Call me crazy, but this Milo fellow seems to be a fruit.

18  2017-02-18 by HitEmWTheHeinnn



A fruit? He is an orchard of HIV

Well fella, HIV is a sexually transmitted disease and I don't it can't be shared by no apple pickn'

He didn't get it from someone who was apple pickin', he got it from someone who was cotton pickin'.


Only not as manly

Valid point.

I think he might be a bit light in the loafers if you know what I mean.

He is Greek

Don't say the G word you homophobe.

you think hes gay then u should have met my great great uncle walt whitman he practically invented bein gay

Yeah and here in Philly we got a bridge named after him or sumpin

If you're gonna tell such sexy stories you need to arch your back and lick your lips while doing so, tiger

my gaydar is tingling a bit as well, but can't tell exactly.

I think he might be one of those fellas that prefer the company of other fellas.

Come back and do tell about his dick size. I've been edging too long.

I read somewhere he is gay. OP is probably right

Larry Wilmore buried him on Maher's Overtime

Self loathing with mommy and daddy issues.

he's a safe heterosexual

It's very hard to tell with him being British and all. But I've always had my suspicions about him.

He didn't get it from someone who was apple pickin', he got it from someone who was cotton pickin'.