Created a Jim Norton themed bingo board

159  2017-02-17 by AsunaKirito4Ever


My first version of a Jim Norton bingo board for use with current Jim And Sam Show. Got the spaces from listening to three consecutive shows.


no chip space....booooooo

That was the first thing I noticed too but I think it's a good thing. A civilian would have filled 5 spaces with 5 different characters.

It's bingo. The chips can be anywhere potentially.

Tss dis guy gets it

Using an accent to salvage a dying bit is where that would go. It's a combination of all the characters/imitations/weird voices he does when he doesn't know how to end a bit. I didn't want to put specific voices because those can be good but "Soft Jim voice" is never good.

You forgot the most important one...his alcohol addiction.

That was intentionally absent. We shouldn't make light of something so serious.

Are you referring to the incident in '91 where he drank a half a Coors Light and snapped at mother?

Pu'haps a bit worse than that, TakeMeXenu. He once took mescaline and laughed, a lot!

I thought it was a Bartles & Jaymes.

Does he have a history of being in the program?

Reminds me of the classic Canadian tune Reservation Bingo

I'm tired should be at least 4 spaces

I think Uber talk and Customer Service are one in the same. I'd replace one of them with Story about KISS.

When has he ever shouted Ozzy?

During his edging sessions it pushes him to finally cum.

it should just be a space about 70's metal references

I want to see Jim address all the shit that his listeners about him. At least Opie cried on air and Anthony had a mental breakdown, Jim is long overdue for a freakout.

he sure kept it up to date with the bam jokes huh

No MMA-themed squares???

"Did you get into many fights growing up?" covers that

should colllab on these during the listening threads

"discussions of eggs on air"

It was the first one I looked for. Well done.

Send this to Greenstein.

How did you forget the equally important 'Politically Neutral Jim (When talking to a conservative guest)'

You need to add "Or no?" At the end of sentence

You forgot "use a phallic object as a chair joke"

Or "substitute object that ordinarily goes in your mouth with a shotgun" joke

discussion of eggs on Air

The most devastating slam of them all

You need to add "Baby Boy" in there somewhere.

Describing something as "the worst" should be a square.

you forgot to mention a reference to people's breath.

She's probably got that dry on camera nervous breath..... yyyeechhkk

She's probably got that dry on camera nervous breath..... yyyeechhkk

Nice bingo board, it pretty much sums up almost everything that annoys me about Jim.

Using motherfuck as a verb

No "Uncle Paul crowbar" or Chip?

You gotta put "He's laughing, he gets it" from the office. I think I heard him use that everyday since the show started

Sincere incredulity when someone tells him he never fights with his girlfriend/wife.

Sincere incredulity when someone says they've never had a gay experience.

Sincere incredulity when someone tells him they met a celebrity but didn't bother to take a picture with their phones.

-Guy who submits bingo ideas that are too wordy for actual bingo cards.

"Society says..."


"I went to bed at (insert time). I woke up at (insert time)."

I'm shocked at the absence of monster rain.

I love Jim, but when a 30+ year old show is referenced I'm fucking clueless. Then on the flip side Sam will reference something from his and Travis' childhood and Jim just stares.

You forgot the span of minutes where he is completely quiet.

"He needs to get off twitter" / "What is he doing with twitter!?!" / "I don't know man, I can't get over his using of twitter" - Deep analysis of Trump's presidency.

this is awesome

No 'marmalade' or 'hats' ?

needs a tss tss and a suuurrrrrre


You silly goose. If we're all using the same card, everyone gets bingo at the same time. Then we have to share the prizes.

Pu'haps a bit worse than that, TakeMeXenu. He once took mescaline and laughed, a lot!

I thought it was a Bartles & Jaymes.