
0  2017-02-17 by [deleted]

I know like the rest of you, when we aren't pointing out Opie & Jimmy's inummerable faults, we're worshipping the ground President Trump walks on. While I'm sure his administration will be historically wonderful, it's quite clear he's served his purpose: demonstrating vividly that you don't have to be a PC faggot liberal to hold the Presidency of the United States. That you can, in fact, say the truth about the current state of affairs, without fear of remonstration, scorn & instantly becoming a pariah. So with that in mind, let's cut the bullshit and put the man who we dared not even fantasize about being in the White House .... A man who would ultimately destroy that which is destroying us. And that man is David Ernest Duke.



Fuck you, you self-hating lib cuck.

Is this comment ironic or genuine?


I subscribe to this sub, why would I be a lib cuck. You might not be gay but you are definitely a fag

OK, so you're not a lib cuck faggot. Then just whose side are you on, man? Don't you understand that we are just ONE lib administration away from irreperable damage to the White Race?? You actually believe the kike controlled media that calls Mr. Duke a "fascist bigot"? Apparently your president doesn't believe any of that shit, he stoutly refused to denounce him, so why should you? Mr. Duke wants the ascendancy of the White Race: Jews, of course, don't want this. What they do want is to continue to relentlessly push the lowest common denominator agenda so they can have a bunch of dumb niggers & spics to do their electoral bidding. Can't you see that?

Stop being a fag

Taste the suck ....

back to the_donald with this insanity.

"Rednecks" .... Boy are you way off. lol

ImStillWithHer !

Yeah man send troops into Chicago (more like chimp-cago amirite?)

No, more like "Chicongo", sir.

Not to entertain this faggot's post, but speaking of Donald telling the truth, his speech yesterday was riddled with false statements, so much so, that even Fox News was forced to comment on them. It's mind-boggling to me that he goes in front of the world, and with such confidence, tells easily verifiable falsehoods. The man is a fucking pyscho-sociopath. And anyone who defends his easily verifiable lies, are ten times fucking worse.

Chuck your not funny and neither is your niece. .....cry me a river,ya hysterical cunt.