Opie continues to burn bridges

27  2017-02-17 by Littlebigjohn1

I'm listening to the interview with Danny McBride and honestly felt bad for the dude, he makes good on his call in after they bitched about him not calling and then they over talk him the whole time. I would never call back if I was him, yet another bridge demolished.


That happened? What fucking dopes. Danny McBride is funnier on his worst day than any of those faggots are on their best, why would you EVER have a guy like that on and then box him out in failed attempts to be clever? I didn't listen to the show, but previous experience tells me that's exactly how it went.

Yea man, you could tell that Danny was annoyed IMO. If I was him I would have hung up on the phone and black listed them. Someone said something about being over booked. I'm not going to lie the whole channel has gone to shit but I still listen to opines show. This one was brutal. I can deal with the mad Cuban because I do get a kick out of him. Small though is alittle much. If they kept it Vic and the Cuban it would be a decent show. I refuse to listen to Jim and Sam though. It's all fucked.


Haha you are saying Opie show is better than jam? Btw when was the last time jam interviewed someone that isn't a mma dope or a porn person?

no idea who Jam is and to answer your question, I have no idea because he doesn't,

If they kept it Vic and the Cuban it would be a decent show.

Fucking what? Get Out. Now.

sniff Got too big for the show I guess. Went off and did that.. what was it, Eastwood and Over? I've never seen the fahkin' thing, to be honest with you. Yeah these guys get their projects and just blow us off... I wish him nothin' but the best though...

ME: I fawkin did right by that guy. Period!

"to be PURFICLY honest wit you"

He ain't got no time to watch television, them man has TWO kids!

He probably never watched because it was not a reality show on E!

I'm all in with the shahs of sunset

Remember when these has-been's actually did entertaining radio and didnt need celebrity guest interviews to kill the time? Such fucking lazy radio. I wish McBride took a loud shit while he was on the phone with them

They weren't using it to kill time, it sounded like they didn't even want it. It got the respect it deserved. The old show used to shit on guests all the time.

You shouldn't talk about the Bridges family like that, sir.

They don't call him the destroyer for nothing

Fuck Danny Mcbride,If it wasn't for Walton Googins,Vice Principles would suck.Is that a Maury wig he's wearing.

Keep going.

Bridge to where? He's out of a job in a year or two.

If I were him I'd just fucking retire, he theoretically has enough money to even do it manhattan if he chose to from what I gather. Maybe he'd have to downgrade from Trump Tower though and then his former philly dirt now elite wife would leave him.

On the other hand, even if he is making very little (relative to the past) from serius, its gotta be hard to turn down a gid where you show up mid afternoon and fake laugh with 2 other guys for 3 hours. I'd do that for 60 grand and benefits even on a manhattan scale, and he has to be getting a lot more than that just for name recognition.

as his recent Howard thing and his divulging that he fought the channel name change and threatened to leave shows, ego and self esteem are motivators.

many men find the fissures of their marriage expand on retirement. In addition he had kids late and he would be forced to be around them constantly which is tiresome and stressful to most men, not fun like in car and kayaking commercials.

I considered the annoying kids thing, but he has a stay at home wife and a nanny and he only gets away from them for like 4 hrs a day anyway.


Theo Von is annoying too. The new Pete Davidson until he stops coming on the show too.

Theo was the worse. Everyone of his "jokes" was horrible.

Not sure if you guys are aware, but Danny McBride was "a PIMP" in This Is The End. Opie might have mentioned that once or twice when it was out.

Did Opie actually say that? That kind of say a lot considering the character was intentionally an over-the-top asshole who abandons his friends iirc.

He said it practically every day for a week and some change, it was like his "catch phrase." I think in his wettest dreams the studio would print on the DVD box cover, quoting him with other 'outrageous' critic quotes. ANY time someone mentioned This Is The End, Opie would have to shoehorn in his "pimp" comment.

Then, god help us, Danny McBride comes in to promote it. I don't think he had even crossed the studio door threshold, and Opie was yelling over everyone to tell Danny that he was "a pimp" in that movie. (I fucking hate Danny McBride, to make it worse)

Not hating on you for hating Danny McBride but you didn't fucking love his part in Pineapple Express? He and the black dude made that movie. Eastbound and down was GREAT the first couple seasons, but kinda puttered out at the end.

I hope he gets acid thrown in his face, like a Saudi woman.

Fair enough.

I was surprised they even got him on the show to begin with. I had to turn it off right as they as they were introducing them because Sherrod walked in, in what was possibly the most obnoxious way possible, and everyone started talking over him. I just knew it was going to be an uncomfortable interview.

Look, we all know that it's just too hard to steer the ship when there are all these bridges in your way. Will I fit here, will I fit there, who has time for it? An experienced captain knows to get rid of such obstacles, for a smooth ship sailing experience.

You'd need a pretty tough ship to ram through those bridges though, like a military vessel, perhaps... A DESTROYER?

Fawkin' Home Run Me.

The phone call was fine and McBride laughed the whole time you guys are really a bunch of MO's.

Dude... Rabies is coming back...

tss yeah but did he burn todd bridges? tss

Hopefully the next bridge to burn is one he's currently driving across. Tits should retire, then immediately kill himself.

Theo was the worse. Everyone of his "jokes" was horrible.