Jim Norton & Sam Roberts - Donald Trump, CNN, PewDiePie, Brooke Shields & More (02/17/2017)

9  2017-02-17 by Johnniebutters


Anyone have a timestamp for when they talk about Pewdiepie?


Sam was the only one who gave a shit. It was pretty awkward.

But Jim got so jealous and greedy at hearing the money Pewdiepie makes, that he 100% seriously considered starting a YouTube gaming career.

His rants would be about how Xbox and PS4 suck and gaming peaked with Atari.

He'll wear shitty Atari shirts and culturally appropriate the accent of whoever invented that shit when they'll finally meet in person.

Ted Dabney is a white American. If he wants to go "herro" he'd have to back NES. But that is way too modern for him.

I played GTA 3 but I couldn't back the car out of the driveway so I quit. He said this more or less.

it'd resemble Rogan bragging about his l33t skillz in Quake... in 2017.

'yeah that's a rough one man... it's always tough with free speech.. and these corporations man... these bloggers come after you on twitter and get your sponsors pulled.'

Show topoc: Donald Tru... I'll check back next week

Ahahhahahahaah AHAHAHAHHAHHAHAH! Wow that was funny!

There ya go! There's a little improv standup for ya!

I usually defend Sam but holy shit during that first hour of Trump talk is he annoying

What was the new show clip they spent 5 minutes talking about when they should listen to it?

didn't listen, but those first 3 topics they are both unqualified to discuss.