Brave Muslim man defends Jews

4  2017-02-21 by unclepaul84


Nothing pisses me off more than this "It shouldn't have to be news" or "Its sad that I even have to say this" bullshit.

"Look at me and how good I am, please join me in patting my back"

this shouldn't be the top comment in 2017. Come on people.

Fuck him

I remember being in Pakistan and having a doon coon tell me that I shouldn't trust Jews because they are natural tricksters and tried to killed his Prophet (pbuh).

We call this the stopped clock effect.

Let's not forget that they are shapeshifters as well.

I'd never met a Jewish person(not to my knowledge) in my life (don't really get em here outside London) until I went to a trade show several years ago where a bunch of operators from Israel were promoting... every single stereotype about Jews I'd heard was 100% accurate.. very sneaky, untrustworthy bullshitter

Stereotypes aren't just conjured up out of thin air.

Wait, so is the reason you hate Tommy Robinson just because he's too friendly with the Heebs?

That's why I hate him.

Me too -- obviously -- but this nigguh is all in with the anti-racism.

You scared to spell it right? It's spelled nigger you faggot..


I don't hate tommy Robinson.. I just think he's a hateful piece of shit

I though this subreddit was an exclusive proud boy hangout and now you're telling me that we are not accepted even though I'm a fourth degree self sucker?

Kill the prophet to make profit. Seems legit.

Trump's daughter is married to a Jew. Who is one of Trump's advisors. Trump's grandkids are being raised Jewish and his daughter converted.

Media and Entertainment folks: We so want him to be an anti-semite we will make any molehill a mountain. The more scarlet letters we slap on, the better.

I heard once that Trump was caught making out during Schindler's List

thanks, Ant

I always have trouble making out during comedy movies.

so now he's complaining that people just like him are screaming that trump is a nazi and that created a climate where they are demanding to hear that he doesn't hate jews, and then act all unimpressed when he does it.

You're a Nazi, tell us you aren't a Nazi. Oh my god, why are people reporting you telling me that you're not a Nazi?

Great for comedy.

THOSE people were just given 38 billion of our dollars. Free.

Trump worked in new York real estate, he is probably super aware of jews and their jewy ways, There is their cognitive dissonance i am seeing, trump is anti Semitic, but his daughter is married to a jew, trump is a nazi, but he is super pro Israel.

Saw "Fist Fight" last weekend and this faggot really harshed my mellow, dudes.

You missed the follow-up tweet: "because Hitler should have finished roasting those Kikes in the 1940s"

This elite prick was born in North Carolina. The hub of Judea. Go get ya fuckn gift bag.