come ride a boat on my lake sock cuckas!

71  2017-02-19 by icecap


i'm on here for 2-3 years, this must be the 12th Chipping Norton post i personally saw.

Well, let's get on a boat and party!

to your credit, i haven't heard that phrase since i was a child sex slave

To your credit, welcome to the jungle. We take it day by day.



What kind of shoes will you be wearing when we set sail?

me too, and whenever I do I can't help but think it actually looks like a pretty nice little town

Te Georgie to move his fuckin' riva!

We know there is a place called Chipping Norton for gosh sakes.

But thank you for your contribution :)

Pretty sure George is black and is fucking Chip's whore mother.

Georges River? Where the fucc is Ottos River? Dvv dvv.

I wanna see the boat shed movie