If you want to give Taco Bell spokesman George Takei the Milo treatment, here you go. Says at 2m20s, it's not child molestation as long as the 13yo boy finds the adult male attractive. Featuring @notsam

98  2017-02-21 by [deleted]



Oh my

More like Oh Creampie!

jesus christ

"Having sex with children is illogical"

--Spock; Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Mr. Sulu is a piece of shit.

Ah- ha-ha-ha

I don't even like Milo but wouldn't want to give Milo the Milo treatment. Going after anyone's job because of what they say outside of their job is bullshit.

I agree, though to be fair both guys are professional media figures and made comments in public, broadcast, as professionals. George is talking about an older teenager, Milo is talking about a priest. Both are admitting to an immensely personal and life altering experience that's more complex than any witch hunt can justify. In Milo's case, there's enough to dislike and disagree with him already without trying to brand him a pederast (as he was seemingly a victim).

I have barely ever listened to what Milo said and by barely I mean never outside of this sub. I have only ever heard Takei on Stern but my point is that who gives a fuck about what anyone has to say in their personal life. Trying to get people fired for any reason unrelated to the job is bullshit.

I hear you about trying to get people fired. Not cool. And wish I knew less about Milo than I do. But it's only notable because a big part of his career, his public life, is based on provocative statements regarding sexuality and sexual identity. Just 4 or 5 days ago on Bill Maher he conveniently conflated stats regarding trans victims/perpetrators of sexual abuse. And now he's trying to re-draw that line so he can claim victimhood. He's a joke. I think the "trans" issue is a distraction for both sides, that it's statistically so rare that it barely warrants attention, but Milo doubles down and thrives from that which he ridicules. He's tangentially connected to O&A, if that means anything, because of Gavin on TACS, but in general I need to work on separating these dumb politics from the task at hand on this sub--ridiculing 50+ year old radio guys from Long Island.

X y z BUT is why everyone hates you

What do you mean? Cunt.

"I hear you about trying to get people fired. Not cool. And wish I knew less about Milo than I do. But"


It's what he was referring to.

I don't get it.

Nobody likes the "I agree with x BUT..." thing, was telling you why you're at -6

Oh okay. Sorry.

Trying to get people fired for any reason unrelated to the job is bullshit.

"Don't you know that free speech means the government can't censor you!?!?!?!? Free speech doesn't mean there won't be consequences!!!!!" About 30% of the American population needs to commit suicide.

Yeah but Takei is Japanese so nobody would be surprised he thinks that.

"The milo treatment" -
Does he get people fired? I thought his whole schick was being against that.

ME: whatever nigga

I meant the Milo treatment as in getting fired for saying stupid shit. Like the treatment Milo is getting now. How was that not clear?

I kind of assumed that's what you meant. Just wanted to make sure cos I don't remember Milo actually getting fired.

It is, u just suck at reading. But yeah, if you listen.to the clips in context (which ill go ahead and assume his detractors here have not) he is speaking about his experience as a sexual assualt victim at the hands of a clergyman. I find Milo to be insufferable, but this is OBVIOUSLY a witch hunt. This fanbase used to be against that kinda shit..

I don't like it but it's going to happen. It's their playbook. If you want it to stop, do the same thing to Takei here. Make popular left wing celebs live by the same rules they try to kneecap right wing people like Milo for. Because the more it happens, the more it loses its effectiveness, until they can't do that anymore.

And then, the modern American left will have to speak honestly. And people might actually like them again, and left wing might actually mean "helping people" instead of "race/sex/gender baiting for votes". Just my two cents, ahhh what the hell do I know!

You've earned that container of coffee and a buttered roll today.

Yeah, I always hate it when some of the people who post here try to get Anthony or even Joe fired by sending out clips. Torturing them until they snap and bring us up is great, but only faggots mess with people's jobs like a SJW.

I couldn't agree more, it's just bitch shit. Some of those emails were pretty funny but they could have just not hit send.

Joe specifically asked for it in his short story length FB rant. Because we "no effect on their lives". Didn't take him long to come crawling back.

"Mr. Sulu, set course for the Pedarasty system, warp five!"

"Having sex with children is illogical"

--Spock; Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

"On the other hand live long and fuck kids."

"He's bleeding from the asshole, Jim!" -Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy; "The Trouble with Tribbles"; Star Trek (1967)

"Dammit Sulu, I'm a podiatrist not a pediatrist!"

William Shatner may have actually killed his wife. Google it.

"My beautiful wife is dead." She's at the bottom of the pool and I can't get my toupee wet, it's a lost cause! Patton should have take a lesson.

I used to fuck adult men at 15. Probably not my finest moments.

Bobby, you fat fuck.


And yet, it was theirs.

Please take your T_D faggotry elsewhere.

These sensitive, anti-comedy,snitchy little cunts have become a cancer on this sub.

"Guyz? GUYZ! A comedian said something about Trump! I love comedy, but if a comedian makes a joke about something I like, then it's Not a Joke any more! That comedian's a cuck ain't he, Spike? Let's go get 'em!"

Now they're trying a fail-brigade to get someone fired (because only leftists would try such miserable, cunty little tactic) to somehow support and defend Milo fucking Yiannopoulos.

Fuck Louis, fuck Patton, fuck Jim Jeffries, but support Milo.

Anyone starting else notice a pattern with these T_D ballwashers?

Sounds like you're the sensitive faggot, butthole breath.

I don't like t_d faggots either, but Trump jokes are boring when every comedian has the same hot take on him

Make sure you tell us how you really feel. We want to know these things

No way am I gonna fuck with my chances of enjoying a delicious naked chicken chaluppa. Greatest culinary innovation since two girls one cup

Stop getting so worked up about some faggot, faggot

You're the only one who sounds worked up, faggot. Don't like your gay Asian being bashed? Awww

I literally do not have to click on your post history to guarantee that you consistently shit post on the Donald. Right now you sound exactly like the people you hate. Jump off a highway overpass.

I barely post there, so nice try. Why so upset? You want to assume I like Milo too like the typical faggot you are?

Sigh, political discourse is truly at an all time low in this country.

Stop being so TRIGGERED

I'm sick of this hypocritical slant faggot.

Milo is a piece of shit, but the way he's treated by the left and the media is ridiculous.

And the fact that Fucking Sulu is some kind of elder statesman of the gay community just shows how insane this country has become.

He was on a show 50 years ago who gives a fuck, I wish he died of AIDS like the rest

this seems like a good excuse to post this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OII7xJIprTg

I mean, Milo is a whiny arrogant faggot but I think its our obligation to post this to as many sites/anti milo posts as possible. Just so we see what they do with this pear

So everyone is on Milo's side re: his pedo comments now? Jesus, you guys flip quick.

The sub just flows with whatever brings the most hate.

What about holding obnoxious gay attention whore George Takei to the same standards as obnoxious gay attention whore Milo suggests to you that we like Milo? I can't speak for everyone, but I hate Milo and Takei and I don't think that anyone should get a pass for defending creepy pedo shit just because they're gay.

People in this thread are saying that what they did to Milo is wrong.

I don't think that anyone should get a pass for defending creepy pedo shit just because they're gay.

Says the guy who chose to name himself after a comic that was banned for being full of pedo shit.


That is ironic, but that's the first I've seen anything about that comic. I chose this username because I happened to be listening to a metal band called Dragged into Sunlight when I made this account and they have a song "Boiled Angel".

I'd guess the band got the song title from the comic. It was a fairly well known case in some circles.

(not because anyone thought the comic was worth a damn, but because Diana was the first artist to be convicted of obscenity in the US - in 1994, ffs)

George is one of those gay dudes who was molested by an older man when they were a boy(he's told the story on stern). His belief is the man could tell he was gay and little George loved the experience.

Remember when George sexually assaulted that big dicked nerd live on Howard tv? He started practically jerking him off and then asked if he could touch.

Also that Simpsons voice actor dude said George was a fucking total weirdo creep with interns many years ago on the Simpsons.

That's Milo's excuse too. Seems all the faggots get fucked in the ass at a young age. Maybe that's why...hey wait a minute!

Well it's true. Seems like half of them turn gay and the other half hate gays but are actually gay.

The wonders of molestation. But it's not politically correct to say any of that.

Born this way? Yea right.

I think some (the 99%) are actually born that way, but their is some who like stated has an history of being molested,

I think in all likelihood they aren't "born that way". But that don't make it inherently wrong. It's fine. You aren't born with a sexual attraction to the smell of a woman's feet either. But it's fine.

Problem is these queers have decided if they weren't born that way they can't live with themselves so it's extremely politically incorrect to claim nurture over nature.

Most homosexuals feel attractions to the same sex even at young age, same you and me felt to the opposite sex at that age

I understand. You don't think there are kids who think feet are pretty and like the smell?

It could be something simple and insignificant that first sparked that attraction. But they weren't born with it.

Same with the queers.

Taking the cock is IMO a much higher step than starting to like the smell of feet. I understand where you're coming from but that deviation from "normal" sexuality doesn't usually cross over to the other gender. That sounds like an added thing on top over regular heterosexuality. Also there are emotional feelings in involved in homosexuality not only physical attraction. They are totally into dudes that's all im saying.

Good for them. Sexual attraction isn't programmed into our brains though.

If you were arguing that we are born without inhibitions, and are attracted to both genders, but one ends up stronger during upbringing. I think that's a little more reasonable.

still dosent explain why gays are usually more feminie during childhood years

Usually? I don't about that. I'm sure it's nowhere near even a majority.

And being gay and being feminine are not the same thing, obviously.

What a silly counter argument, take your yea buts elsewhere.

I'm running out of shit to say

If you want it to stop, do the same rules they try to get people fired.

No not really

I'm probably not going to move to the US< become a republican congressman, and then bar him, from CPAC.

I'm also not going to cripple my cock, heeb it up for 70 years becoming a book publisher, die, and then have somebody in my company drop his book.

I'd say I'd meet you halfway and fagbash him, but if that sort of thing became ok again, you all would have a lot more to worry about then what Sulu gets up to.

Faggots are disgusting.

George Takei truly is a hateable person

X y z BUT is why everyone hates you

"I hear you about trying to get people fired. Not cool. And wish I knew less about Milo than I do. But"

Nobody likes the "I agree with x BUT..." thing, was telling you why you're at -6