Patton's damage control after encouraging a man with severe depression to commit suicude

8  2017-02-17 by unclepaul84


I think Colleen Stevenson needs a visit from the pests...

Why, because she made a joke at someone? You sensitive faggot.

And I in turn made a joke, you miserable prick

Where'd you get it? The bad joke store?

Oh now you decide to decipher between a good joke and a bad joke

The Jerk Store called. They are all out of both of you. Also Anthony Cumia is a nigger.

But he didn't tell him to commit suicide.. he said "go die." Which is more like a "I wish you had cancer" than a "go hang yourself."

Go take Adderall, fentanyl, and a nap!

That's a valid point, you should comment on Twitter with that, friend.

Once a man gets a taste for murderous suicides

Patton Oswalt is a fucking faggot

This man's reign of terror knows no end.

Patton forcibly encouraged his wife to commit suicide.

im surprised he didnt say that it was "in jest" like every other backpedaling coward

Are we taking the side of th faggot that with depression seriously or ironically? What sort of faggot airs his depression online? I hope him and all like him die.

A chick up here just got sent to jail for encouraging here bf to commit suicide.

If they can't convict him of his wife's murder. Hopefully he goes to jail for this.

Well, in the case of the chick...her bf actually killed himself...Not sure if that is how this turned out. It is a little fucked that he'd go there though.

Patton Oswalt is a hysterical cunt.He needs to stop killing people.

I just can't fathom needing attention as badly as Patton's faggoty little followers.

You idiot Patton. We're all going to die. Just wait. Why always in a hurry?

Patton needs to calm down.. I'm sure there's plenty of xanax laying around these days.

But he was just joking so that makes it OK according to the little smurf. Wait, didn't he just go after a realtor who made a joke? Hypocrite!

How exactly did he "go after" the realtor?

Look at his twitter and Facebook pages

"Kill yourself. More Arby's for me."

Look at his twitter and Facebook pages