Jesus, Bob. Hit the bike, at least for your kid's sake.

19  2017-02-17 by McGowan9


He doesn't even have to hit the bike. He just has to stop eating too much shit food.

You may have a point. Check out the sheer gluttony.

I hate when

Holy shit. I didn't think that was actually him at first.

Big Pun is still alive y'all!!!

All the kids in the ghetto call him Don Lardagena

Now that was an awesome fat fuck. He pistol whipped his wife on camera for not bringing him food fast enough.

Dead in the middle of little Italy little did we know that he was a big fat pig

It's too late. His son is Stavos Halkias and he is already on his way to looking just like Bobby.

Maybe the cycle will be broken for the next generation, but I wouldn't count on it.

I hope Stavros dies first just for ruining Cum Town with his annoying laugh. Fuck him.

Stavro really rocking the kid toucher glasses

Poor suspension.

Cunt looks like a baldy d bag.

I just hope he sees him on his death bed and tells him "STOP LAUGHING AT SET UPS!" before he flat lines.

This isn't fair to Bobby. He broke his leg about a decade ago and he gained a few LB's from that. Who doesn't?

He is frighteningly massive.

Jesus he really has chunked out.

That's a man that should not be allowed to use the name Robert unless he drops about two bills, that's a Bobby body right there

You misspelled Blobby, sir.

Bobby's situation isn't just a shitty diet. You could eat McDonalds for breakfast/lunch/dinner and still not even come close to being that overweight. Bobby must eat junk food every hour on the hour and rarely move. Getting THAT overweight would be a full time job for most people. He's almost certainly better off smoking or drinking on a regular basis. Sucks because Bobby's a good dude.

You're not wrong. He talks about eating these insane unending meals at restaurants with other comics. Like literally 10 or more meals in a sitting. He looks at it as some kind of challenge or maybe competitive eating, with prep and pacing and shit like that. I have no idea how you would get any enjoyment at all out of it past the 2nd one. Maybe 2 1/2.

That scene wasn't writing. Bang Bang is actually a Robert Kelly thing. Also the line, "I make sandwiches out of everything" may have been improved, but it certainly wasn't intentionally for the show. Plus, YKWD sucks when soder, list, bargatze, or luis j gomez isn't there to lean on.

I really wish there was a playlist/link/torrent to every "regulars" show from YKWD. They really are the only ones worth hearing. If you're going to have 12 guests on, at least let them be good. 12 shitty comedians != 3 good ones.

Bobby looks like if Artie got his shit together.

He had a waist, still, when he was on "Louie".

This makes me sad.

How many of you listened to the YKWD where Bobby mentioned that he ate bagels out of the garbage? The bagels were still in the bag, but that is disgusting nonetheless.

Even at my fattest, when I did no exercise and made no attempt to eat healthily, I was just 220lbs, and I'm maybe four or five inches taller than Bob is. Who likes food that fucking much?

Bobby doesn't eat food so much as he kisses it into his mouth

The way he constantly makes excuse for his addict behavior shows that AA and therapy don't work

C'mon, y'all. He broke is knee, man! HE BROKE HIS KNEE, DUDE!

All the kids in the ghetto call him Don Lardagena

Now that was an awesome fat fuck. He pistol whipped his wife on camera for not bringing him food fast enough.

Dead in the middle of little Italy little did we know that he was a big fat pig