't run the channel, and I can't guarantee the next one or two people who read this will be that person.

If I see him about, I'll try to get his attention for you.


Thanks babe

It's me. Got the message loud and clear. Nice try with the hate tho

at least confirm it's opie before talking shit

Too late. It's posted, so I for one fully believe it at face value. You should too.

you're right

fuck that bitch tittied lamb chop

Keep those titties on a swivel. What a fudge packer. He's more sensitive than Anthony's niece's young cunt.

Haha you think she has a vagina.

I'm glad someone mentioned this. It was obvious as soon as the guy said that Jim and Sam was taken down but not opie. What an insufferable piece of shit opie is. At least we can take joy in his life being misery and just googling himself all day.

When were they taken down?

Y'know, I laughed when I saw the title and not to get all Alex Jones but it kind of makes sense..... This is has Tits written all over it. Why just Jim & Sam? Didn't it get taken down a couple of hours after Jim & Sam took the call from Wigger Rich?

When did Jim & Sam take the call from rich?

Todays show. https://vid.me/OEbV

Thanks for the link

Were you howling?


The uploader himself says (near the end of the explanation video) that he's fairly certain it mostly had to do with him uploading Wigger's "track". I'm not 100% certain which one he means, but those were his words.

Jim & Sam actually played the first WR song before coming back from break last week. It was left out of the replay, so you only heard it live or on files that captured the initial broadcast. I listened to one of those files and that's how I heard it. Johnny's (the youtube guy) version didn't have it.

The guy who uploads the mp3s (including the mp3 that captured J&S's playing of the first track) has started inserting "Gregg" before the actual shows now. Previously he had inserted an a cappella group singing a "Norton and Friends" ditty that Ant played - you can hear Ant laughing in the background of it.

So I don't really know which WR track Johnny was referring to, or if he uploaded it separately or inserted it along with the actual show. Maybe someone knows a little more.

It absolutely makes sense that Opie would do that. He's trying to be a Youtube star but his videos are viewed by about 9 people a year.

Thats not accounting for Opie's one legit viral vid & the gift that keeps on giving - Cakestomp.

Who else uploads the show?

I don't know why /u/WiggerRich had such an effect but it's amazing how much he managed to get under that fat-tittied oaf's skin. A single one minute track sent him on a meticulous passive aggressive flagging rampage. I hope the words "SchnoodleGang" haunt him for years and send him into hot flashes every time they're uttered.

A single one minute track sent him on a meticulous passive aggressive flagging rampage.

There's currently 3 tracks you peesa g.

When did Jim & Sam take the call from rich?

Were you howling?


The uploader himself says (near the end of the explanation video) that he's fairly certain it mostly had to do with him uploading Wigger's "track". I'm not 100% certain which one he means, but those were his words.

Jim & Sam actually played the first WR song before coming back from break last week. It was left out of the replay, so you only heard it live or on files that captured the initial broadcast. I listened to one of those files and that's how I heard it. Johnny's (the youtube guy) version didn't have it.

The guy who uploads the mp3s (including the mp3 that captured J&S's playing of the first track) has started inserting "Gregg" before the actual shows now. Previously he had inserted an a cappella group singing a "Norton and Friends" ditty that Ant played - you can hear Ant laughing in the background of it.

So I don't really know which WR track Johnny was referring to, or if he uploaded it separately or inserted it along with the actual show. Maybe someone knows a little more.

A single one minute track sent him on a meticulous passive aggressive flagging rampage.

There's currently 3 tracks you peesa g.