Seth Rogen is such a faggot

23  2017-02-20 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


We have been going over this for a few days now. You been on vacation?

This post was sent by the pony Express.

More like retard express!

Double suns

I have a real question, is trump really trying to curtail the media?

Well, he's called the NY Times, CNN, CBS, the Washington Post and a few other outlets "fake news" for being critical of him. The White House has also stopped returning calls to some of these outlets for comments.

He called the media "the enemy of the people." His website is current asking for donations to "fight back against the media." So, yes.

I guess he should just sit there while they compare him to Hitler 24/7.

Sometimes the coverage is biased. Other times it's literally reporting and asking questions about things that Trump said. He doesn't really seem to draw a distinction, as long as it's critical.

"Comparing him to Hitler 24/7" isn't remotely accurate. It's the New York Times, not twitter.

No it is accurate -- at least as far as I can see. It's the premise that underlies every asessment of the man as far as I can see. (And that goes for journalists of quality that ranges from the NYT to Buzzfeed.)

Not only is Trump 'Hitler' but Bannon, because he spoke of Julius Evola once -- even though it wasn't positive -- is a secret White supremacist.

It's always lurking there as a possibility. It's the underlying assumption of nearly all the major press. Can't you see that?

Also, he's perfectly within his rights to take a hostile attitude to any press for whatever reason. Where in the Constitution does it say that you have to be nice to these people? The relationship between the Press and the Executive should be the same as that between a 'dog and a lamppost' to quote a writer I like but when the hostility is so vicious, as it has been towards Trump, then he's completely justified in returning fire.

About bloody time, too.

liberals for 8 years were begging President to grow some balls.

Now when President finally has some balls ... they dont like it.

mfw wtf

What balls? The guy is obsessed with tv ratings and what ladies on tv say about him to the point of preoccupation. Is it ballsy to be a douche who can't accept nuance and criticism?

grow a pair faggot

Please elaborate, retard.

fuck off - elaborate enough?

So you start off making serious points until you're proved wrong, then you turn into pissed off guy. Typical trump cunt. You guys hate America just like he does.

you start off as a retard then you turn into internet faggot psychologist. typical faggot.

Great point.


Not for nothing but, your history reveals someone that uses the "racist" label all the time and claims to be a "tolerant" liberal. That is quite the hypocrisy. Just saying.

He held an 80 minute press conference and took a question from every reporter when they were all jizzing about the next potential Watergate. Shut them right the fuck up about that.

Did he?

Are those organizations still allow to print what they want? Or is Trump completely shutting them down. Are there any laws that state ever news organization must have full access to the president?

Yes, they can print whatever they want, but that's not what was asked. He asked if Trump is "curt tailing" the media.

cur·tail kərˈtāl/Submit verb reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on. "civil liberties were further curtailed" synonyms: reduce, cut, cut down, decrease, lessen, pare down, trim, retrench; More archaic deprive someone of (something). "I that am curtailed of this fair proportion"

What restrictions he placing on them then?

Pulling the Washington Posts' press credentials during the campaign, not granting WH access to reporters, not returning phone calls or interviews, is a restriction. It's the most restrictive media environment we've seen in a modern presidency.

For instance, certain White House events, such as the Inaguration celebration used to be "open press", meaning as long as you had press credentials you were allowed access to report. The Trump administration has made these events "pool only", which means only the select WH press pool members are allowed to attend.

oh no, the president of the united states isn't doing every interview asked of him? truly unprecedented.

That's not what I'm referring to. Not personal interviews, just fielding questions from reporters asking for clarification about whitehouse policy.

I don't even know why this is in dispute. The whitehouse is vocal about their animus to the press and the restrictions they have placed on the press pool.

That's not what I'm referring to. Not personal interviews, just fielding questions from reporters asking for clarification about whitehouse policy.

every president has done the exact same thing. it's like nobody ever paid attention to any obama press conference.

The whitehouse is vocal about their animus to the press and the restrictions they have placed on the press pool.

yes, it is reactive and not proactive.

I could be wrong but i believe he mentioned being litigious toward news outlets for publishing certain negative articles about him during his campaign. Again, i could be wrong.

Freedom of press and free speech are very important rights to me. I certainly hope this isn't true.

Yes, during the campaign he threatened to weaken libel laws and the 1st amendment, in order to be able to sue people who hurt his feelings.

Freedom of press and free speech are very important rights to me. I certainly hope this isn't true.

You should probably see this then.

But he's not reducing, directly, anything in extent or quantity you fucking lunatic. By your definition of the term he's 'curtailing' the press by not speaking to them as he sleeps. Grow a fucking dick.

Sure he is. When you limit access, pull press credentials, fail to comment on policy, you are in fact reducing the amount of information available to the press.

Garbage. He has complete veto when it comes to direct press access. As did Obama; as did Bush Jr. etc.

The faggots that work at the WSJ are completely free to read the transcript, though.

Sure. He has the power and is exercising it, also known as "curtailing".

Direct access is not a right. He's 'curtailing' the right of a thousand different press outlets in the country direct access. You can't 'curtail' something which isn't a right.

By your logic the Secret Service is 'curtailing' the right of the violent to punch Trump. You're absurd.

Who said it was a right? OP asked it he had curtailed the media. He has by limiting the amount of access the press has, especially in comparison to past administations.

Maybe he can weaken the libel laws to sue newspapers that hurt his feelings. Then we'd really see some fireworks.

The press has no right to direct access. I don't curtail the rights of another by demanding they respect my personal space. In fact if one were to claim that they had some special privilege in regards to my personal space then it would be THEM who is 'curtailing' my legal right to live without their transgression.

Like Trump every person on the face of this good Earth 'curtails' access to them a billion times a day -- if we take your moronic definition of his actions of course!

Regarding libel laws they're different all over the Earth. Britain has much harsher libel laws and yet has a free press. Your arguments are all weak. You need to do better.

You are misconstruing "curtailing the rights of the media" with "curtailing the media". OP asked about the latter, which Trump has indisputably done. You are arguing yourself about the 2nd, since no one else brought it up.

I'm not but if you're arguing that Trump is 'curtailing the media' then you're not arguing anything. Every single official on the Earth, by your definition, curtails the media in the way Trump does.

Therefore your criticism is meaningless.

for being critical of him.

you think that's what they're doing, "being critical?"

For the most part, yes. Justifiably so.

yeah i guess all those "trump is hitler and raped a kid" headlines were just criticism.

Those don't exist in the NYT or Washington Post. The press is not the same as Twitter.

NYT and WaPo, while maybe not have come out and said those things exactly, have turned into pure propaganda outlets. Most people at WaPo and the like are pizzagate "deniers" too. I say deniers in quotes because they know fucking good and well that it's very real.

I can't detect sarcasm on the internet anymore when it comes to politics. Pizzagate is nonsense and you have to be functionally retarded to believe in that shit.

Well that's your prerogative. No sarcasm here.

All he is doing is taking the media to task,they couldn't criticize the first black president but they sure are making up time by bashing trump 24/7,sooner or later people will grow tired of mainstream media and quit watching the never ending left-wing/ PC 2 cents

He issued an executive order abolishing the free press, yeah. It wasn't reported obviously.

lol, what?

If such a thing were to ever occur, it couldn't be reported. That's the joke.

The best jokes are the ones that require explanation.

if you believe Fake News then yes.

Really? I believe Trump's own words in this case. Sure you can have a problem with Politico, but I'm talking about Trump's own words. Do you think politico fabricated them?

Spin, not fabrication necessarily, but depending on how much spin you use ... at some point its not even spin only.

I don't understand. Forget the article--I'm talking about Trump's own words. Is it spin to take them literally?

yes without context

He provides all the context you need in a few sentences. I'm assuming you didn't read them. You father-figure-seeking Trump cunts can't bother to challenge your own blind love and obedience for this guy, it's pathetic.

fuck off faggot

Aww, you're trying to be just like Trump. How precious.

shut up and sit down faggot


Dey in too deep, he convinced them everything is fake news unless it supports his viewpoint. Ridiculous really

> politico

Okay, I'm sure the sites you prefer reported Trump's own words the same way though. Fucking Christ almighty.

eat shit mother fucker

Great point.

"uuuuuuuh great point"

^ this nigga here.

You're a dumb motherfucker, TriangleDimes. A dumb motherfucker.

i'll cum in your eyes you stupid bastard

Sounds like the only thing you do right is cum, faggot.

Yes because they are fickle, bitter relentless fuckheads that no matter how well he does at the job will still find angles to shit on him and put focus on that.

Is that a bad thing? This is the same media that's been lying us into wars since the 1800s.

He couldn't even come up with anything funny. Smoke more weed, you predictable bore.

Don't mind if I do

Actors aren't funny. Judd Apatow is the brains behind Seth Rogen. Pathetic.

Judd is equally unfunny. It's this guy who is the real brains.

Who? Heebie Kikeberger.

It's actually Jewey McJewerberg.

For a guy that has a meth lab in his garage,that pretty stupid.

Fuck off faggot

Your father is trying to discredit our media What did he mean by this?

What's the significance of this?

'destroys the planet' Didn't this asshole almost start a war with North Korea over his shitty movie?

yes it was a very shitty movie

I'm pretty sure that dumb movie got us nowhere close to a war

Isn't he Canadian?


Condescending, Schlubby Jew Saves Planet!

Pretty pathetic that people write articles about tweets. I just scrolled past all the text and looked at the screenshots, nobody needs extra commentary in this faggotry.

I've noticed this huge trend too. Internet "journalists" are literally writing articles on a single tweet. The entire internet revolves are sensationalism and nonsense.

Ughckkkkkkkkkkkk. It takes zero balls to do what Seth did and what Ashton did and all the rest of these celebrities. Jimmy was right about that.

I cant FUCKING stand it when celebrities weigh in on political issues. Like they think just because they're famous means that people will automatically value their opinions. It comes off  pretentious. OOOHH! You're a bleeding heart liberal, sooo brave in hollywood

i have a lil more respect for seth rogan now

What about this is worthy of increased respect? I really want to know.

calling out trump for all his nonsense. if you are not aware of the shit show that is his presidency then you obviously live in a bubble and only read brietbart to hear your own thoughts being echoed.

Well, I don't think I live in a bubble, exactly, but I know overreaction when I see it and that's all the Left has been doing is using hyperbole and hysteria to appeal to emotions rather than reason. Many people have called out Trump for nonsense and it's not exactly novel or brave. Whatever the Left hated the Right for doing in 2009 they are doing exactly the same thing. Obama's birth certificate is Trump's tax returns. Same old shit. It's histrionic horseshit.

i hear what your saying. however, do the racist undertones of this precidency not bother you? like the fact he's blaming immigrants for all of america's problems when the real enemy is big corporations that fuck over the middle class?

I honestly don't know what racist undertones you're talking about. I didn't think this travel ban was anything different than what Obama supported and I think vetting people of a certain demographic before they come into this country is not racist, it's just common sense. I don't know if he's blaming immigrants for all this country's problems, I just think that's what shitheads like Rogen want to whip up because it sounds powerful. I honestly don't know how the Trump presidency has become synonymous with racism in the eyes of the Left but I suspect it's just an easy label to shout when you don't have much of an argument. I don't like the fucking guy any more than Obama or any other asshole but I've yet to see what all this horrible racism is really about, other than a bunch of whining because their team didn't win.

He's not calling out trump. He's DMing Don Jr.

Seth Rogan is and has always been a worthless unfunny faggot.

"sent from cuck shed"

When Seth Rogen Realized Donald Trump Jr. Followed Him On Twitter, He Seized The Opportunity

Modern journalism is shit.. Just worthless.

You are misconstruing "curtailing the rights of the media" with "curtailing the media". OP asked about the latter, which Trump has indisputably done. You are arguing yourself about the 2nd, since no one else brought it up.

fuck off faggot
