Have you guys heard Pete and Sebastian on rawdog?

0  2017-02-21 by dflorio

Fawkin hularious


I listened for a few minutes, the sound quality is fuckin terrible.

Only cartoon crabs and little gay nancy boys are named Sebastian.

It has some of the worst production I've ever heard. Hacky sound effects that last too long and clips from earlier in the show with no reference to wtf they are talking about.

haha! the pre-produced bits that randomly pop up throughout the show are so very odd, and the opening is extremely douche chilling. I almost feel bad for these guys. They have like 300 episodes of podcasts that have done before getting this SIRIUS deal. I haven't went back to listen to any of them, but ill assume they are even worse than the two SIRUIS shows they have under their belt

They played Pete and Sebastian yesterday instead of Bennington. What absolute garbage. RawDog should be ashamed they played that show during Bennington time. I'm hoping the Bennington show will be back today, and we will hear about a colossal fuck up by Vito. Ronnie has really been riding Vito's ass and tearing into him for his many mistakes. I don't see Vito lasting very long in the business.

Good. He is out of shtick.

...and here I was thinking I already knew what the gayest thing was that ended in "and Sebastian.

who knew?