CNN has sunk so low they're promoting Patton Oswalt promoting women in comedy.

22  2017-02-17 by Ant_Sucks


It's 2016 and women in comedy are embarrassing.

Also, Patton Oswalt killed his wife.

"The funnier sex"

They fucking want me to throw a boot through my brand new TV

The narrative is more important than the truth.

Nobody can name 5 female comedians they like.

But can you name 5 brands of cereal?

Can we just skip ahead to the buttfucking?

Okay, but do I get to be the one on top who venerates your asshole?


That is good.

5 x females = 1 x Amy Schumer

Aw shit, I guess you beat me to it.

Aw shit, I guess you beat me to it.

He said that you like you fucking mongoloid

If they include Amy ashes at least massive enough To count for 3/5.

he definitely giggles like a fat sack of shit as he strangles the life out of all his female victims

I saw it. It was 70% Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett and Joan Rivers. Roseanne got a few minutes, Silverman got 90 seconds and they played two Big Amy bits and a tiny clip of Trainwreck.

So really these people are only confident of 3 women, including one who didn't write anything.

The fat little lump is going to eat himself to death before we can get justice for Michelle, isn't he?

He doesn't want her family to have the satisfaction of seeing him in prison.

There has never been a good female comedian.

What about Andrea Yates?

There was that t.v. reporter who committed suicide on air. What about her?

He's right...women in comedy are embarassing.

Maybe that's what he meant by "the funnier sex."

I remember when men weren't funny until CNN did a social media campaign on it. I'm happy this sexism is stopping and they're doing it for women now.

Supporting women in comedy is like voting for the school retard for prom king.

ohhhh he's wearing a little crown!! oh dont eat it, dont eat it.... yayy :)

Claiming that women are the funnier sex is literally more absurd than the 9-11 truth movement or reptilian overlords from Alpha Draconis.

Did they stick Bonnie on this thing?

I know! They shouldn't be in comedy in the first place.

Dat nigga morphing into a toad.

Unpopular opinion: Maybe men and women find different things funny. Tumblr is full of women who find eachother hilarious.

You might have a point, but why do women often laugh at male comedians while men almost never laugh at female comedians?

In my experience, women don't find men all that funny. It's why the O&A audience is like 99.9999% male. Ask any woman you know if they like Will Ferrell movies. Or Caddyshack. Or Tommy Boy.

Women like it when guys do those douchey flirt jokes that WE ALL DO when we're trying to get our dicks wet.

I've seen women laugh at men way more often than I've seen men laugh at women. I also know women who like Caddyshack and Tommy Boy.

And I do know women that like Will Ferrell, but that's a moot point because Will Ferrell is not funny.

Women like deadpan snark, and snappy, sassy dialogue. Sex in the City and Gilmore Girls are full of thay. Or it will be "jokes" that are really just non-sequiturs said quickly. That's your internet comedy girl duo team. They have to pair up because SISTERS!

I think you're forgetting that when the opinions of men and women differ, women are always in the wrong lmao

Popular opinion: you are a contrarian moron and likely gay

There's no "likely" about it.

I'm sort of with you. It's probably more that women like drama for entertainment, and men like comedy for entertainment. Problem with that is: comedy in real life is still funny/entertaining, drama is just exhausting.

No patton the fact that it's 2016 and there are still no funny women is embarrassing for women.

It's 2017.

That's not true. His wife's final moments on earth had me in stitches.


"Don't appropriate BLM slogans, dear."

The fact that it's the current year and Patton Oswalt is still saying it's 2016 is so embarrassing.

I wonder if this special, along with Patton, includes O.J. Simpson and Scott Peterson's opinions on women in comedy

It's still a topic because broads keep bringing it up. Anytime a comedy with a woman is successful, we're forced to endure 6 months of "See? SEE?! Women ARE funny, so there!".



In the picture he's describing how big of a receptacle you need to hid evidence of a murder.

Women are inferior to men every way except aesthetics.

They exist only to prepare food for men and to have their orifices filled with goo.

Women who become overweight or unattractive serve no purpose and should be killed immediately.

Similarly, women who don't swallow and those who express unwillingness to allow entry to the anus should be beaten until they learn to perform their duties happily.

The only funny thing about these creatures is that they exist.

Well they have to exist. We can't shoot babies out our assholes yet. The funny thing is that they are allowed to be in positions of authority over adult men. My cousin is a cop and every time she talks about arresting someone I laugh and call her a liar.

What's up with his neck? Is that what they call gouter?

He wants some new pussy that's why he's saying all of this. After all he did murder his wife.

This late aged dyke looking twat is insufferable.

In my experience, women don't find men all that funny. It's why the O&A audience is like 99.9999% male. Ask any woman you know if they like Will Ferrell movies. Or Caddyshack. Or Tommy Boy.

Women like it when guys do those douchey flirt jokes that WE ALL DO when we're trying to get our dicks wet.

I've seen women laugh at men way more often than I've seen men laugh at women. I also know women who like Caddyshack and Tommy Boy.

And I do know women that like Will Ferrell, but that's a moot point because Will Ferrell is not funny.

Women like deadpan snark, and snappy, sassy dialogue. Sex in the City and Gilmore Girls are full of thay. Or it will be "jokes" that are really just non-sequiturs said quickly. That's your internet comedy girl duo team. They have to pair up because SISTERS!