"Where the neighborhood kids at? I'm thirsty" - Joe Cumia - 21st February, 2017

43  2017-02-21 by Crownenberg


I heard that this man likes for children to micturate in his mouth for sexual purposes. If this is true, he needs to get his life together and stop being such a Brother Joe.

Unfortunately you have heard correctly. He's a truly awful man.

Well, I once heard that he liked for children to expectorate in his mouth for sexual purposes but this latest news is quite disturbing because it seems as if his sickness is rapidly progressing. What a brother joe.

Let us all, one more time, do our part: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Brother%20Joe

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Brother Joe :

A person who is devoid of talent or charm and therefore must rely on a close family member (usually a younger brother) to provide them with sustenance, shelter and attention.

Wow I didn't realize until recently what a Brother Joe I've become. It's time to get my life together and stop being such a loser.

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

Thank you for expanding my lexicon. Kudos to you...

They're at school as they have responsibilities during the day, which BroJoe would understand if he actually had a job.

That's an excellent point. I hadn't considered that schoolchildren are more responsible and productive members of society than Joseph Cumia.

If brother joe is allowed to vote then so should non-US citizen members of international terrorist groups. Of course, neither should be allowed to vote.

I don't see what's so bad about this. Joe ends up with a mouthful of youth nectar and the kids get a few bucks to go buy a Star War. Where's the crisis?

Are you referring to how Joseph "Brother Joe" Cumia, of 2U the U2 Cover Band fame, enjoys gargling and slurping the saliva of prepubescent individuals?

That's more or less what I'm getting at yes.

Most people pays kids to rake leaves or shovel show. Joe pays kids to spit in his mouth. Niggers gonna nigger