You guys are ridiculous! Please explain your hate for the 3 out of O&A

7  2017-02-17 by Sutton041887

Why do you guys hate Opie so much? Has he stepped all over other funny people in the studio? I understand him and Jim not working with Anthony in the room as well. Has Opie really been that moody during his career? I love comedians making fun of each other with Anthony and Jim chiming in. I discovered O&A October 2014 so I obviously don't know what I'm talking about. Why are you guys against O&A reuniting? How is SiriusXM this dumb that they wouldn't make money off their chemistry? Anthony is hilarious but his love of politics just blocks him from going anywhere. Jim is great at being with funny people but has zero direction. It's always his Uber ride, eggs, or one of his silly characters. I feel like he can't make his character funny when he has to keep the conversation going with one other person. Works better when there is 3 people in the room. Sam is a hell of a worker and is still getting better at radio but he isn't as quick or making a good joke. He has some gems but it's a lot more spread out compared to Opie if measured in the same time period. Opie does interrupt more people but it seems like he did it more a long time ago. Can you forgive him for the dumb shit he did a long time ago? You guys are so full of hate but I do not understand why they are so touchy about it. O&A were great at tearing people apart but have become so sensitive to any criticism. Jimmy blocks people and none of these beta retards know how to communicate to each other. Way better than Howard Stern in my opinion but I haven't listened to many shows before Anthony got fired. Their chemistry is through the roof but they can't be in the same room without being faggots making it about themselves.

I know you guys will rip me a new asshole and I accept whatever you guys call me. I genuinely want to know why you guys are dividing them more apart.


4 words "Opie has man tits"

I can see an Opie and Anthony reunion, but Jim. You won't see him no more. He is easily replaced by any of their regular comics without any of the problems Jim brings.

Yeah I feel like mean Jim was awesome but now he just plays characters because he doesn't have anything to say unless he is upset by something. I don't blame Opie for getting annoyed at Jim because there is nothing to respond to when he say extremely ironic things. Those 3 were the best at what they did but they all suck at trying another role

Found opiw

Ha I guess being a little Pro-Opie does seem like it would be him with how little support he has on here

Opie is a peesa fawkin gahbidge

Who are Opie and Anthony?

They had a bunch of songs in the 80s. Private Eyes, I Wont Go For That, few others.

Oh Dara

'Beta retard" - the kid has moxie

TL;DR - Rich Vos will be playing LIVE Feb 27 at Tropicana Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, Nevada

What's with all the questions? You wanna be a Olympic questioner or somepthin?

Anutha one for tha chippa!!!

back before Patrice's death O&A was amazing, they weren't afraid to shit on themselves, other comics or even celebrities that came in to promote shit. As they got more famous they somehow got the notion that the fans cared about their shitty lives, they lost touch with the brutal fan base they helped create.

Years of Jocktobers made the fans realize what bad radio is but ever since the show shifted into more celebrity interviews Opie, Anthony and even Jim got lazy and became the hackey morning zoo they used to bitch about. They lost the spirit of the show but their egos won't allow them to admit it. Now all we have now is to hate the fat titted board op, The racist woman beating karaoke star and the unfunny weight watchers tranny fucker.

If Opie, Anthony and Jimmy wanted to fix their individual shows all they would need to do is binge listen to their old shows on YouTube to find out where their magic came from and how they lost it.

Yeah I think that is the best description I have heard. Did Opie get offended by being called tits? I know he got chunkier when he has his kids but it seems like that is the only insult people throw at him. I would think moody or "pissed mist" would be used more but never really see it

Yeah there's clips floating around here about Opies chick like tantrums when people would make fun of him. Ant and Jim would let the insults roll right off their backs, and I think that's when the fans started to turn on Opie. Those comics were like sharks and as soon as they saw someone's insecurities that was like a drop of blood in the water... but not Opie, ant and Jim would quickly change the subject when people like Otto, Patrice or Vos started shitting on Opie. They knew the rest of the show would come to a grinding halt because Opie would turn into a little bitch ( he would blame it on something faggy like "low blood sugar") Eventually all three got lazy, Opie would sit back and play candy crush or sudoku, Ant would go on his repetitive racial tirades and Jimmy would just sit back and read tweets. All 3 are to blame but Opie deserves the most hate because he brought nothing to the table and for some reason his ego is the biggest.

Yeah this seems like the closest thing to the truth. Does anyone know why he is insecure when people made fun of him? I feel like the smart portion of their audience loves when people make fun of them in a funny creative way. It does make sense why that would be the reason he gets hated the most. I just wish he could have an honest conversation about their relationship on the radio without his mood or ego getting in the way.

Hes insecure because he knows he brings nothing to the table, Both Ant and Jim were great at bouncing jokes off each other, Opie just killed the vibe. Opies idea of (juvenile) humor was stomping on a homeless guys cake, breaking sandy Kane's guitar and stealing Stalker Patti's wig after shaving her head.

He does have that douchy personality but it does make good radio. Some people seem offended by this shit but I don't care about that. He definitely is awkward because he seems like he has little social skills on his post show. Just quietly filming people on his phone while most of the people in the room don't talk to him. I think he knows this so that is why he has to go so extreme. I wish we could tell him all this without going so aggressive with calling him out. Any aggression will instantly make him plant his foot and not listen to anyone

the wigfather saga part 1 hearing stalker Patti cry really turned me on Opie. Anthony was even tapping out during the show.

Yeah that stuff just seems pretty pathetic. I bet Sam is better than them during this point of time. I never understood why they had all the weirdos they did anyway. Too much like Howard in that regard. I like Bobo the best. The rest are low functioning mumblers

Opie reacts the way most people who aren't funny react to ball busting. It's really not a deep concept to understand. Anthony or Jim comedically trashing Opie is the equivalent of Mike Tyson beating up Travis.

Haha that is the funniest way to explain their relationship. Opie can't bust balls compared to the rest of them so he used his power to cause anguish between everyone. I bet if Jim or Anthony approached him and ask what the fuck was going on with him earlier it might have helped but it seems like his mood or ego wouldn't let his guard down. Maybe Jim and Anthony hated how fragile he was compared to everyone else who was in the room. I'm confused by all 3 of them now but Opie seems to have brought this on himself. I wish he would just be a man and approach Jim and Anthony and admit to all the childish ways he caused problems. He just needs to eat it for a while so that everything could be transparent when they talk again

Listen to old clips, opie was always shit, interrupting the comedy on his show, he couldnt take people shitting on him, if they did they wouldnt be brutal like they are to everyone else, hence, Greggshells.

More questions please. You're really good.

You seem to know what you are talking about. Am I close or way off base? What do you hate about what O&A has become?

The fact that those girly, insecure faggots completely torpedoed any semblance of a career they had and ruined a good thing.

Haha amen man. Couldn't be said better in such short words

Except for anthony cumia. He's doing great! Right "tony" from long Island.

I don't hate them. They're just easy and fun to shit on.

It's not his fault, guys. To really understand the hate for them around here, you gotta listen to every youtube video worth while at least 10 times over to get it. Opie's ship steering, replaying the same clip over & over at even the slightest reference, and dumb bits & lists are helpful at first. The more you listen, the more you'll start to notice the small things. And once that happens, you'll start to hear the show in 1's & 0's. Opie becomes more of a retard. Jimmy becomes more of a passive little baby boy. Anthony becomes more of a hypocrite black man. And Colin becomes the voice of your thoughts.

Jesus. Colin Quinn really is a spirit animal

Haha I guess if you have listened that long you notice all the patterns. Makes sense why they got sick of each other's shit. I guess after 3 years of discovering O&A it took me this long to figure it out. I have to say I think they all needed to be humbled by all the dumb shit that has happened

You don't have to listen very long to pick up on how shit Opie is at radio. Here's a simple two-step program that will get you hating Opie in no time:

  1. Think of the parts of the show that bore or irritate you.

  2. Realize that Opie was the driving force behind 90% of them.

  • Bitching about management? Opie.
  • Bitching about Howard Stern? Opie.
  • Going to shitty callers? Opie.
  • Repeating shitty lines from instant feedback? Opie.
  • Ruining funny moments by playing non-stop laughter clips? Opie.
  • Ruining bombs by playing non-stop sound drops? Opie.
  • Attempting to use "facts and figures" to justifying his racism? Anthony.
  • Obviously made up stories that give you douche chills? Opie.
  • Getting a laugh and then repeating the same joke for the rest of the show? Opie.
  • Cutting off best-in-the-world comedians riffing with each other to get back to a boring "bit"? Opie.

Choose a random Patrice show and I guarantee you will hear all of the above.

Yeah that sounds like Opie got bored and tried to hurry along. U can tell his patience is low but is he better now. All 3 of them have their heads up their ass and wish I could see their point of view

You're just a dumb bitch.

" U can tell his patience is low but is he better now. " what the fuck kind of mind came up with this thought?! I dunno about the rest of the ppl here but I dont hate Gregg, I hate OPIE. I think it is sad how he acts like a child trying to get attention. He has millions and could be living like a pimp but instead he is trying to get da numbers on twitter and posting shit like;

He could be the king in the throne with jesters all around him yet the fucking captain of ship is envious of everyone around him.

Haha yeah sorry I know I am an idiot. That video is some terrible dad humor who just discovered the internet. For all the funny people he is around, that is kind of embarrassing that none of the funny rubbed off on him. Yeah he does seem petty about a lot of dumb shit that seems to set off in him. I'm just looking for specific examples of what everyone hates on him for. The only one I see what u guys are saying is when he was mad at that article about his wife and he was just steaming. Anthony kept making jokes and Opie got mad that Anthony was still trying to entertain people. I get it is about his wife but chill the fuck out. Seemed like his precious ego was hurt and wanted everyone to sulk with him. Haven't heard many old clips so I know I am full of shit to ask this

I def can't blame him about the wife stuff, but agreed if he would have let it roll of his back it would have died there.

here is a good example of the wife nonsense, he is someone calling up howard stern and saying F tom's wife penelope.

even howard says tom coming out and saying what bothers him lead to everyone jumping on him.

here is another classic of opie stomping on funny.

It's really bad when you can predict it. The worst was when you could hear the two abused children in the room placating Daddy Opie.

No, your ridiculous!

Check and mate

*Takes adderall one time then ^

Opie is a whiny little bitch faggot in denial about his own irrelevance

Ant is a white trash racist pedophile with a drinking problem

Jim is a socially stunted latent homosexual worm half man degenerate sex addict

Sam is a smug little faggot who was clearly bullied as a child, and still acts like a 12 year old with his fucking chicken fingers and coke.

Ha that seems like a hardcore view on it. You are not wrong but they at least created good radio. Pure cons here but they are all talented. Opie and Sam both had the easiest job because they didn't have to be funny but they were good at stirring shit up or bringing up news stories. Anthony and Jimmy are funny but left on their own it would be a one note show. They are all obviously demented in someway but that was what made a great show. Rip on other people so bad but none of them can handle it when it happens to them.

I read that entire dumb fucking rent and finally realized you were actually serious about it when there was no fucking Rich Voss plug... fuck you I hate you more than Opie.

Ha why does everyone plug rich vos dates on here anyway? I know rich vos is a plugging whore. What specifically do you hate about Opie? Seems to be the popular opinion on here

did opie send ya here trying to get the 411?

we are vurry welcoming, Hi, HIGH, HIYA

Can you forgive him for the dumb shit he did a long time ago?

No. It was constant. Through all of the XM and Sirius era. He fucking sucked.

Look at all these words I'll never read. Get fucked, mate.

Look man just enjoy the old shows for what they are. This sub is barely related to the Opie and Anthony Show at this point.

This has 2b Opie his wife or brother He's made 2 post.and has anybody beside Opie mention he has "chemistry" with anything besides a fukn wall. And this guys other post last month r/opieandanthony28du/Sutton041887 Why do you guys hate opie? 26 Comments1

Haha I accept the hate. I discovered the show super late and am trying to figure out how all 3 of these dipshits had problems with each other without listening to every old show. I am lazy. I never used Reddit when I signed up until I discovered O&A. This is the only subreddit I visit. I must be like 20 years behind the rest of you because you guys know the exact moment u started hating Opie. I'm just learning all the history through all the posts on here

They stink and we don't like them

Wall of text, not reading that shit faggot.

Something about the way you put words together is really unsettling. You sound like a machine that's trying to infiltrate the human race. I'm on to you, Robo-nigga.

Haha sorry to set something off inside of you. I really am an ass for thinking I could genuinely ask a question about the hate for the O&A staff. Only way it could be figured out is if O&A from back in the day could jocktober their future selves. I would love to hear that

Polite conversations aren't this subs specialty. We take our anger from our failed lives out on O&A and the rest of the ass holes that post here

He's talking like a normal person. Hasn't throw out the word nigger, faggot, gook, chink, or brother joe yet. He's an agent and I want him gone.

Once you hear how bad opie is it can't be unheard. That's the first step to joining us, come back after you learn

I've disliked him since 2004 when I first started listening. When I really got into the show and figured out the way the fans /pests would interact with the show, it baffled me why he didn't catch more shit. Every now and then a phone call would get through and someone would call him on it. He would just talk over them and yell or Jimmy & Ant would jump all over the caller. When JB & Pelvis called him "a glorified board op" It really validated what we all know now.

I started checking out this sub about 6 months before Ant got fired. It was just a few months before Ant was canned that people here started making threads about how shitty Opie was. As more people pointed it out, more people started to finally admit that he was terrible. Anybody remember username "Thermite Paint"? He would white knight Opie constantly. The more anti-Opie posts, the more apeshit he would become. Slowly almost the entire sub turned on Opie and he stopped posting.

Is this a test,Mr.Hand?

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Opie is a cunt, Anthony is a racist, Jimmy is a worm, Sam is the drizzling shits. Explanation over.