Gay pedophile

139  2017-02-21 by unclepaul84


I heard he was banging his nephew.

It's just his half nephew

And just the good half of him.

The delicous half atleast

Gold please.

Like a black and white cookie

Nice teeth, tho

Like pearly gates outside a shit-infested crack den


Excuse me sir but I think you'll find Mr Cumia only sucks dick when it's attached to a boy who looks like a 12 year old girl.

Young Jim Norton?

Jim is a worm, not human

Milo Dickadolpolis

He looks like the guy who cleans the pool at an all-inclusive Turkish resort. The one who smiles and waves at the 8 year old girls on the water slides.


What, not many of you have been to a Turkish resort???

boy he really does look like count chocula doesn't he?

those are the most opie and anthony looking pair of faggots i've ever seen

He's Blacula, let's be fair.

I now know what being triggered feels like. WTF dude.

Anthony never had the makings of a varsity pedophile

Did ant really post that? Seems like an open and shut case now.

That deserves a gold. If I could use my app better I'd give you one my damn self. A thank you should suffice


He has really fallen apart since he lost his book deal with Simon and Schuster.

What book deal?

The one with Simon and Schuster.

Oh, that book.

Schumer and Shyster.

Milo is a gay pedophile; Ant is a gay pedophile.

He's a real crumb lush coward, and I wanna fight him.

Crumb bum

This ugly son of a bitch is fucking mediocre chicks and basically you're fucking stupid.

i just love that we really cut to the chase now

He looks like a 12 year old girls on the water slides.

Well said.

I mean, he is an Arab.

Nigga looks like what Johnny Knoxville is supposed to look like

Niece fucker in the morning!

late afternoons*

Don't tell milo

This man, right here. This is not an attractive man.

Chokes/ejaculates in brother's daughter.

Don't be islamophobic guys