Never Forget



I'm gonna make it rain money from above

As oppose to raining from below.

What's in water that makes it so wet?

You're missing a 'd' there, in your mouth and asshole.

Keep your heads on a shwivel lamb-chops.

He will go down in history as the most embarrassing "entertainer" in showbiz.

He will go down in history

that's where youre wrong kiddo

I'm kind of wanting to forget.

It's like inverse Fox Mulder.,320_.jpg

Shit like this almost makes me feel sorry for him.

The Fat Jew already did this. Dopie is so unoriginal...

This is what the jews have in store for all of us. Watching us goyim scramble around the floor for these paper shekels and act like its a blessing. It's sickening

hes trivializing satanic cults in this video and it offends me.. there is nothing funny about performing gay demon summoning rituals with severed dog and cat dicks out in the woods

He owes his career to spirit cooking.

didn't they then go on to abuse any radiostation who ran a fuuugeeeedddive bit? holy god i'm so ashamed i ever listened to O&A

This is material for /u/WiggerRich/

This cheap shit wouldn't even commit to a dollar amount.

And without giving a dollar amount, no one could ever possibly give a shit.

I'm starting to think was only on minimum wage.

I'm literally shivering right now

At the end he bends over to suck Vic's gray haired banana.

I still can't believe this didn't go viral.

Hey guys Opie is going to drop money in Manhattan. He told me to spread the word.

As it's been pointed out before he's disguising himself with the hood but uploaded it to his own channel..

he's disguising himself with the hood but uploaded it to his own channel..

Yeah and the first words out of his mouth were literally "Hey happy new year it's Opie."

This is gonna be a vurry..special....year...

This is the most humiliating thing I've ever seen. That they didn't spend weeks trashing this demonstrates how pervasive Greggshells was.

It would have been funny if he had just thrown a bunch of rolls of nickels off the Empire State Building.

That could seriously injure someone though

You know in his mind he was fantasizing about being a cult hero, profiled on news channels "Who is the Manhattan mystery man spreading wealth from above? Our Barbara Walters sat down with Greg Opie Hughes, the coin fairy who drops pennies, nickels and dimes from his apartment in the sky"

I wonder if anybody ever found his hidden money bit or whatever.

Odds of someone in NYC finding cash and going "oh, this must be Opies from Opie and Anthony show ...."

His brain is useless.

"I'm going to make it rain...Sharks from the Riverhead Aquarium...keep your head on a swivel"

Did this desperate unfunny dweeb ever do this stunt? I forget. What was the payoff to this bullshit?

He did a sort of "Find George" thing and dropped a dollar bill on the steps.


You guys don't think his Undertaker promo video is cool?

That zipper hood tho

Listen up lamb chops!!!