Hope this cat is available to jump on Bobo's album as a feature

74  2017-02-18 by thedude831


Yes please 🙏🙏🙏


FYI if you friend request him on facebook he'll accept and ask you a bunch of questions trying to figure out who you are.

Dude, what's his full name??

David Fried

more like david fried chicken



Just requested

Hi who's this? Do I know you? Who is this? Why did you add me? Where are you from? Hi who's this? Do I know you?

I know a dude who works with him at the 911 museum. I told him about how David is beloved and showed him the youtube clips. I probably made David angry that his coworkers will know of his fame

What does he do at the 911 museum? I was planning a trip there soon, would love to meet him

deny jewish involvement

That's a full time gig

"Those Mossad badges in the rubble could have belonged to anyone!"

inside jobs

My friend said he worked at the coat check. I think they do a myriad of menial tasks

Any time i hear a reference to 9/11 or see a clip of it etc i think of David now. Sometimes i even do a impression of him if i am alone.

Obligatory: You'd all be dead now if it weren't for my David!

David! My David!

He even looks like he is moving and talking in slow-mo in a still photo.

"You're making a song Bobo? Why are you making a song Bobo? Is this song gonna be on iTunes Bobo?"

This should be the intro that fades into Bobo talking about his dick.


That would rule. You can probably get a clip from him if you go down to the 911 Memorial site. Have him say "Fuck Opie", I bet he would do it.

If Wigger Rich gets David to rap I will wire him $1000.

I feel like this is what this has all be leading towards

eyes of a true killer

One of the only Jews I can tolerate

Those are the eyes of a highly trained assassin working for Mossad

Does anyone remember what the handwriting analysis lady said about him? Do you think he's moving from small animals to humans yet?

A poster with that face with a red circle around it & a diagonal line across it should be on every concentration camp barracks door.

which retard taped username and password on the monitor? holy fuck

He's clearly the hype man

What an unpleasant looking creep

more like david fried chicken