jimmy's description of his dream gal

4  2017-02-19 by fish_flower

a big meaty pussy, smelly pits, big fat tits and a dick

sounds lovely, doesn't it?


My sister

you hit that?

Well... she had a period where she needed to come out of her shell...

I found this vid and this chick has the meatiest pussy ever, NSFW obviously. I never really got what Jim was saying until this.

God damn. That thing looks like if a circus clown made an Obama lip Ballon animal

Lovely, aye?

It's amazing, I've never seen anything like it

Me neither, I even posted to /r/tipofmypenis to find out who she is, but this is the best video I've seen so far of her.

Was just gonna ask for the name. Your a true hero to this miserable subreddit

My porn posts are rare, but when I post them they're always grade A jackin' material. Well, except that one with the penis humiliation, but that was just for one guy that has that fetish.

I guess that's why he comes to this subreddit.

Let's not forget completely hairless. Like a small child.

Ironically enough, you just described Gregg Hughes.

That was shit.